BRATECC | Number 41 - March 2023
March 2023 Newsletter
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Featured Member: PRIO
BRATECC’s recently Contributing member PRIO, formerly known as PetroRio, is the largest independent oil and gas company in Brazil which focused on investment and recovery of producing assets, PRIO specializes in efficient reservoir management and redevelopment of mature fields, They draw new frontiers of innovation for the entire O&G market. In addition to that, They also believe in conducting business activities with a focus on operational efficiency, safety and caring for the physical and mental health of their employees.
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New Members
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Renewed Members
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Monthly News
ECO Named BRATECC's Company of the Year
Dino Chouest, ECO Executive Vice President: “I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to BRATECC for awarding Edison Chouest Offshore Company of the Year in Brazil for 2022. It comes with great pride that we as a company accept this prestigious award in a country so progressively accelerating toward becoming a top leader in the oil and gas sector. We stand alongside Brazil moving forward as they prove to be the true definition of a leader, one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. Thank you again to all of the hard-working Chouest employees in Brazil who have worked tirelessly to deserve this award, and BRATECC for recognizing this effort. We will keep making you all proud.”

Petrobras assina acordo com Shell de olho em Margem Equatorial e em renováveis
"A Petrobras e a Shell assinaram memorando de entendimentos para investirem em ativos de exploração e produção de petróleo e gás no Brasil e também na área de energia renovável. O acordo, que é não vinculante entre as petroleiras, envolve oportunidades dentro e fora do pré-sal, como a Margem Equatorial, informou hoje a estatal."

Why America is going to look more like Texas
"Texas keeps getting bigger. In the year to June 2022 the Lone Star State added 471,000 people, nearly as many as live in Atlanta, Georgia. More than one in three of the net new jobs created in America since February 2020 was created there. A thriving energy industry has helped, but, as our briefing explains, the boom is remarkably broad-based. Sometime in the 2040s, Texas is likely to pass California in population. Like it or not, America is becoming a bit more Texan every day."

OSX agora na BRATECC
"A OSX chega em um momento especial para a Bratecc, que, nos últimos anos, vem buscando expandir sua atuação junto à cadeia de petróleo e gás, extração e prospecção, distribuição, indústria química e, principalmente, novas fontes de energia renováveis. Nossa chegada pode contribuir muito para que a Associação possa atingir seus objetivos de expansão e diversificação."

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