Tina Lewis starts her full-time position as our Director of Membership and Engagement on July 2, 2023.
Tina comes to us with a wealth of Professional Membership development experience. She joins us directly from Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation where she was the Director of Engagement and Membership for 13 years during which she was instrumental in building their membership and deepening engagement within the congregation.
by calling 630-505-9418.
Dear Members and Friends of DUUC,
This year at the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly, the annual business meeting of the UUA, two themes were returned to time and again. Emerging organically were the ideas of experimenting and messiness. We find ourselves, both in our lives and in our religious communities, looking at the world in a different way as we emerge from the pandemic. In our religious communities, many of the things that once were working, are now not working or working in different ways. This seems to be a widely-shared experience for Unitarian Universalist churches, one which we at DuPage UU Church are experiencing as well.
In March of 2022, DUUC posted the position of Music Director. In a changing job market, it took us seven months to receive even one application, despite advertising everywhere we could. That applicant was highly qualified, yet, hiring him would mean that the position would be remote, as he was based out of state. Francisco Ruiz has brought so many gifts to our congregation, not the least of which is letting our choir sing together once again. We had hoped that Francisco would be able to move to the Chicago area this summer. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, that is not possible.
Having a remote music director has been a challenge. This is a challenge not of people but of a position that is highly interactive. The theme of experimenting has proven to be a lived-experience for us, (as too, the theme of messiness) as we work with each other from afar. We have learned from this experimenting and messiness. We have learned more about our technology. We have learned to be flexible and pivot. We have learned that Shared Ministry means we all must take on responsibilities to make our church a success, not just staff.
Most importantly, Francisco’s experience and talent has shown us, on the Sundays that he has been present with us, just how meaningful an experience our worship music can be for our entire congregation. Of all our learnings, this is one that I absolutely wish to keep as we move forward.
With so many initiatives happening in the coming year and holding the knowledge of how long it took to find a Music Director in our last search, I am in the process of discerning our next steps. I have consulted with the choir about joys and concerns of the past year. I am in conversation with Francisco about how we might better create the position we want and which might have more applicants. In the meantime, Francisco will continue with us until we find our way forward. We are also in discussion about how to make our remote situation simpler and more effective.
I do not know how long this will take - there are so many factors and so much we are hoping to tackle together in the coming year. I do know that when we experiment we learn valuable lessons and information about how we can grow and transform ourselves into all we are called to be. I also know that when we live into our messiness, we find ourselves willing to be more flexible and give each other more grace - learnings that benefit us all as we move towards our flourishing together.
rev. mandi
Note: My summer hours are lighter. To make an appointment with me, please email me directly. I am available by cell for pastoral emergencies or urgent matters: 224.833.9912
Sunday Service
In-person and Online
July 2, 2023 @ 10:30am
The Art of Connection
Reverend Misha Sanders
What does a beloved community of deep connection look like? Intergenerational and intercultural spaces are not always easy or convenient to foster, but they are always worth the effort. Please join us Sunday morning as Rev. Misha Sanders reminds us of the things we're already doing right, and invites us to all grow even more joyfully into building the sacred connections we all deserve!
July 9, 2023 @ 10:30am
You’ve Got a Friend
Join leaders from the UU Prison Ministry of Illinois as they invite opportunities for prisoner solidarity in their Ending Death by Incarceration campaign.
July 16, 2023 @ 10:30am
July 23, 2023 @ 10:30am
Have you ever logged on to your favorite social media platform, and wound up scrolling way longer than you intended? This week, church member Pat Kocher-Cowan will explore the disconnect between attention and intention.
July 30, 2023 @ 10:30am
Being Spiritual: A UU’s Approach to Spirituality
Freeing one’s self from narrow constructs can enable us to find moments that truly move us. Sometimes, such things are right in front of us. This UU’s Approach to spirituality will be presented by church member Dean Reschke.
Recycle your Styrofoam July 2nd
Bring clean Styrofoam to the church foyer this date only, since it’s unsightly and takes up much of the foyer! If the foam has paper glued onto it, trash it, as it can’t be recycled. Separate food service Styrofoam from packaging foam. Peanuts must be contained in their own bag. Styrofoam is plastic #6, polystyrene. Only expanded polystyrene (the foam) is collected for recycling by Dart Industries, where we bring the stuff, so please don’t bring any other #6, or something that you think might be Styrofoam but has no number 6 imprint. Questions? Ask a Green Sanctuary Committee member.
Forum On July 9th on Unitarian Universalist Prison Ministry of Illinois
Are you concerned about how to be more effective in making sure our justice system is restorative rather than punitive?
Come talk to Rev. Allison Farnum, Executive Director of the Unitarian Universalist Prison Ministry of Illinois, and a group of your fellow DUUC members to discuss volunteer opportunities and how to partner in our efforts.
We have reserved the Learning Center from 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM for our discussion. Those interested can then go out to Panera for further discussion over lunch.
Chalice Circle Facilitators Wanted!
rev. mandi and Steve are looking for members who would like to be Facilitators for our small group ministry, Chalice Circles, beginning in August and running through May of next year. For more information or to sign up, please click here.
Calling all DUUC members and friends who are US military veterans
We would like to have a complete list of all our members and friends who have served in the US Military prior to Veterans Day. To achieve this, we are creating a Masterlist of all Members and Friends of DUUC who have served in the US Military Active and/or Reserve.
If you are a Veteran or know of one of us who is a Veteran, please email the name to
During July our Special Offering will benefit the Chicago UU Prison Ministry of Illinois (UUPMI), nominated by Robert Skrocki. The UUPMI fosters connections between UU congregations and those that are incarcerated in Illinois prisons. This group offers liberal
religious ministry inside prisons to those individuals who may find themselves in one of the hardest times of their lives. This ministry is carried out through in-prison worship services,covenant groups, pen pal groups and other programs. This work affirms the inherent worth and dignity of these individuals as well as fostering their own free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Additionally, UUPMI advocates for policy changes that seek to improve the quality of life for those incarcerated both during and after their time in prison. For more information visit http://www.uupmi.org.
To make a donation click here.
During May $1747.92 was given to Unsinkable/BR Ryall YMCA to make swim lessons more accessible and affordable to local children in the foster care system. Thank you for your generosity.
DUUC Library Monthly Book Recommendations – July
Throughout the year, the DUUC Library will have monthly book recommendations based upon a monthly holiday or historical significance. Information about these featured DUUC Library books will be available on a book list flyer in the Library Alcove area in Kreves Hall. For July 2023, Disability Pride Month will be celebrated.
Are you ready for a cup of brew after first service in Kreves Hall? Only you can make that happen. Now is your chance to sign up for a Sunday morning shift of your preference. We need every member or friend, over 18 years old, to sign up to make coffee on Sunday mornings. Coffee service will begin Labor Day Weekend, September 3rd, through June 2024. To guarantee you get your pick of a Sunday, be the first to volunteer. It’s a simple task and we will show you how it’s done.
Look for the sign up sheet, after service, in the walkway between our Sanctuary and Kreves Hall to pick your special coffee day. We are asking for 4 people per Sunday, so you’ll have plenty of help. Everyone will get their turn to serve coffee, coffee, coffee!
July is Disability Pride Month! Disability Pride was first celebrated in Boston to commemorate the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which was signed into law in July of 1990. Disability activist and co-founder of the Chicago Disability Pride Parade Sarah Triano defines Disability Pride this way: “Disability Pride represents a rejection of the notion that our physical, sensory, mental, and cognitive differences from the non-disabled standard are wrong or bad in any way, and is a statement of our self-acceptance, dignity and pride. It is a public expression of our belief that our disabilities are a natural part of human diversity, a celebration of our heritage and culture, and a validation of our experience.”
Other local events:
Oak Park Public Library will host several events throughout the month of July for its Disability Pride Celebration, including a forum on normalizing neurodiversity, a support circle for those with hidden disabilities, an inclusive dance workshop, a Disability Pride parade in the library and around the adjacent park, and a screening and discussion of the film “Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution.” Please see the Oak Park Library website for dates, times, and further information.
A Disability Pride themed service will take place on August 6th here at DUUC. Mark your calendars!
The Disability Pride Flag
Image description: A charcoal gray flag with a diagonal band from the top left to bottom right corner, made up of five parallel stripes in red, yellow, white, blue, and green.
The DUUC Accessibility and Inclusion Ministry Team strives to increase awareness of issues surrounding disability and disability rights and to help make all church programs and spaces as accessible and inclusive as possible. If you have questions about AIM at DUUC, have accessibility or inclusion questions, suggestions, or concerns at church, and/or would like to join the DUUC AIM Team, please email us at aim@dupageuuchurch.org.
Newsletter Deadline
The deadline for the
August newsletter is
Monday, July 24 @ 9am.
Find out what's happening at DuPage UU Church!
The Meditation Group is taking a summer break the entire month of July.
Full Moon
July 3 @ 7pm
Come celebrate the full moon in all its glory and release your intentions for this moon cycle with Hearth of Life. Fellowship to follow.
Saturday Lammas
July 29 @ 7pm
Nature Lovers: Walk Your Talk
Are you grateful for the wonderful forest preserves in DuPage County? Do you appreciate the clean rivers that run through them? Want to help keep them clean? Join us July 23rd after the Sunday service to visit the West Branch of the DuPage River that runs through McDowell Grove in Naperville. We’ll picnic--bring your own--and then walk along the shore to pick up trash as we enjoy the preserves and each other’s company. Families are welcome. This effort will maintain our church’s “Adopt-A-Stream” sign on Diehl Road.
Sunday Flowers Needed
Celebrate a person or event by providing flowers for a Sunday service. Flowers are still needed on August 13th and throughout the 2023-24 church year. You may request to have Sunday Flowers order a $35 standard arrangement for you from Phillip’s Flowers. Or, if you are planning to attend the service in person, you may choose to bring in your own arrangement from your garden or favorite flower shop. The arrangement should be brought to the sanctuary by 10:20 a.m. Your dedication will be printed in the email with the link to the on-line version of the Order of Service as well as in the printed Order of Service. The flowers are yours to take home after the service. If you are not attending service, you may pick up your flowers either on Sunday 11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m., or contact Sheri, office@dupageuuchurch.org or (630) 505-9408, to make arrangements for pick-up during office hours. Payment may be made by sending a check made out to DUUC for $35 to the church office (write “flowers” on the memo line), through the DUUC Payment Portal (select “other” under donation, and write in “flowers”), or VANCO (select “flowers fund”). Contact Kristen Tang at flowers@dupageuuchurch.org or (630) 305-7771 for more information and/or to request a date. Thank you!
Room reservation requests
can be made by filling out this form.
In the Wider Unitarian Universalist World
At General Assembly 2023, UUs Elect Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt to be UUA President
General Assembly (GA), Unitarian Universalists' annual business meeting, brought more than 4,000 UUs together online and in Pittsburgh, PA. In addition to electing a new UUA President, delegates also voted to advance changes to Association bylaws on core religious values. More from GA 2023
Now is your chance! Join the Church of the Larger Fellowship Ambassador of Illinois Pen Pal program July 20th noon-1pm CDT on Zoom to learn more about being a pen pal through the CLF Ambassador of Illinois Pen Pal program. You will be matched with people who have joined the national UU Church of the Larger Fellowship and are incarcerated in Illinois state or federal prisons. Our UU Prison Ministry of Illinois will provide you with ongoing support and care. Register at this link and we will send you the zoom information.
Please consider making a donation to support
DuPage UU Church and all of its programs.
Thank you!
DuPage UU Church
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