This is a very difficult year for many non-profits and for the Chamber as a small business as well! While it is certainly not “business as usual” here, we are working hard in the community and behind the scenes to serve our members. We are very appreciative
40% of our current membership has already renewed promptly
We have been gratified to receive very positive feedback on our timely information on policy and program changes that affect our local businesses and are happening almost every week. Plus, we have redoubled our efforts to support our “Buy Local” message, keeping our Visitor Center open and upgrading our webpage to be a more user-friendly searchable site. Hundreds of people are using it to find local products & services, with details about safety measures, hours, and other changes that have been required of our members in these challenging times. The increasing “Likes” on our posts and visits to
our pages indicate that these are indeed helping our members.
We hope that you will see the value of a healthy Chamber in promoting your business, promoting the region, and providing support and information to our local business community. Let us know what you think will be additionally helpful!