Administrator's Corner
January 3, 2022
Happy New Year, Spartans!
Teachers are hard at work today preparing for another great semester. Today is the last day for students to sleep in! We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning when all students report back to school.
We are so pleased with how flexible and accommodating everyone has been this year, from mask wearing inside the building to sports spectating during this ongoing weird time. We hope that the numbers get better and we are able to do more and more "normal" things during the spring semester and leading into graduation for our seniors!
Please remember that as the weather and traffic get bad, it is critical to plan ahead and leave earlier in order to be on time to class.
For many students this is a wonderful time to hit the reset button - on attendance, grades, habits, and behavior. Let's have a strong start, Spartans. New year, new chapter!
¡Feliz Año Nuevo, espartanos!
Los profesores trabajan duro hoy en día preparándose para otro gran semestre. ¡Hoy es el último día para que los estudiantes duerman! Esperamos ver a todos mañana por la mañana cuando todos los estudiantes se reporten a la escuela.
Estamos muy satisfechos con lo flexible y acogedor que ha sido todo el mundo este año, desde el uso de máscaras en el interior del edificio hasta los deportes que se ven durante esta época tan extraña. ¡Esperamos que los números mejoren y que podamos hacer más y más cosas “normales” durante el semestre de primavera y conducir a la graduación para nuestras personas mayores!
Por favor recuerde que como el tiempo y el tráfico se están malentando, es crítico planear con anticipación y salir antes para estar a tiempo para ir a clase.
Para muchos estudiantes, este es un momento maravilloso para pulsar el botón de reinicio: Asistencia, calificaciones, hábitos y comportamiento. Vamos a tener un comienzo fuerte, espartanos. Año nuevo, nuevo capítulo!
Mike Christoff
We are so lucky to have such a wonderful and committed group of parents running the monthly TJ Food Bank! Thanks to their hard work and organization, we were able to help out 90 TJ families with holiday food donations. We appreciate you, Megan Perkins, Becca Mahoney, Amber Laiminger, Amy Scott, Jillian Krause, and Carrie Alleman. Thanks for making a big difference in so many lives!
Thank you to Samanda Davis for spearheading the annual Adopt-a-Family event, and to all who donated and helped!
- 55 families received gifts
- Over 300 kids wish lists were granted
- 90 families received Holiday dinner
- 90 families received staples to get them through the break
Shout Outs....
- The TJ staff who took on quite a few of the 55 families
- Food Bank for the food staples
- DECA for all the wrapping paper, tape, gift tags and providing some students who were helpful
Matt Santambrogio for the use of his room
- Maintenance for setting up tables
- To Elite Dance Academy and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for donating 80 holiday dinners and gift cards
Maggie Kennedy, Erin Thompson, and Jillian Gleason for their systems and organization
TJ has an amazing community! Happy New Year!
- Thanks to the Leadership students for organizing fun holiday events during finals week!
Thanks to Danyelle Charles for for organizing and hosting the staff white elephant party! Thanks to the cafeteria staff for providing an awesome lunch for the faculty and staff!
Thanks to our TJ PTO parents for everything they do to support the staff, during the holidays and throughout the rest of the year!
Congratulations to Jessica Nesbit for being a finalist in the Congressional Debate event held at Cherry Creek High School's annual Winter Wonder Speech & Debate tournament. Way to go!
Thanks to Kyler Jackson and Suzanne Meyer for being celebrity judges for Leadership's Top Chef Competition! These two brave souls taste tested some interesting dishes with secret ingredients! (Fortunately the leadership class bought them lunch afterward to cleanse their palates).
TJ Food Bank and Distribution Program
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who made the Holiday Food Drive a huge success! Food was provided for more than 90 families to help over Winter Break and we could not have done it without the support of our amazing TJ community!
Look for information on our January Food Distribution date in next week's TJ Journal.
PTO NewsTJHTO Meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 9th at 7:00 pm
Welcome back from winter break! The PTO will begin making plans for the second semester at our next PTO meeting on Tuesday, January 11th from 7-8pm. Here are the Zoom details. We look forward to seeing you!
Time: Jan 11, 2022 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 5029 8464
Passcode: 479560
Youth TED Talk - Applications due Jan. 22!
Opportunity for students:
TEDx Cherry Creek is an event open to high school students from across the Denver Metro Region. Applications are due on Jan. 22!
TJ Spirit Store - New Items and Online Sale!
Paraprofessional Job Openings at TJ
There are 3-4 paraprofessional jobs available here at TJ! The job would pay $15 and would be from 7:20 am-2:50 pm. Please contact the main office if you are interested.
College and Career Readiness
Our goal is that all students graduate college and career ready. One of the ways we achieve this goal is to support students' career and college exploration through programs that provide opportunities for students to discover how their interests and passions might someday fit into the world of work. There are many resources to help you learn more about career and college programs in DPS, visit to learn more! Handouts: English / Spanish
Matthew Mason (He/Him/His)
Navigator at Thomas Jefferson High School
DPS Career and College Success
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know…?
We want to hear from you! As we kick-off the new semester and new year, we would like to know what are some topics for Newsletter Tips or TJ Talks you would like us to explore.
Click HERE to give us your input!
Mental Health and Social Emotional “Did You Know”: Compiled by Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP and Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW.
News from the Future Center
Congratulations on an AMAZING first semester. The TJ Class of 2022 has already earned over $1.5 million in scholarship dollars and 73% of college intending Spartans have been admitted to at least one college.
Keep up the hard work!
If you have not yet applied for FAFSA or CASFA (free money for college),
make a plan to get that done this week!
Check your email regularly for updates from your colleges and
SHARE YOUR ADMISSIONS WINS! Make note of your institutional scholarship deadlines. These opportunities are one of THE BEST forms of $$$$ for college available to you. Apply to the institutional scholarships for at minimum the top three colleges to which you’ve been admitted! Instructions for accessing the institutional scholarship applications vary by college. You can typically find the needed info by searching “MSU Denver Scholarships,” for example.
Have you been awarded scholarships and financial aid???
January 15- CU Boulder, CO School of Mines and University of Denver
Regular Decision Deadline
Katie Damas
Future Center Advisor CC Fellow
Future Center Phone #: 720-423-7134
Rm 135
Emily Webster
College Advisor | Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
789 Sherman Street, Suite 610 | Denver, CO 80203
Senior Class of 2022
With just a few months left, we are starting to get busy planning for the senior activities. We are looking for parents to get involved to make the last semester lots of fun. We’ll be planning a parent meeting soon so stay tuned!
STUDENTS! If you forgot to buy your T-shirt before break, no worries, Pre-Sales for Class of 2023 T-Shirts are still going! If you have ordered, great, but we still need many of you to go pay $15 to the Treasurer Mrs. Allen please!
Click here to order:
T-shirts are $15 each and ALL PROCEEDS go to your Senior Prom!
1) Fill the form out above on the 2023 T-shirt link with size, etc.
2) See Carla Allen our Treasurer with your $15 payment (Cash, Credit Card or Check to: Thomas Jefferson High School - Put “2023 T-Shirts” in memo line)
3) Your Class Advisors will be notified of payment
4) T-shirt Pick up will be Announced - Then Rock Your 2023 T-Shirt!
If you have any questions, please see your 2023 Sponsors Mrs. Berg or Ms. Taylor! We will conclude all of our orders this month, so hurry and get one today! Thank you!
Meeting ID: 810 1385 8187
Passcode: 280268
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 810 1385 8187
Class of 2024 - Sophomores
Parent Meeting – Join Us!
Class meetings will be held the third Tuesday of month at 7pm.
There will be no meetings during November and December due to the holidays and school breaks, please plan on joining us in January.
Our next meeting details:
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Jll McLain’s house
Class Donations – Every dime counts!
Sophomores are quite possibly the best “10s” out there! Gather those dimes (pennies, quarters, and ten-dollar bills too) and make a donation to the Class of 2024; money raised will be used for the Class of 2024 After Prom.
Please click on the PTO Square link to support the class. Feel free to pass the link onto family and friends! Corporate matching is always appreciated.
Extraordinary parents – come get involved!
Reach out with questions, comments, and ideas. We look forward to a great year!
Rebecca Moore
Tambyr Reed
Robin Morrissey
Dyanna Spicher (parent)
Stay Connected, Spartans!