Please note: this will be the final newsletter of the year!
The next one will go out on August 23rd, the first day of school.
Have a great summer!
May 24, 2021
Administrator's Corner
We made it! I am so proud of all of your hard work and dedication during the strangest school year ever. The class of 2021 made the best of a tough situation, as did all of you. I hope that you all finish on a strong note with finals this week and then have a much deserved relaxing summer!
We're looking forward to a more normal year ahead, with everyone back in the building. As we learn more details about how next fall will look we will share them out with you.
Take care, stay healthy, and know that in 2021-2022, things are looking up! Read, explore, be curious, and spend some time away from your computers and phones this summer!
See you in August!
¡Lo hemos conseguido! Estoy muy orgulloso de todo su trabajo duro y dedicación durante el año escolar más extraño de la historia. La clase de 2021 hizo lo mejor de una situación difícil, al igual que todos ustedes. Espero que todos ustedes terminen en una nota fuerte con finales de esta semana y luego tengan un merecido verano relajante!
Estamos deseando un año más normal por delante, con todos de vuelta en el edificio. A medida que aprendamos más detalles sobre cómo se verá el próximo otoño, los compartiremos con usted.
¡Cuídate, mantente saludable y sabe que en 2021-2022, las cosas están mirando hacia arriba! ¡Lee, explora, sé curioso y pasa algún tiempo lejos de tus computadoras y teléfonos este verano!
See usted en agosto!
- Period 2 – 8:00-9:30
- Period 3 – 9:35-11:05
- Period 4 – 11:10-12:40
- Yearbook Distribution: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
- Graduation rehearsal: 1:00 p.m.
- Test make up – 1:00-2:45 by appointment
- Period 6 – 8:00-9:30
- Period 7 – 9:35-11:05
- No make ups due to Commencement Ceremony
Graduation - Seniors arrive by 11:00 a.m., ceremony begins at 12:00 p.m. (for parents, families, and supporters that will not be in attendance at Infinity Park, please use this link to watch the livestream)
Slices fundraiser for girls' tennis: 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (details below)
Chook Charcoal Chicken all-school fundraiser (details below)
- Period 1 – 8:00-9:30
- Period 8 – 9:35-11:05
- Yearbook Distribution: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
- Test make up – 1:00-2:45 by appointment
Glacier all-school fundraiser (details below)
Slices fundraiser for girls' tennis: 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (details below)
- Sophomore S'mores: 7:00 p.m. (details below)
- Make up by appointment only
- Yearbook Distribution: 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Slices fundraiser for girls' tennis: 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (details below)
Video Tribute to the State Champs!
Kudos to Grant Laman for putting in extra time to create a very special video to celebrate our state champions!
A huge thank you to our parents for food distribution all year!
Please take a look at this wonderful video that highlights the amazing parents in our TJ community!
Megan Perkins, Becca Mahoney, and Suzy Stone, (and everyone else who has donated food and money to the cause) we are so grateful for your leadership and generosity!
One of our choir students, Nic Dela Paz, is OPENING at Red Rocks for Film on the Rocks August 2!
Here's the link to buy tickets:
Nic is also our Anthem and Alma Mater soloist for graduation.
Way to go, Nic! Thanks for sharing your talent with the world!
For the second year in a row the TJ AVID program has partnered with local businesses Waterway Carwash
and Onsite Consulting to send TJ AVID Seniors to college with a laptop!
So far the program has assisted 14 students!
Thanks for making TJ students more prepared for college!
Big thank you to TJ PTO for bringing in a food truck for a staff lunch last week! It was a beautiful day to sit outside near the Spartan Garden and enjoy a delicious lunch!
Thanks, too for the Dairy Queen treats and everything else you did to make us feel appreciated!
Finals - Week of May 24th
Graduation Rehearsal and Commencement
Graduation Rehearsal:
Where: TJHS
Time: Students must arrive at TJ at 1 p.m.
Dress: normal school clothes – you should not wear your cap and gown for rehearsal
Commencement Information:
When: May 25th
Where: Infinity Park
950 South Birch
Glendale, CO 80246
Time: Students and staff arrive at 11:00 a.m. – ceremony begins at 12:00 p.m.
Dress: Caps and Gowns (students may decorate caps – keep it school appropriate!)
Guests: Each student may have up to 4 guests – children 2 and under do not count towards the 4 guests
For parents, families, and supporters that will not be in attendance at Infinity Park, please use this link to watch the livestream:
Vaccine Clinic for Ages 12 and Up!
As part of Governor Polis’ Vaccines for All program, Thomas Jefferson High School has been selected to host another Covid Vaccine clinic on Saturday June 5th from 9:30am-1:30 pm. We will be administering the Pfizer vaccine which is approved for age 12 and up. Students and their families are invited to come and be vaccinated. A parent must be present for students under age 18. A second dose clinic will be held Saturday June 26th. This will be an indoor clinic at TJ located at 3950 S Holly St.
You can Pre-Register and schedule an appointment for the clinic at the following link (This is different than the sign up done for the April/May clinics). There is an icon in upper right corner “ES” for Spanish. The vaccine is free and you do not need health insurance. The registration will ask about insurance and you can select “No Insurance.”
Please feel free to email Becky Andrick with questions at or call the Vaccine Call Center (877) 268-2926 for help with registration.
En asociación con los esfuerzos de Vacunas para Todos del Gobernador Polis, TJ está organizando otro clínica de vacunas el Sábado 5 de Junio de 9:30 am a 1:30 pm. Invitamos a todos nuestros estudiantes de 12 años o más y los familias a que vengan y se vacunen. Usaremos la vacuna Pfizer, que está aprobada para mayores de 12 años. * Todos los estudiantes de menores de 18 años deben tener un padre presente durante su vacunación. Se requiere una segunda dosis y nuestra clínica de vacunación de la segunda dosis se llevará a cabo el Sábado 26 de Junio, así que planifique también para esa fecha. La clínica estará en el interior a TJ a 3950 S Holly St.
Por favor use el enlace en el correo electrónico para preinscribirse y horario una cita. (esto es diferente a registrarse en la clínica de abril/mayo). Hay un icono en la esquina superior derecha, "ES" para español. Recuerde que esta vacuna es gratis sin costo y no necesitas Seguro medico. El registro le preguntará sobre el seguro y puede seleccionar "Sin seguro”.
No dude en comunicarse con cualquier pregunta que pueda tener llamar Centro de llamadas de vacunas (877) 268-2926 donde hay traductores. También puede enviar preguntas por correo electrónico a Becky Andrick a
Thank you TJ parents for your participation and generosity over the year. In spite of the pandemic, the auction exceeded expectations. The food bank has been generously supported and funded helping a record number of families. Overall, TJ parents are showing up where and how you can. We appreciate you! We’ll get back to work at the end of July as we ramp up for back to school season in August. Have a great summer!
Thursday May 27th, Glacier Ice Cream & Gelato (Kent Place & Belleview Square locations) will be hosting a dine-in fundraiser for Thomas Jefferson High School. This means that on that date, Glacier will donate 10% of sales for the entire day to our organization. The shops are open from noon-9pm and since we don't want to encourage large group gathering, the fundraiser applies to all orders for the day.
Yearbook Distribution This Week!
Yearbook - "People of TJ" Project
TJ Food Drive and Distribution Program
Thank you to the TJ Community for your amazing support of the Thomas Jefferson High Food Bank this school year! Our final distribution for the 2020-2021 school year is this week. We will not be collecting or distributing food over the summer, but plan to start the program up again in the fall. Below are 2 resources for families to access additional food support this summer:
Student Leadership Opportunity - Kramerica Gives
To provide students with leadership and opportunities to empower them to live up to their full potential.
Helping students prepare for a successful life after high school through community service, financial education, mentorship, and fun.
The Kramerica Gives Student Leadership Program, with 20 students representing various schools throughout the Denver area, has four main pillars: Leadership, Mentorship, Community Involvement, and Scholarships.
Senior Parking for Next Year
Upcoming seniors: if you are interested in signing up for Senior Parking for next year, please contact Carla Allen in the Treasurer's office!
School Based Health Clinics
If your student needs summer school, please reach out to their counselor to get signed up!
The yearbooks will not be available for pickup by Senior Checkout. They will be available for pick up the week of May 24. More details to come!
Annual All for One Golf Tournament - Golfers and Advertisers Needed!
The Annual All For One Golf Tournament will be held at Wellshire Golf Course on June 12th. Net proceeds from the tournament are awarded equally to TJ High School and three other neighborhood schools each year, totally $20,000 since 2014. You can participate as a golfer or get lots of exposure for your business as an advertiser. All the details can be found at or call John at 720 232-4554.
TJ Field Trip - 2023: History of Jazz & Civil Rights
History of Jazz & Civil Rights
Field trip in Spring, 2023
We will trace the history of jazz up the Mississippi River and visit historic sites of both American jazz and the Civil Rights. Students will also get to listen to jazz, perform in various sites and learn from professional musicians.
Interested students are encouraged to fill of the following form. Students and their families will be contacted with more information and organizational meetings.
Hello TJ!
Here is a Summer Programs Toolkit with ready-made resources for students and families. The programs listed in this toolkit are free, or may be offered at reduced rates, and provide students with opportunities for college credit and career experiences.
If you are interested in any of these programs, please reach out to your counselor!
Online Registration for 2021-22 School Year
We will be working on a new collection of items for an online sale. Please watch the newsletter and School Deets for information. Reach out to TJHS.STORE@GMAIL.COM with any questions!
College and Career Readiness
Our goal is that all students graduate college and career ready. One of the ways we achieve this goal is to support students' career and college exploration through programs that provide opportunities for students to discover how their interests and passions might someday fit into the world of work. There are many resources to help you learn more about career and college programs in DPS, visit to learn more! Handouts: English / Spanish
Matthew Mason (He/Him/His)
Navigator at Thomas Jefferson High School
DPS Career and College Success
FREE Summer Coding Camp for Girls - CSU (virtual)
CSU is offering an online girls only coding camp this summer for girls going into 10th & 11th grade in the fall. TJ alum Morgan VandeRiet will be one of the instructors! It is an introductory camp to Python, and they will also be doing a little bit of Scratch. It is FREE! It is June 14-18 from 11-3pm. Due to the prevailing health and safety concerns imposed by COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, the camp is delivered online. There will not be any face-to-face, in person meetings.
Chromebook and Materials Distribution - By Appointment Only
Dear Spartan Families,
TJHS will continue to offer pick up opportunities for Chromebooks and class materials distribution by appointment only.
To make a request please fill out the form here:
- We will contact you using the email address provided in the form to arrange a time for pickup.
- If you are returning damaged technology please make sure the power cord is returned with the unit
- We are out of Wifi Hotspots and we don't know when additional units will be made available.
School Based Health Centers are OPEN!
Denver Health School Based Clinic Staff is excited to welcome back students returning for in-person learning! Whether you are staying remote or coming back to school, we are here for you. Give us a call at 720-423-7190 to set up an appointment! #werehereforyou #covid19 #denverpublicschools
Thomas Jefferson School Based Clinic: 720-423-7190
Consent for Thomas Jefferson School Based Clinic:
In an effort to provide GT students and their families with the resources and supports needed to begin/complete their Advanced Learning Plan (ALP), the TJHS GT Site Team has created a Google Classroom for each GT grade level. The title and code for each grade level is listed below:
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2024 Cohort - doyqstu
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2023 Cohort - b7vpvfn
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2022 Cohort - orzg7to
TJHS Gifted and Talented 2021 Cohort - by7mjwi
The TJHS GT Site Team, working alongside our District GT Partners, has included resources, websites and documents to help you complete your ALP goals. Keep in mind that there are affective as well as academic goals. At this time, students should only focus on the Goals / Advanced Learning Plan section and not worry about the badges right now. We don't want you to get in there and feel overwhelmed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Tate, our Dean Instruction and GT Point of Contact at
Our District GT Partner is Brian Beard,, and you may receive GT newsletters from his office with internship and university opportunities.
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know…?
Summer break is almost here!
TJ- we did it! It was quite a year- but we rallied, we persevered, we worked together, and finally the time has come to wrap up the 2020-2021 school year. We can dive into summer, detach from our screens, and enjoy some outdoor time.
Stay healthy, stay safe, and enjoy the season.
We will see you in the fall!
Mental Health and Social Emotional Tip: Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP.
News from the Future Center
Class of 2021,
Please complete this required form so we know where to send your Final HS Transcript! If you have not yet received your Financial Aid Award information, please set up a time for us to meet! Your school may be missing information needed to proceed. Signing up for housing, if applicable, and orientation are current priorities.
Congratulations on all of your hard work and accomplishments!
Class of 2022 and Parents,
Emily Webster
College Advisor | Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
789 Sherman Street, Suite 610 | Denver, CO 80203
Infinity Park is excited to host our graduation ceremony. The graduation ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 25th with the ceremony beginning at 12:00 p.m. The physical address is: 950 S. Birch Street, Glendale, CO 80246.
HUGE shout out to all the staff and parents who made Senior Showcase, Prom and Senior BBQ a success. Many parents donated money and volunteered their time.
Wendi Vanderiet and Holly Bellomo for their vision, organization and ideas
Lisa Allen for consistent support the past four years
John Trujillo for breathing life into Senior Showcase
Lisa Roberts for the Voodoo donuts and brownies
Matt Bartels and the Bellomos for rallying to drape the prom tent and hang lights
Jen Abram for keeping our meetings on track
To All the parents - too many to name - who donated items and helped at the Senior BBQ – It was a special event and YOU made it possible
Jon Poole and Mike Christoff for helping put together the senior weekend and for answering our many questions,
even when there we no answers.
We also could not have done any of this without our Amazing class sponsors Elizabeth Lynch and Jason Klimczak!!
Thank you class of 2021 community!!
SAVE THE DATE! August 28th
What: The Annual TJ Season Opener Stadium Party
When: Saturday, August 28, 2021, 6:00 - 10:00 pm
Where: Brooke & Rob Bolinske's Backyard
Who: All TJ Parents are Invited
Why: We had to postpone this annual TJ Fall tradition last year. If you bought tickets for this party at the 2020 TJ Auction, you are all set. Funds from any additional tickets we sold will be split among the Classes of 2022 & 2023 and matched by a corporate sponsor.
Tickets: $30 per person
(This party will be held outdoors and will follow all current Denver guidelines for gatherings.)
Class of 2023 - Sophomores
SOPHOMORE S’MORES – Wednesday, May 26, 2021 * 7-8 p.m.
TJ Softball Field
Class of 2023 come join your classmates on the TJ Softball Field after finals next Wednesday, May 26th at 7 p.m. for SOPHOMORE S’MORES!! We will have S’mores for you to make, some music, yearbook signing and a volleyball net set up. Please bring your own blanket or outside folding chair and your Spartan Sophomore friends! Come celebrate the end of this unusual year and kick-off your summer with a fun evening outside!
DPS Covid-19 Protocol: Yes, please bring your masks, and just like school or sports, we will do a health check at the entrance for all students attending and fill out the form from the special event QR code on your phones. We will have individualized s’mores kits and roasting sticks for you (gluten free, too) and as always hand sanitizers are at the ready and the restrooms at the concession stand will be open.
Who: Class of 2023 TJ Sophomore Students (no guests)
What: S’mores, volleyball, yearbook signing, music & fun
When: Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Where: TJ Softball Field
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Bring: A mask, your phone, yearbook, pens and blanket or outside folding chair
SAVE THE DATE! August 28th
What: The Annual TJ Season Opener Stadium Party
When: Saturday, August 28, 2021, 6:00 - 10:00 pm
Where: Brooke & Rob Bolinske's Backyard
Who: All TJ Parents are Invited
Why: We had to postpone this annual TJ Fall tradition last year. If you bought tickets for this party at the 2020 TJ Auction, you are all set. Funds from any additional tickets we sold will be split among the Classes of 2022 & 2023 and matched by a corporate sponsor.
Tickets: $30 per person
(This party will be held outdoors and will follow all current Denver guidelines for gatherings.)
We will regroup and look forward to some of our postponed outside Parent Fundraisers later this summer and fall, Class of 2023 T-shirts for sale next semester (a traditional Junior class fundraiser) and more community-building and fundraising opportunities to come for Class of 2023! Please stay involved and please stay tuned! Thank you for your patience and grace this year!
We are VERY proud of you all!
Stay Connected, Spartans!