Administrator's Corner

December 4, 2023

Happy Monday, TJ!

First off, thank you to Ms. Charles and all the staff that made First Friday such a success last week. The students, staff, and faculty had so much fun!

NOW it's time to buckle down, TJ. One week of school before finals. Students, make sure you are doing what you need to do including being on time, utilizing office hours, and getting that work done well. 

Another thank you to families, students, and staff who have made Saturday School successful! We have one more this Saturday the 9th for students to take advantage of leading into finals

Please note that the school does not open to students until 7:55 (8:55 on Wednesdays).

Lastly, we have some great activities coming up for students during finals to help with mindfulness and stress as well as a study hall. Stay tuned for more information. 

Have a great week, TJ!

¡Feliz lunes, TJ!

En primer lugar, gracias a la Sra. Charles y a todo el personal que hizo del Primer Viernes un éxito la semana pasada. ¡Los estudiantes, el personal y la facultad se divertieron mucho!

AHORA es el momento de doblarse, TJ. Una semana de escuela antes de las finales. Estudiantes, asegúrese de que está haciendo lo que necesita hacer, incluyendo estar a tiempo, utilizar las horas de oficina y hacer bien ese trabajo.

¡Otro agradecimiento a las familias, estudiantes y personal que han hecho que la Escuela Sabática sea un éxito! Tenemos uno más este sábado 9 para que los estudiantes aprovechen los exámenes finales.

Tenga en cuenta que la escuela no abre a los estudiantes hasta las 7:55 (8:55 los miércoles).

DPS Monthly School Lunch Menu
Click here to access DPS Online Pay

Por último, tenemos algunas grandes actividades que vienen para los estudiantes durante las finales para ayudar con la atención plena y el estrés, así como una sala de estudio. Manténgase atento para obtener más información.

tienen una gran semana, TJ!

Jon Poole

Assistant Principal

Week at a Glance


  • Class of 2025 BirdCall fundraiser: 10:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m. (details below)
  • TJ Art Show (all week) - see below for times
  • Mama Mia Auditions: 4-6 p.m. (details below)


  • Student Art Showcase in room 111: at lunch and from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
  • Mama Mia Auditions: 4-6 p.m. (details below)
  • PTO meeting: 6-7:30 in room 111
  • Concurrent Enrollment Application Night: 6-7 in the cafeteria


  • Student Art Showcase in room 111: at lunch
  • Mama Mia Auditions: 4-6 p.m. (details below)
  • Makers Faire: 5:30-7:30 p.m.


  • Student Art Showcase in room 111: at lunch and from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
  • Winter Instrumental Concert: 7:00 p.m.



  • Final Saturday School of the semester - click here for the schedule
Kudos Korner

Big thanks to Danyelle Charles for spearheading another amazing First Friday/Winter Wonderland last week! We appreciate all who helped her with the planning and the activities: Carla Allen, Betty VanNorden, Cindy Allen, Major Lewis, Brittany Nicolo, Tom Conroy and Facilities, Bridget Couch, Matt Santambrogio, the Admin Team, Graham Baughn, Herb Lynch, Jason Klimczak, Marianna Barclay, Liz Lynch, Erin Thompson, Jeff Almond, Kate Stecklein, Leslie Hillen, Brittany Cook, and anyone else who helped out!

It was a fun way for everyone to celebrate nearing the finish line!


It is with great pride that I get to inform you that 22 of our 88 competitors qualified for the State DECA Conference at the Broadmoor in February in their respective events. Over 740 competitors from 10 schools competed yesterday and it was awesome to see our Spartans perform professionally with character and integrity the whole day. 

If you see the following students in the halls give them a high 5 and a very special thank you to Paula Hammel, Jillian Gleason, Emily Bobrick, Erin Thompson, Maggie Kennedy, Natalie Koncz, and Jeremy Anderson for chaperoning the event! Thank you all for supporting our program here at TJ, it takes a village and we have an amazing village.

Once a Spartan, Always a Spartan!

Matt Nicolo, DECA Advisor

Finals Week Schedule

Please email Mr. Christoff directly if there is a potential conflict regarding our Finals schedule at (

Concurrent Enrollment Application Night

All students and parents/guardians of students taking Concurrent Enrollment/Dual Enrollment (CE/DE) classes in the Spring semester are highly encouraged to attend our Concurrent Enrollment Application Night on Tuesday, December 5 from 6-7 pm in the cafeteria. This night will be the perfect opportunity for families to complete the mandatory paperwork for Spring CE classes (applications and agreement paperwork) and to get important information about CE/DE classes. Representatives from Arapahoe Community College will be available to help with applications and answer any CE-related questions you might have. Students who took CE-PSY 1001 or CE-MAT 1240 in the Fall do not need to attend as your applications from the Fall semester will apply to Spring classes.

Maker Faire

Student Art Show this Week!

TJ Food Bank

Details regarding the December Food Bank & Holiday Food distribution will be sent via email.  

Reach out to Megan Perkins (, Becca Mahoney ( or Jillian Krause ( with questions.

Thank you to the TJ Community for your continued support of the Food Bank!  If you are interested in making a financial contribution to the TJ Food Bank, you can do so HERE.

Class of 2024 PROM Fundraising Auction!


Help support the TJ Senior Students with their Prom Fundraising efforts! The Class of 2024 received a generous donation of an Avalanche hockey stick signed by the 2001 Stanley Cup Championship team that is available for bidding through 8:00 pm on December 21. And to sweeten the deal there is an opportunity for a TRIPLE MATCH of funds raised!  

Here is your opportunity to own a piece of hockey's iconic triumph with this exclusive item—a hockey stick autographed by the revered 2001 Stanley Cup-winning Colorado Avalanche team! This cherished memento bears the signatures of legends such as Team Captain Joe Sakic, alongside the remarkable talents of Peter Forsberg, Patrick Roy, Adam Foote, Milan Hejduk, and more. Celebrate the triumphs of this historic team and elevate your collection with this cherished symbol of sporting excellence.

Reach out to Megan Perkins ( with questions!

Login in HERE to bid!  

PTO News

Support our Teacher Appreciation Fund on Colorado Gives Day (TOMORROW!)

The TJ PTO “elves” are hard at work crafting our holiday

gift to staff. We spend about $6000 a year “pampering” our

staff, so you don’t have to send a scented holiday candle in with your student for each teacher. Click here to contribute $5-50 to the Teacher Appreciation Fund, or any of the PTO’s other initiatives. Plus, the TJHS PTO is a 501c3 non-profit. Your donations are 100% tax deductible.

Volunteers Needed For First Friday - This Friday 12/1

This month’s First Friday is holiday themed and will have lots of fun things in store for our students. (Make sure you send them to school with a few dollars to purchase treats!) Our staff need a few parents to help with the festivities, from approximately 1-4pm. Contact Danyelle Charles if you can help -

Attention Parents who love the Visual Arts (or have students involved in visual arts)

The PTO is forming a committee to manage the Bus Stop Art Gallery on Hampden. This public art space is a collaboration between RTD, TJHS and the PTO. This project is a past recipient of a grant from the City of Denver’s “Art in Public Spaces” program. The Committee will be responsible for liaising with TJ staff to produce quarterly art installments.

Interested? Email

Help Wanted!

The PTO still has vacancies in the following positions. Contact us to learn more about these and

other opportunities to give back to TJ:

Fund Raising Chair(s)

2024-25 Leadership: Our President and Vice President positions will be vacant as of

May. We’re hoping to have “apprentices” in place by January to shadow the current officers for a

semester. Now is the time to step up!

Thank you to Tracy Smith for volunteering to serve as Member-at-Large, representing the Class of 2026 parents.

The December 5 PTO Meeting will be a working board retreat. All parents are welcome to

attend. Tues. 12/5, 6-7:30pm in Room 111 at TJ.

Questions? Want to get involved? Join our e-mail list:

Mama Mia Auditions

Come out for Spring Musical Auditions!

Coming this Spring, Thomas Jefferson High School Presents Mamma Mia! The hit jukebox musical featuring all of ABBA's most popular songs.

Singing/Acting Auditions will take place Monday 12/4, Tuesday 12/5, and Wednesday 12/6, from 4-6PM in the auditorium.

Please come prepared with a memorized song (16 bars or more) that fits the personality and style of the character you would most like to play. Bring an instrumental version to sing along to or you can perform it a capella. As the songs in a musical drive the plot and the characters forward, you should act out the song in character, complete with mannerisms and personality.

Finally, stay tuned for a video teaching you the choreography for the dance auditions that will be posted before break. You will have those two weeks to practice and when we return, we will hold that second round of auditions and from there go through callbacks and casting.

Sign ups are outside Moss's room (233) and Reed's room (148 at the end of the Music Hallway).

Hope to see you there TJ!

TJ Spirit Store

Thank you to all of you who ordered from the online store! Expect to hear from us about merchandise being delivered by December 15th. 

For other requests or questions please email us at Thank you TJ community for your school spirit! 

Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips

Did You Know…

(en español)

We have one week until finals!?

If you haven’t already started to do this…

  • Ask your teacher what will be on the final
  • Find a “study buddy”
  • Ask for a study guide
  • Ask if the test will be open or closed notes!
  • Review notes and content you may not understand, then make an appointment to go in for lunch help and utilize Office Hours!

Remember to:

  • Get good sleep the days leading up to the exams
  • Eat healthy food (lower in sugar, higher in whole grains and protein)
  • Practice good self care: go for walks, talk with family and friends, draw, color, dance, sing, play an instrument, listen to music, do a puzzle!

Breathe! You can do this!

Mental Health and Social Emotional “Did You Know”: Compiled by Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP and Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW. 

Final Saturday School to Support Students

Saturday school is underway to support students with their Math milestones, English competencies, acquisition of the English language, and credit/unit recovery. Saturday school will go through December 9th. Snacks and drinks included as well as Breakfast Snacks. Please fill out this form by Wednesday if you would like your student to attend. Here is the schedule for Saturday.

Weekly Incentive Prizes for students: Tickets to Elitches Garden, Zoo, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Sports games, Legos, backpacks, travel bags.

Mental Health at FACE University

FACE University News:

Mental Health Series for ALL DPS Parents!

Over three sessions, we will discuss behaviors, mental health, and resources to support our students. Keep reading to learn more about each session and RSVP!

Live sessions (and recordings of past sessions) are FREE for all parents - Help us spread the word!

English Flyer

Spanish Flyer

Vietnamese Flyer

EdConnect Concurent Enrollment Education Courses

Click here to learn more!

Yearbook News

Buy A Yearbook Now!

Sparta-Fill is Here!

For more information, please visit

Future Center News

Spartan Seniors and Families,

Click here to learn more about the Denver Scholarship Foundation and the DSF Scholarship

Seniors: Great work so far! As a class you have earned over $700,000 in scholarship dollars already!  In your Future Center: TJFC2024 schoology course, you will find many resources to help you with your college process. 

College planning tasks from your Future Center schoology to work on now:

  • Create your FSAID ( username and password) for the FAFSA application. Students and parent(s) must have an FSAID ( username and password) to complete the FAFSA which will likely open December 31st. 
  • Some colleges require completion of the CSS Profile for financial aid. Click here for more information
  • Review your Weekly Scholarship Highlights and submit applications!
  • Share your College Acceptances and Scholarship Wins- ongoing! Follow the college provided instructions to log into your college email(s) and portals. Check these regularly! 
  • Be sure to use your Steps for Complete College Applications to guide you. Using MAIA Learning, linking your Common App to MAIA, and completing transcript request form(s) are all REQUIRED! 

Emily Webster, M.S..

DSF Lead College Advisor

Alyssa Baker, M.Ed. 

DSF College Advisor

Class News You Can Use

Class of 2024 - Seniors

After Prom Planning Committee Update: Thank you to those who joined us earlier this month.

Meeting notes were sent to those on our 2024 email list. Email to get on

the list! In December, we’ll share more information on plans and ways to get involved in this

special night for our seniors. The money is all raised, now it’s time for the fun part! THANK YOU

to Cheri Jones for volunteering to lead the committee.


THIS THURSDAY 11/30: Jostens’ Group Order Deadline for Graduation Announcements, Cap & Gown. Click here to order online.

1/30/24: final deadline to purchase Senior Recognition Ads for the yearbook.

Friday, 4/19/24: New date and location for Prom - Space Gallery in Denver’s Art District.

There’s no school for students on 4/19!

5/20/24: Senior Check Out (last day for Seniors)

5/21/24: Graduation Rehearsal @ TJ; Cap & Gown Distribution

5/28/24: Graduation at 1pm at the University of Denver’s Magness Arena

Class of 2025 - Juniors

Dine with @Eat.Birdcall on Hampden on December 4th all day and they will donate 25% back to Class of 2025! You must enter promo code TJJH1204 before you finalize your order for the donations to go back to us. See you there!

#Fundraiser #Birdcall #DriveFor25

If you can’t make it but want to help, please consider donating directly to Class of 2025!

Class of 2026 - Sophomores

We will have an in-person meeting in late January to discuss how you can get involved with planning fun class activities and fundraising efforts in the Spring. 

If you haven’t donated to the Class of 2026, and would like to do so by the end of the

year, please click on the PTO link below:

If you have corporate matching, please have your donations matched. Remember, every little bit helps! You may also share the PTO link with family, friends, and neighbors.

Happy Holiday!

Sheila and Carrie

Class of 2027 - Freshmen

Freshmen Parents - want to connect? Contact Committee Chair Kendal Mullins at or 303-875-6810.

Please consider making a donation to the Class of 2027’s Class Fund. Donations will

support the After Prom event (held Senior Year) and other class activities that will be planned by

our Parent Committee these next four years. Your donation is tax deductible as the TJ Partners

PTO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please reach out to your employer as your donation

may be eligible for matching funds.

The Class of 2027 Donation Link is found in the PTO’s Online Store:

Stay Connected, Spartans!