Bedford Park-Clearing Industrial Association Newsletter 
In This Issue
Golf Outing - August 4
Ingredion Evolves With Trends
Welcome New Members
Business Expo - October 13
Quarterly Meeting
CPR Class
Join Our List
Quick Links
Dates to Remember
BPCIA Golf Outing at Cog Hill
August 4 
9:00 a.m. Shot-Gun Start


It's time to break out the golf clubs because the
2016 BPCIA golf season is about to begin! 
Once again we have reserved perfect weather for
August 4th at
Cog Hill Golf & Country Club
12294 Archer Avenue in Lemont 

We Need Your Help!
In order to run outings of this size, we need the support of our members and friends.  Most of the sponsorships have been filled; however we still need: 

Golf Cart Sponsor
Closest to the Pin
Hole Sponsors
Raffle Prize Donations
Call or email the BPCIA Office to make reservations
or with any questions
708-496-0336 or

BPCIA Welcomes New Member at the Quarterly
Fred Ferris (right)
Argo Site Leader
at Hexion, Inc.
CEO Aims Century-old Company Toward a More Diversified Future
Ingredion, formerly Corn Products, tries to evolve with trends
You may never have heard of Ingredion. but chances are you consume ingredients made by the company on a regular basis.
Formerly known as Corn Products International, the Westchester-based company used to be known for making high-fructose corn syrup, the ubiquitous sweetener that consumers have revolted against in recent years.  But since CEO Ilene Gordon came aboard in 2009, there have been major changes.  After the 2010 acquisition of New Jersey-based National Starch, Gordon re-branded the company and repositioned it as a global ingredient maker that's increasingly working with large food and beverage companies trying to evolve with changing consumer trends. 
Think gluten-free and non-GMO ingredients, Gordon, 62, is already planning ahead for future trends, though - a habit of hers that's paid off well for the $5.6 billion company and its shareholders.  When she joined the company, shares sold for about $25.  Today they're trading at more than $117. 
Ms. Gordon was asked, This is a company that used to be known for making high-fructose corn syrup, and now you've diversified the portfolio, made some acquisitions and you're moving the company more along the lines of consumer trends.  Is that a fair assessment? "Absolutely.  When I came in the high-fructose for beverage (sales) was a much higher percent - over 20 percent - of our total revenue.  Today, it's under 10 percent.  It's one of a thousand ingredients.  There will always be consumers who want products that have different types of sweeteners.  But we've really grown through acquisition and even our (research and development) - our products development from National Starch - that has really helped us expand with different ingredients that are very much on consumer trends."
She was also asked, In 2009, was it already clear to you that consumers were moving away from high-fructose corn syrup?  she replied, "There certainly was a trend where high-fructose corn syrup was not growing.  In fact, there was a slow decline.  Many companies were advertising switching from high-fructose to sugar as part of a marketing campaign.  They were actually paying more money for sugar.  We saw that as an important trend. 
Is high-fructose corn syrup still important to this company?  "Our strategy is to be a global ingredient provider.  Our focus is on texture.  We're the leader in texture.  There's many ways to get texture, through corn, potatoes, tapioca, even rice.  But you have to also deliver the sweetness.  Consumers want products that taste good.  They want to know what's on the label.  And they want it to taste good." 
Lastly Ms. Gordon was asked, When you came on in 2009 and laid out your plan and started making changes, did you get any pushback from the board or the people who work here?  "I'd say some jumped on the bandwagon faster than others.  When we went to change the name, several people wrote me emails from our factories who'd been with the company for 30 years and they said, "How can you mess with a 100-year-old name?"  Corn Products was a 100-year-old name.  So was National Starch.  And I said, this is going to be the new way we're going to create value for our company.  Ingredion is the way of the future.  Two years later, when they saw the success, they wrote me emails saying, 'Thank you, you helped create value.'  Now our customers understand we're an ingredient company, not a corn company, and we're much more diverse in our capabilities to go to market and develop these solutions.  You always have people who are a little bit skeptical.  It's all about creating success stories and communicating to everyone where you're going."
Article by Greg Trotter
Chicago Tribune        
Welcome New Members

Aircraft Gear

Bizzieri Law Offices

City Electric Supply

Fox College

Hexion, Inc.


COPCO Logo Good

LOGO MacNeal

Wirtz Logo 1

July 2016
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! We've been very busy coordinating our events. We had our annual CPR Class in May, Golf Outing in June, Quarterly Meeting in July, and there's still more to come. I hope you had the opportunity to get out and network with fellow members and enjoy what the BPCIA has to offer. We are always looking for relevant topic suggestions for our luncheons or comments on what you would like us to offer in the future.
Mark your calendar for the last golf outing of the season - August 4th, Quarterly Meeting on Worker's Compensation - September 20th and our Business Expo - October 13th.
I'd like to share two items of interest with you. This information came to me through our board members attending the Bedford Park Village Board Meetings. This is one way we keep our lines of communication open with the village and our members.
  • The Bedford Park Fire Department has purchased two Compression CPR Machines. When put on a patient, the machine does the CPR compressions more exact than a person could. Two lives have been saved so far with it!
  • The Illinois Legislature requires 911 to be consolidated. Bedford Park will be consolidated with Summit, Hickory Hills & Hometown. 911 will fall under State Police.
This year we changed our golf outings to a shotgun start at 9AM with dinner following. We hope this was an enjoyable format for all our members and participants. We welcome the opportunity to hear your comments and suggestions to continue to make this a successful networking experience. Feel free to contact Donna at or call 708-496-0336.

On behalf of your association board members, we want to thank everyone for their continued support and participation. We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming events.
Be safe and enjoy the rest of the summer!

Cheryl Laska
BPCIA President

Business Expo - Oct 13
Reserve Your Exhibit Table!
The BPCIA is getting ready for this years Networking Business Expo at the Marriott Chicago Midway.  Since space is limited, we ask that you reserve your exhibit table today.  You can reserve your table by calling the BPCIA Office at 708-496-0336 or emailing
The Business Expo will be held on Thursday, October 13th from 3:00 - 7:00 pm.  This is an excellent way to showcase your business.  It has proven to be a great networking opportunity for everyone. 
Space is limited to approximately 50 exhibitors.  Skirted 6' tables are $150 to members. 

Our goal is to reach $2000 in sponsorships. We are seeking four $500 sponsors. Your company name would appear on all printed materials, signage at the event, as well as in our newsletter. This sponsorship must be received as soon as possible to be inserted in our mailings. 

We are also reaching out for raffle prize donations (be sure to include your business card).  Call Donna for reservations, sponsorships, donations or questions.  

We will be sending out literature on the expo in the coming months.  Don't miss out on this opportunity... reserve your table today!

Quarterly Meeting at Holiday Inn Chicago Midway
Cost Segregation 
Steve Van Slyke, Vice President of The Concord Group presented the idea of Cost Segregation as a means of creating immediate cash flow for building owners and tenants who have paid for improvements on their space.  This can be used for new construction as well as properties that have been owned for years. 
BPCIA Quarterly Meeting Chairman, Jeff Hobson with The Concord Group Vice President, Steve Van Slyke (right).

BPCIA Hosts CPR Class at Bedford Park Fire Dept.
The BPCIA would like to thank the Bedford Park Fire Department for their hospitality for our CPR Classes held at Station #1 in May.  Firefighter/Paramedic, Michael Grala, did a great job coordinating and teaching the classes, with the assistance of Firefighter/Paramedic Vasilios Dalakouras. The class was very informative, and the hands-on experience gave everyone a chance to try out their newly learned skills. This class will be offered annually by the BPCIA.  The CPR certificate received is good for two years.   
The Bedford Park Fire Department also offers classes at your facility.  For CPR Class inquiries at your facility contact Michael Grala at 708-563-4510 #114 or