Class of 2022: Congratulations on earning OVER $4.5 MILLION in scholarship dollars so far. Be sure to set aside time for your Institutional Scholarship Applications to earn even more money for college! 
Check your email regularly for updates from your colleges and 
SHARE YOUR ADMISSIONS WINS! Your college(s) may be asking you for more information in order to award you financial aid. Don’t miss out! 
Make note of your institutional scholarship deadlines. These opportunities are one of THE BEST forms of $$$$ for college available to you. Apply to the institutional scholarships for at minimum the top three colleges to which you’ve been admitted! This typically means you need to create your college email address and password. Do this as soon as possible to allow time for any log in delays! Many apps are due March 1st- Start them now! 
The DSF Scholarship opened on February 1st.
Important Dates:
February 15: FAFSA/CASFA DUE for some schools←—--------Get this done ASAP!, Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship DUE, MSU Denver Immigrant Services: College for Non-Citizens Virtual Presentation
February 17: Virtual Insight Panel: Careers in Construction and Architecture 
February 28- University Hills Rotary STEM Scholarship DUE
March 1: Elevations Foundation Scholarship DUE, CO School of Mines, CSU Pueblo, MSU Denver, UCCS, CU Denver and more Scholarship Applications DUE, 
Most institutional scholarship deadlines are in March! Note that some colleges’ deadlines have passed.

Katie Damas 
Future Center Advisor CC Fellow
Future Center Phone #: 720-423-7134 
Rm 135
Emily Webster
College Advisor | Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
789 Sherman Street, Suite 610 | Denver, CO 80203