January 2022 | Newsletter
So Many Ways to Give to Valley Outreach
Every dollar donated to Valley Outreach helps us serve our community today and in the future! We are committed to being good stewards of the donations we receive. Here are some ways to give to Valley Outreach:

Matching Gifts - Many companies financially match employee gifts or volunteer hours. Check with your employer to see if you can amplify your gift this way.

Gifts of Stocks – Gifts of stock or mutual fund shares offer attractive tax benefits while at the same time providing the satisfaction that you are helping people receive the personalized support they need. Learn more about Stock Transfer Instructions (pdf).

Qualified Charitable Distributions from an IRA – If you are age 70 and a 1/2 or older, you may exclude from your taxable income any IRA funds up to $100,000 that have been transferred to Valley Outreach (Tax ID# 41-1452973) when filing a tax return. Please consult your tax advisor or www.irs.gov for the most current information.

Planned Giving - Consider including Valley Outreach in your estate plans and join our Sustainer’s Circle. This long-term fund gives us the ability to “weather any storm.” Our ambitious goal is to have $1 million in commitments to our Vibrant Future Fund by 2023 – our 40-year anniversary. Learn more about planned giving (pdf).
Feel Good About Your Gift
Valley Outreach was recently recognized by two evaluators of nonprofits. This means donors can feel good knowing their gifts are making an impact on our mission and helping our community.

We are once again a Meets Standards® organization with Charities Review Council! Their review process examines four key areas: Public Disclosure, Governance, Financial Activity, and Fundraising. As a Meets Standards® organization, we have led our organization to greater strength, efficacy, and to the achievement of the Meets Standards® seal.

We also earned our fourth consecutive 4-star rating from Charity Navigator! This is their highest possible rating and indicates that our organization adheres to sector best practices and executes our mission in a financially efficient way. Charity Navigator is a national organization that aims to accentuate the work of efficient and transparent organizations.
Got a question? Check out our
Frequently Asked Questions page!
When we launched our updated website last fall, we included some frequently asked questions and answers.

Here's an example of what you can find there - a common question we receive about donations:

Why do you only accept food, clothing, and financial donations?
We focus on providing people with food, clothing, and personalized support to meet their most immediate needs and only accept donations that directly serve our mission. Our volunteer and staff time is precious and sorting through items that don’t support our programs can take them away from helping people who need our services. Our Clothing Donations page has some additional information and links to other programs that may accept items we don’t take.

If you have a question and don't see it listed, feel free to email info@valleyoutreachmn.org.
Let's Make It Better. Together.
“Dropped off donations but I have had my fair share of hard times and Valley Outreach is the most amazing support I've ever encountered. If you're looking for somebody to lift you up and not just hand you something, they are the place to go. They really and truly have an incredible staff and volunteers with hearts of gold!!!!”

- A Google review from a donor and client
Drive-up Donation Hours
M - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
W/F - Closed
T/Th - 1:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Service Hours
M/F - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
W - Closed
T/Th - 1:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Valley Outreach
1911 Curve Crest Blvd. West
Stillwater, Minnesota 55082

Call Us: 651-430-2739