Administrator's Corner

January 9, 2023

Happy Monday, Spartans!

It's great to have everyone back in the building! The beginning of a semester is a great time for students to create new helpful habits to ensure a successful semester: being on time to class, studying, managing time well, and engaging in social and athletic opportunities in our community.

The spring semester typically moves quickly, so please stay on top of your responsibilities and be sure to stay involved! Additionally, with the colder weather be sure to allow for extra time to get to school in the morning.

Please note that in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there will be no school on Jan. 16.

¡Feliz lunes, espartanos!

Es genial tener a todos de vuelta en el edificio! El comienzo de un semestre es un gran momento para que los estudiantes creen nuevos hábitos útiles para asegurar un semestre exitoso: Estar a tiempo para clase, estudiar, administrar bien el tiempo y participar en oportunidades sociales y atléticas en nuestra comunidad.

El semestre de primavera normalmente se mueve rápidamente, así que por favor manténgase al tanto de sus responsabilidades y asegúrese de mantenerse involucrado! Además, con el clima más frío, asegúrese de tener tiempo adicional para llegar a la escuela por la mañana.

Tenga en cuenta que en honor al Dr. Martín Lutero Rey Jr Día, no habrá escuela el 16 de enero.

DPS Monthly School Lunch Menu
Click here to access DPS Online Pay

Paula Hammel

Assistant Principal

Week at a Glance


  • TJ Class of 2023 After Prom Meeting & Walk-Thru: 6-7 p.m. in front lobby


  • TJHS Open House: 6-7:30 p.m.
  • PTO Meeting: 6-7 p.m. in room 111





Kudos Korner

Congratulations to math teacher Suzanne Meyer!


On behalf of the Denver Broncos and Delta Dental of Colorado, we are excited to share that she has been selected as a Most Valuable Teacher for the Fall 2022 Semester.

The Denver Broncos teamed up with Delta Dental of Colorado to launch Touchdowns for Teachers, a program that recognizes local educators for outstanding service to their schools and communities. The nomination form was open to the public and ten honorees were selected to represent the Fall 2022 Cohort.


She was nominated by Brock Strickland and selected by a panel of Denver Broncos and Delta Dental of Colorado representatives.


Honorees were chosen based on the amount of involvement in the school and/or community, degree of positive impact on the school and/or community, commitment to education in the school and/or community, and extraordinary efforts to educate, inspire and encourage their students.


Way to go, Meyer! We appreciate all that you do!

TJ Open House for Prospective Families - Tomorrow!

If you know of 8th graders who might want to attend TJ in the fall, please let them know about tomorrow night's open house! Thanks!

TJ Food Bank Distribution Program

The January Food Bank distribution will take place on Tuesday, January 17 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm. 

Any family that is in need of food support is welcomed and encouraged to sign up HERE. Please note that you MUST sign up for us to have food available for you at the distribution.

La distribución del Banco de Alimentos en enero es martes el 17 de enero de 3:00-5:00 pm.

Cualquier familia que necesite apoyo alimentario es bienvenida y alentada a inscribirse AQUÍ. Tenga en cuenta que DEBE registrarse para que tengamos alimentos disponibles para usted en la distribución.

Please reach out to Megan Perkins ( Becca Mahoney ( or Jillian Krause ( with questions.

If you are interested in making a monetary donation to the TJ Food Bank you can do so HERE. We appreciate your support again this year! 

PTO News

NEXT MEETING - Please join us for our next meeting – Tuesday, 1/10 at 6pm in the Community

Room (Rm 111) at TJHS. We will start making plans for second semester at this meeting and look

forward to seeing you!

HELP WANTED - After many years of service to our school, the PTO Secretary and Treasurer will both be

“retiring” this spring – their youngest children are graduating! We are looking for two organized

volunteers to take on these mostly ‘behind the scenes’ roles for next school year. Please email to learn more. We hope to have a transition to new officers by Spring Break.

AMAZON SMILE – Did you know that the PTO receives between $4-500 per year from Amazon Smile? If you haven’t signed selected a charity in your Amazon account, we’re known as “Thomas Jefferson High School Partners.” It’s another great “passive fundraiser” which earns money from your usual household spending. THANK YOU to those who already participate (and remember to make their Amazon purchases at!)


Want to help support the class of 2025? Visit Birdcall off of Hampden Avenue on Tuesday, January 17th. Use promo code: tj0117 and 25% of your meal will be donated back to us! How cluckin' awesome is that? #GoodFood #Birdcall #Fundraiser #Drivefor25

Legislative Day 2023

Legislative Day 2023 Registration is Open!

Legislative Day 2023 at the Capitol: Celebrating Excellence will be held on Thursday, February 23, 2023. This will be the 24th year of providing this unique opportunity for students and adults to experience firsthand how state government works.There are two major components to the day:

1. The student's involvement whether it be shadowing a legislator or being part of a group, and

2. The GT Advocacy Session for adults and students to learn particulars of current legislative issues.This program is designed for 9th through 12th graders ONLY who are passionate about our state's legislative processes, current state or national issues, and who are ready to have an individualized experience with other students and adults.No two experiences are the same!

To learn all about this opportunity and begin registering click here. We look forward to seeing you at the Colorado State Capitol in February!

CAGT Legislative Committee

TJ Spirit Store

The Spirit Store will be open every month during First Friday, as well as some of the upcoming home basketball games. In the meantime, if you are looking for a TJ hoodie, t-shirt, PJ pants, joggers, hat, seat cushion, sticker, bracelet, etc., please email us at and we’ll help you get the items you want.

Yearbook News 

Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips

Did You Know...? 

En espanol 

In the current world, we may feel confused, frustrated, worried, angry, etc. when we encounter someone who has opinions that strongly differ from our own. The question may arise, “How well can we understand people whose life experiences — or identities — are vastly different from our own?” 

Increasing your understanding and empathy regarding the other people and their point of view can strengthen connection and community. 

Try this:

  1. Listen carefully to someone you want to communicate with better, and choose something they said or did that you don’t like or agree with. 
  2. Now imagine at least two reasons why they might have said or done that thing. Then ask the person to tell you about their experience — and don’t react emotionally to what they say. This is about opening your mind to someone else’s and learning all that you can. Get the data and withhold what you think and feel for later. 
  3. Now, can you imagine why this person thinks or behaves as they do?

This approach — focusing intentionally, and holding off on an emotional reaction — can be much more effective in opening a line of communication than telling someone they’re wrong (or uninformed or ignorant). 

Empathy is not easy, and trying to be empathetic won’t work for everyone. But most of us are susceptible to the pull of empathy because we prefer to be understood rather than disliked or demonized. 

Mental Health and Social Emotional “Did You Know”: Compiled by Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP and Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW. Resources: 

News from the Denver Scholarship Foundation Future Center

Spartan Seniors and Families, 

Congratulations on having earned over $1.2 million in scholarship dollars thus far. Keep up the AMAZING work! 

  • Be sure to complete your Common App Transcript Request or other Transcript Request Form (all non-CA) for all applications you submit! Use these forms to request your Semester 7 Transcripts and Mid-Year Reports, if applicable. 
  • Submit your FAFSA or CASFA as soon as possible. 
  • Check to see if any of your colleges require the CSS Profile to be completed. 
  • Review your Weekly Scholarship Highlights and apply for any scholarship for which you are eligible including your college(s) scholarships!
  •  Most Institutional (college specific) Scholarships are open for application. Apply to the scholarships for MORE THAN ONE of your top colleges so you have options.
  • Share your admissions and scholarship wins by completing the linked forms!
  • Check your email regularly for updates from your colleges which may include admissions decisions, scholarship awards, and/or requests for more information in order to grant you financial aid. Complete required tasks in a timely manner! 

Important Dates and Opportunities: 

Sunday, January 15th: CU Boulder and University of Denver Regular Decision Deadline 

Wednesday, January 18th: Emily Griffith Technical College Info Session

Thursday, January 26th: Emily Griffith Technical College Application Day! 

Tuesday, January 31st: Colorado Mesa University Scholarship Applications DUE 

Class of 2024: Be sure to check your schoology course list for YOUR TJFC 2024 course. Use the resources provided to continue your college planning! 

Emily Webster

DSF College Advisor

Class News You Can Use
Class of 2023- Seniors

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  IT’S YOUR YEAR CLASS OF 2023! Let’s make it the best ever!


Monday, January 9, 2023  6-7 p.m. at TJ Front Lobby 

ALL- HANDS ON DECK! Senior Parents please come join us for our second hands-on, walk-through and detailed planning meeting at TJ! Help come up with finalizing ideas and plans for our Seniors’ 2023 AFTER PROM to be held at TJ LATE NIGHT on April 29, 2023! 

RSVP to and please let her know if you are willing to bring a dessert or drink! All fun ideas are welcome - come find the Team and After Prom project that will be fun for you!

See you all TONIGHT Monday, January 9th! 




If you are interested in helping with After Prom set up or the actual event, please let us know!  Click here for a simple form indicating  what part you would like to help with. We need 60+ parents to step forward and be part of this really fun event!

For more information contact Karla Henke

WISH FUNDRAISER! Please help support the Seniors with their Prom at this Wish Fundraiser! 

2023 PARENTS:  



Please DONATE $23 for ‘23

 $10 $23 $50 $100 $230 whatever you are able to do! This money supports 2023 fun class activities, community-building, senior year events and of course AFTER-PROM! 

Your direct support goes to: 

  •  AFTER-PROM transforming TJ into an amazing FREE event - fabulous decorations, food, prizes, games, inflatables - you name it…your funds help pay for it!
  • SENIOR SLEEPOUT & SENIOR SPLASH - we underwrite the events so Seniors make Money for their Prom
  • Other upcoming SENIOR EVENTS

These events could not happen without your Financial Donations! Click here to help achieve our goals! THANK YOU TO SO MANY OF YOU WHO HAVE GENEROUSLY DONATED ALREADY!

2023 Class 2023 Class Donations | TJHS PTO | TJHS PTO



*PARENTS - After-Prom Committee Meeting - Monday, January 9, 2023 6:00 p.m. - TJ Gym

* PARENTS & STUDENTS: FAFSA Applications Are Now Open - Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) See Future Center for more Details!

* PARENTS & STUDENTS: Now Open - CHALLENGE DAY FEE is in your MYSCHOOLBUCKS Account MYSCHOOLBUCKS and you also need to register here CHALLENGE DAY SIGN UP   (Challenge Day Event for Seniors will be Thursday or Friday, February 16 or 17, 2023.) 

* SENIORS & PARENTS Important MANDATORY Graduation Dates - note new additions:

Senior Check-out Day 1:

Friday, May 12, 2023 - 7:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Thomas Jefferson High School

Senior Breakfast, Rehearsal, Cap & Gown Pick-up - Check-out Day 2:

Monday, May 15, 2023 - 7:00 a.m. Senior Breakfast

8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Rehearsal, Cap & Gown Pick-up and Final Check-out Opportunity

Thomas Jefferson High School

Graduation Rehearsal:

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 - 10:00 a.m. to Noon

University of Denver - Magness Arena

TJ 2023 Graduation Ceremony:

Thursday, May 18, 2023 - Senior Arrival at 1:00 p.m. - Ceremony at 2:00 p.m.

University of Denver - Magness Arena



We need all of you!


We always need more help and input and the 2023 Seniors have a big year ahead! If you would like to get in on the action, please be on our Senior Parent Committee/Group for Senior Year Events and After Prom Event at TJ, please send your contact info to:

Catherine Poirier  or

Christy Jordan - we will get you involved!

If you know you would like to help with After Prom,  Karla Henke is our After Prom Event Volunteer Coordinator!

You can also REALLY help by donating directly to 2023 here: 2023 Class Donations | TJHS PTO

2023 Class Faculty Sponsors are:

Mrs. Annie Berg, MSW, - Room 114B

Mr. Nic Long, - Room 237


Class of 2024- Juniors

Class Donations

If you haven’t donated to the Class of 2024, now is your chance! Corporate matching is a great, easy way to raise funds. Money raised will be used for the Class of 2024 After Prom.

Please click on the PTO Square link to support the class. Feel free to pass the link onto family and friends! (

Parent Meetings

Parent meetings will be held every few months to discuss fundraising and events to

support the Junior Class. If you have fundraising ideas, please mark your calendar

when the information is posted or reach out!

Extraordinary parents – come get involved! 

 Reach out with questions, comments, and ideas. We look forward to a great year!

Rebecca Moore

Tambyr Reed

Robin Morrissey

Dyanna Spicher (parent)

Class of 2025 - Sophomores

Please consider making a donation to the class of 2025!

$25 for 2025!

Class of 2026 - Freshmen

Our first meeting will be on January 31st at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will take place at TJ in Room 111. We will begin planning fun class activities and fundraising efforts. In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about our class efforts or have ideas to share, please reach out to either Carrie or Sheila at or

If you would like to donate to the Class of 2026 please click on the PTO link below:

If you have corporate matching, please have your donations matched. Remember, every little bit helps! You may also share the PTO link with family, friends, and neighbors.

Let’s go TJ Class of 2026!

Stay Connected, Spartans!