News - May/June 2022
Event Report: Living Legacy Center awarded grant from Friends and Neighbors Network

May 3, 2022: The Friends and Neighbors Women's Club (FAN) is a non-profit social and charitable works organization in northwest Houston. The group selected The Living Legacy Center for its annual local charity fundraiser and donation.

FAN raised funds at their Holiday Luncheon by raffling and auctioning items donated by local businesses, and generously awarded the LLC $8,000 at the FAN spring luncheon. Thanks to FAN for the awesome donation. Visit the FAN website to learn more.
Event Report: Sock donation at Calvary Chapel of West Houston

May 28, 2022: Living Legacy Center members joined forces with Cavalry Chapel West Houston to support Cavalry's program called Beautiful Feet, a mission to "reach the unreached and teach the untaught". The effort delivered clothing and supplies to a tent city in Houston. Aligned with the theme of "beautiful feet" was the Living Legacy Center's donation of 500 pairs of Bombas socks. Bombas also donates clothing to the homeless when items are purchased on their site. In addition, The Blind Eye Project brought a Joshua's Showers of Mercy shower trailer to provide a facility for cleanliness to those without ready access. Great thanks to everyone involved.
Update: Memorial Garden Irrigation installed

May 14, 2022: Work continues on the Memorial Garden project and workers installed irrigation piping and set up a key infrastructure piece for the space. More pictures are available in the links section.
Events Calendar
News about events can be reached from the Oasis Garden Facebook page.

We currently have garden plots available for lease. $60 gets a plot and access to garden tools and seeds through the harvest season. Reach us through the contact email at the bottom of the newsletter to reserve.

July 9 (Sat)
  • Our major events are moving to a quarterly frequency. Save the date for SummerFest on July 9.


Recurring events
  • Knitting Circle (Mon, noon - 1:30pm via Zoom)
  • Saturdays remain volunteer days in the Oasis Garden
Volunteers Welcome!

“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!” 
– Romans 10:13-15

Volunteer times are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays 8 am to 1 pm, or by appointment.

Contact: Nashley Banister (919) 793-8443