Administrator's Corner
January 16, 2023
We hope everyone is back in the swing of things now that we've finished the second week of the semester. We would like to encourage all students to take some time to set goals for the spring. Remember that strong attendance is key, and that staying on top of your assignments and getting extra help will go a long way. Be sure to check in with teachers for extra help, and after school tutoring is always available as a support when needed. Parents, you can support your student by monitoring their progress on the parent portal.
SAT Prep got underway this week. If you have an 11th grader and you would like more information about this free program please reach out to Mr. Poole. (
Remember, during the winter months there are some messy morning commutes. Please keep an eye on the weather and plan accordingly (especially seniors!) so that we can keep our attendance rates up!
Good luck TJ, and let's stay on top of our work and our progress to make it another great semester!
Esperamos que todos estén de vuelta en el ritmo de las cosas ahora que hemos terminado la segunda semana del semestre. Nos gustaría animar a todos los estudiantes a tomarse un tiempo para establecer metas para la primavera. Recuerde que una asistencia fuerte es clave, y que mantenerse al día de sus tareas y obtener ayuda adicional será muy útil. Asegúrese de consultar con los maestros para obtener ayuda adicional, y la tutoría después de la escuela siempre está disponible como apoyo cuando sea necesario. Padres, usted puede apoyar a su estudiante monitoreando su progreso en el portal para padres.
SAT Prep comenzó esta semana. Si tiene un estudiante de 11º grado y desea obtener más información sobre este programa gratuito, comuníquese con el Sr. Poole. (
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Recuerde, durante los meses de invierno hay algunos viajes desordenados por la mañana. Por favor, mantenga un ojo en el clima y planifique en consecuencia (¡especialmente las personas mayores!) ¡para que podamos mantener nuestras tasas de asistencia al alza!
Andrew Skari
Assistant Principal
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- Birdcall fundraiser for class of 2025 (details below)
- Food Bank Distribution Day (details below): 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
- Class of 2024 Meeting at lunch - room 149 (finalizing the Prom location!)
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Congrats to Emanuel Morales! After a lot of hard work, he earned a 6th place finalist trophy in the recent Speech and Debate competition! We love seeing dedication pay off!
Big thanks to the Student Excellence Team for dealing with some difficult situations recently. We appreciate your support in keeping our students and building safe!
Congrats to to Jayden Sanchez and Alexis Garcia for being hired as Youth Apprentices. They were hired by the Slate Hotel and the Hyatt Regency (respectively) and will begin putting their passion for cooking to work in the kitchens of these hotels. They will work in select service, full-service restaurants, and banquets, prepping food, preparing meals, and assisting with plate-ups for large banquets. Learn more about the Youth Apprenticeship Program HERE or email
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Conflict Resolution Art Contest Winners | |
Congratulations to the artists who participated in the 3rd Annual Conflict Resolution Art Contest!
Artists were asked to create an art piece that portrays what conflict resolution means to them.
The beautiful results are now on display in the Bus Stop Art Gallery on Hampden Avenue.
Thank you also to Ms. Wagner, Mr. Esparza and the PTO and DECA leaders in creating the
display. Please stop by the bus stop this month to check out their work!
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1st Place
Artist: Alaine Gaherty, Grade: 9
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2nd Place
Artist: Ada Niu, Grade: 9
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3rd Place
Artist: Sedra Allouf, Grade: 12
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Honorable Mention
Artist: Roselyn Benally, Grade: 12
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TJ Food Bank Distribution Program | |
The January Food Bank distribution is this Tuesday, January 17 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm. Distribution will take place at the North end of the Thomas Jefferson High School building (3950 S. HOLLY ST, DENVER, CO 80237).
La distribución del Banco de Alimentos en enero es martes el 17 de enero de 3:00-5:00 pm. La distribución se llevará en el norte del edificio de Thomas Jefferson (3950 S. HOLLY ST, DENVER, CO 80237).
Please reach out to Megan Perkins ( Becca Mahoney ( or Jillian Krause ( with questions.
If you are interested in making a monetary donation to the TJ Food Bank you can do so HERE. We appreciate your support!
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MEETING MINUTES POSTED: Thanks to all who attended last week’s PTO meeting! We reviewed plans
for spring events and activities. The minutes and financial summary from our January meeting are
posted here. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 7 at 6pm in Room 111.
2023-23 COMMITTEE CHAIRS NEEDED – We’re looking for the next leaders to oversee the TJ Auction
and the Spartan Grants program. These are two separate positions – one that raises funds for the school
and the other that gives it away! These are both programs that take place Spring Semester, so we’re
hoping new volunteers can “shadow” the current chairs this Spring to learn the ropes. Please email to learn more. Additional opportunities for 2023-24 include the PTO Secretary
and PTO Treasurer positions.
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Fundraiser for class of 2025 | |
Want to help support the class of 2025? Visit Birdcall off of Hampden Avenue on Tuesday, January 17th. Use promo code: tj0117 and 25% of your meal will be donated back to us! How cluckin' awesome is that? #GoodFood #Birdcall #Fundraiser #Drivefor25 | |
TJ Baseball is starting optional winter workouts in preparation for the upcoming Spring season! We will have weightlifting on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3-4 pm. On Wednesdays we will meet in the Library at 4 pm to do some mental skills training where our players will learn how to set proper goals, control their breathing, design effective pre-performance routines, and other skills. These are all free to attend.
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We will have workouts at Legends Baseball and Softball training facility (1338 S Valentia St, Denver, CO 80247) from 8-10 am every Saturday until Feb 25. The cost to attend the workouts at Legends is $75/player for the whole period. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Baughn by email at | |
TJ Parents,
TJHS is excited to announce that Thomas Jefferson High School will be providing CHALLENGE DAY to our Junior and Senior class. It will be February 13th, 14th, 15th, or 16th.
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February 13th: Juniors A-L
February 14th: Juniors M-Z
February 15th: Seniors A-L
February 16th: Seniors M-Z
Every Junior and Senior is asked to participate. Please click here to let us know if your student will be attending.
There is also a $20 participation fee to help offset the cost of the workshop which includes professional facilitators. Lunch will be provided. Please log into my school bucks for payment of fee.
What is Challenge Day?
Imagine a school where everyone feels safe, loved and celebrated. Imagine enemies finding common ground and making peace; friends healing past hurts and making amends; people igniting their passion for service and leadership; adults and youth working together to create a school where everyone is included and thrives. The program addresses issues such as self-esteem, bullying, oppression, violence, etc. It is a cultural building opportunity that creates change makers. This is Challenge Day.
If you are curious of what challenge day looks like you can YouTube it. It premiered on MTV, Chicken Soup for The Souls and OPRAH. Here is a great glimpse at what challenge day does for the community:
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The Spirit Store will be open every month during First Friday, as well as some of the upcoming home basketball games. In the meantime, if you are looking for a TJ hoodie, t-shirt, PJ pants, joggers, hat, seat cushion, sticker, bracelet, etc., please email us at and we’ll help you get the items you want. | |
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips | |
Did You Know…?
(en español)
The “winter blues” are a real thing for many people!
Some people tend to feel depressed in the wintertime. Less daylight, dreary weather, and the high expectations for the holidays can all combine to trigger a range of emotions. While most enjoy the winter season, others experience the “winter blues.”
Signs include:
- depressed mood
- fatigue and excess sleeping
- binging on comfort foods
- weight gain
So, what can I do?
- Remember PAS- Positive Asset Search. This is a positive technique used by mental health professionals which helps clients think up their positive strengths and attributes to get them into a strong mindset about themselves.
- For example, make a mental asset list, or better yet, write it down somewhere!
- What am I thankful for?
- What's my unique gift that no one can take away?
- Who loves me, and who do I love?
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News from the Denver Scholarship Foundation Future Center | |
Spartan Seniors and Families,
Congratulations on having earned over $2.1 million in scholarship dollars thus far. Keep up the AMAZING work!
Be sure to complete your Common App Transcript Request or other Transcript Request Form (all non-CA) for all applications you submit! Use these forms to request your Semester 7 Transcripts and Mid-Year Reports, if applicable. Remember, you are responsible for sending your SAT scores to your colleges.
- Submit your FAFSA or CASFA as soon as possible.
Check to see if any of your colleges require the CSS Profile to be completed.
Review your Weekly Scholarship Highlights and apply for any scholarship for which you are eligible including your college(s) scholarships!
- Most Institutional (college specific) Scholarships are open for application. Apply to the scholarships for MORE THAN ONE of your top colleges so you have options.
Share your admissions and scholarship wins by completing the linked forms!
- Check your email regularly for updates from your colleges which may include admissions decisions, scholarship awards, and/or requests for more information in order to grant you financial aid. Complete required tasks in a timely manner!
Important Dates and Opportunities:
Sunday, January 15th: CU Boulder and University of Denver Regular Decision Deadline
Wednesday, January 18th: Emily Griffith Technical College Info Session
Thursday, January 26th: Emily Griffith Technical College Application Day!
Tuesday, January 31st: Colorado Mesa University Scholarship Applications DUE
Wednesday, February 1st: Denver Scholarship Foundation Scholarship Application OPENS
Class of 2024: Be sure to check your schoology course list for YOUR TJFC 2024 course. Use the resources provided to continue your college planning!
Emily Webster
DSF College Advisor
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2023 AFTER PROM for seniors and their guests to be held at TJ LATE NIGHT on April 29, 2023 11 p.m. - 2:00 a.m.
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If you are interested in helping with After Prom set up or the actual event, please let us know! Click here for a simple form indicating what part you would like to help with. We need 60+ parents to step forward and be part of this really fun event!
For more information contact Karla Henke
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WISH FUNDRAISER! Please help support the Seniors with their Prom at this Wish Fundraiser! | |
Please DONATE $23 for ‘23
$10 $23 $50 $100 $230 whatever you are able to do! This money supports 2023 fun class activities, community-building, senior year events and of course AFTER-PROM!
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Your direct support goes to:
- AFTER-PROM transforming TJ into an amazing FREE event - fabulous decorations, food, prizes, games, inflatables - you name it…your funds help pay for it!
- SENIOR SLEEPOUT & SENIOR SPLASH - we underwrite the events so Seniors make Money for their Prom
- Other upcoming SENIOR EVENTS
These events could not happen without your Financial Donations! Click here to help achieve our goals! THANK YOU TO SO MANY OF YOU WHO HAVE GENEROUSLY DONATED ALREADY!
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* PARENTS & STUDENTS: FAFSA Applications Are Now Open - Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) See Future Center for more Details!
* PARENTS & STUDENTS: Now Open - CHALLENGE DAY FEE is in your MYSCHOOLBUCKS Account MYSCHOOLBUCKS and you also need to register here CHALLENGE DAY SIGN UP (Challenge Day Event for Seniors will be Thursday or Friday, February 16 or 17, 2023.)
* PARENTS & STUDENTS - WISH FUNDRAISER: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 6-8 p.m. Please Shop & Support! Code: TJHS2023 @ WISH GIFTS Happy Canyon 5014 E. Hampden Ave.
* SENIORS & PARENTS Important MANDATORY Graduation Dates - note new additions:
Senior Check-out Day 1:
Friday, May 12, 2023 - 7:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Thomas Jefferson High School
Senior Breakfast, Rehearsal, Cap & Gown Pick-up - Check-out Day 2:
Monday, May 15, 2023 - 7:00 a.m. Senior Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Rehearsal, Cap & Gown Pick-up and Final Check-out Opportunity
Thomas Jefferson High School
Graduation Rehearsal:
Tuesday, May 16, 2023 - 10:00 a.m. to Noon
University of Denver - Magness Arena
TJ 2023 Graduation Ceremony:
Thursday, May 18, 2023 - Senior Arrival at 1:00 p.m. - Ceremony at 2:00 p.m.
University of Denver - Magness Arena
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We need all of you!
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We always need more help and input and the 2023 Seniors have a big year ahead! If you would like to get in on the action, please be on our Senior Parent Committee/Group for Senior Year Events and After Prom Event at TJ, please send your contact info to:
Catherine Poirier or
Christy Jordan - we will get you involved!
If you know you would like to help with After Prom, Karla Henke is our After Prom Event Volunteer Coordinator!
You can also REALLY help by donating directly to 2023 here: 2023 Class Donations | TJHS PTO
2023 Class Faculty Sponsors are:
Mrs. Annie Berg, MSW, - Room 114B
Mr. Nic Long, - Room 237
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Class Donations
If you haven’t donated to the Class of 2024, now is your chance! Corporate matching is a great, easy way to raise funds. Money raised will be used for the Class of 2024 After Prom.
Please click on the PTO Square link to support the class. Feel free to pass the link onto family and friends! (
Parent Meetings
Parent meetings will be held every few months to discuss fundraising and events to
support the Junior Class. If you have fundraising ideas, please mark your calendar
when the information is posted or reach out!
Extraordinary parents – come get involved!
Reach out with questions, comments, and ideas. We look forward to a great year!
Rebecca Moore
Tambyr Reed
Robin Morrissey
Dyanna Spicher (parent)
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Class of 2025 - Sophomores | |
Our first meeting will be on January 31st at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will take place at TJ in Room 111. We will begin planning fun class activities and fundraising efforts. In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about our class efforts or have ideas to share, please reach out to either Carrie or Sheila at or
If you would like to donate to the Class of 2026 please click on the PTO link below:
If you have corporate matching, please have your donations matched. Remember, every little bit helps! You may also share the PTO link with family, friends, and neighbors.
Let’s go TJ Class of 2026!
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Stay Connected, Spartans! | | | | |