CSN eNewsletter

May 2, 2023

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Note from Our Director

Dear Partners, 


We are excited to announce Education Development Center (EDC) was awarded the Children’s Safety Network Program (CSN) for 2023 through 2028 by the Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health Bureau! We look forward to continuing to partner with you to ensure all infants, children, and youth are safe and healthy and have equitable access to resources to reach their full potential. 

As we close out our current project year this month, we are producing two webinars, presenting two conference posters, and promoting our newly released resource guide, titled "Adapting Child Safety Interventions," created in collaboration with our Children's Safety Now Alliance (CSN-A) partners. 


Tomorrow, May 3, from 2-3PM ET, CSN is hosting a Child Safety Learning Collaborative webinar. States participating in the Child Safety Learning Collaborative (CSLC), an initiative of CSN, will share how they have used quality improvement and innovation tools to work towards their goals.  


CSN's second upcoming webinar, "Exploring the Relationship between Bullying and Substance Use," will be held on Tuesday, May 23, from 2-3PM ET. Dr. Laura Crothers of Duquesne University and Chuck Klevgaard of Education Development Center (EDC) will discuss the relationship between youth bullying and substance use and provide ways to address these problems. Dr. Charles Irwin, an active member of the CSN-A, will moderate this webinar. 


CSN is also presenting at this year's annual Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) conference from May 6-9. Bina Ali, Director of the Children’s Safety Network Economics and Data Analysis Resource Center (CSN EDARC), will present a poster centered around health equity, and Lauren Gilman, CSN's Bullying Prevention Topic Lead and CSLC Co-Manager, will present a poster centered around bullying prevention. 


Late last month, CSN released a new resource guide, "Adapting Child Safety Interventions," developed in collaboration with the CSN-A. The guide provides information and resources on how to adapt evidence-based practices (EBPs), including an overview of core elements and other key concepts and of specific steps in program adaptation. The guide also provides examples from the field and resources for implementing each step of the adaptation process. 


Throughout this newsletter, you will find resources from our CSN-A partners highlighted in purple. 


Please widely share these resources with your networks. 



Jennifer Leonardo

New CSN-A Resource: Adapting Child Safety Interventions Resource Guide

Delivering interventions that have been shown to be effective in improving desired outcomes—also referred to as evidence-based practices (EBPs)—is critical to achieving improvements in child safety. Ideally, the interventions selected are ones that best fit local needs and circumstances. But even then, only rarely can they be implemented exactly as originally designed and tested. More often, some level of adaptation is needed.

This new resource guide, "Adapting Child Safety Interventions," created by CSN in collaboration with the CSN-A, is intended for state and jurisdiction child safety practitioners who are well positioned to adapt these interventions, as they know the needs of their local communities and have the partnerships needed for success. This guide provides information and resources on EBP adaptation and presents an overview of intervention adaptation, discusses core elements and other key concepts, and identifies specific steps in program adaptation. The guide also provides examples from the field and resources for implementing each step of the adaptation process.


'Live Free and Die?' The Sad State of U.S. Life Expectancy | NPR


Build on Community Strengths to Prevent Suicide in Rural Alaska, Research Says | University of Michigan 


Children and Teens are More Likely to Die by Guns Than Anything Else | CNN Health 

Leading Healthcare Systems Across the Tri-State Area Join National Gun Safety Movement to Address Leading Cause of Death in Kids | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 

The Crisis in American Girlhood | The Washington Post 


Surge in Eating Disorders Prompts State Lawmakers to Take Action | The Boston Globe


National Heatstroke Prevention Day | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

May 1, 2023

National Mental Health Month | Youth.gov 

May 1-31, 2022 

National Water Safety Month | Pool & Hot Tub Alliance  

May 1-31, 2022  

Upcoming CSN Webinar: Child Safety Learning Collaborative Webinar

May 3, 2023 

2PM - 3PM ET 

May 6-9, 2023
Join the CSN team at the following sessions: 
  • Poster: "Advancing Health Equity through Injury Prevention in Children and Adolescents: Analyzing and Leveraging Data across Child Safety Topics and Building Leadership Diversity" 
  • Poster: "State-Level Bullying Prevention Initiatives: Partnerships, Innovations and Equitable Practices"

International Water Safety Day | International Water Safety Foundation 

May 15, 2023  

#PreventDrowning Webinar | Prevent Child Injury 

May 15, 2023  

11AM - 12PM ET 

UN Global Road Safety Week | The United Nations and the World Health Organization 

May 15-21, 2023 

Addressing Tobacco Use in Hispanic or Latino Communities Webcast | American Lung Association

May 17, 2023 

3PM – 4PM ET 


Abordar el consumo de tabaco en las comunidades hispanas o latinas | American Lung Association

May 18, 2023 

3PM – 4PM ET 

Outreach Week: Open Water Drowning | Prevent Child Injury 

May 21, 2023

3:30PM - 4:30PM ET

Upcoming CSN Webinar: Exploring the Relationship Between Bullying and Substance Use

May 23, 2023 

2PM - 3PM ET


National Safety Month | National Safety Council 

June 1-30, 2023 

Prevent Child Abuse America National Conference | Prevent Child Abuse America 

August 22-24, 2023 


Child Maltreatment Prevention 

Updated Trends in Child Maltreatment, 2021 | Crimes Against Children Research Center 

Firearms Safety 

Gun Safety Resources | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 

The Family Safety Net | University of Michigan


Child Death Review Video Series | Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin 

Youth Engagement in Evaluation: A Guide for Youth-Serving Organizations | UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent 

Health Equity 

Health Equity and the Impact of Racism on Adolescent Health | Pediatrics 

LGBTQ Primary Care Toolkit | Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation 

Intimate Partner Violence Prevention 

Growing Up in the Digital World: An Open Conversation About Dating and Online Harassment | love is respect 

Suicide Prevention 

A Strategic Planning Approach to Suicide Prevention Course | Suicide Prevention Resource Center 

Locating and Understanding Data for Understanding Suicide Prevention Course | Suicide Prevention Resource Center 


Drowning Prevention 

Deep Learning and Vision-Based Early Drowning Detection | Information 


Impact of Caregiver Swimming Capability on Perceptions of Swimming Pool Supervision of Toddlers | Injury Epidemiology 


Firearms Safety 

A Community Educational Intervention to Improve Firearm Safety Behaviors in Families | Journal of Pediatric Health Care 


A Statewide Assessment of Pediatric Emergency Care Surge Capabilities | Pediatrics 

Pilot Evaluation of a Virtual Training Program for Child Injury Prevention | Health Education Research

The New Crisis of Increasing All-Cause Mortality in US Children and Adolescents | JAMA Network Open 

Health Equity 

Addressing Child Mental Health Inequities Through Parental Mental Health and Preschool Attendance | Pediatrics

Describing Meanings and Practices Related to Firearms, Safety, and Household Storage in Rural Alaska Native Communities | Journal of Rural Mental Health

Disparities in Mortality Trends for Infants of Teenagers: 1996 to 2019 | Pediatrics

Poisoning-Related Emergency Department Visits in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder | Injury Epidemiology

Prevalence of Bullying in California Youth with Disabilities | International Journal of Bullying Prevention


Rural & Farm Safety 

A Feasibility Study of Augmented Reality Intervention for Safety Education for Farm Parents and Children | Frontiers in Public Health 


Regional Surveillance of Medically-Attended Farm-Related Injuries in Children and Adolescents | Frontiers in Public Health 


Substance Misuse Prevention 

COVID-19 Restrictions and Adolescent Cigarette and E-Cigarette Use in California | American Journal of Preventive Medicine 


Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Prevention 

Safety Baby Shower Intervention Improves Safe Sleep Knowledge and Self-Efficacy among Expectant Teens | SAGE Open Nursing 


What are the Barriers to Sustaining a Safe Sleep Program for Infants Within Hospital Settings: An Integrative Review of the Literature | Journal of Pediatric Nursing 


Suicide Prevention 

COVID-19 Impacts and Adolescent Suicide: The Mediating Roles of Child Abuse and Mental Health Conditions | Child Abuse & Neglect 


Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Bullying and Depressive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents | BMC Psychiatry 

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Child and Adolescent Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Centers Cooperative Agreement (U49MC28422) for $5,000,000 with 0 perfect financed with non-governmental sources. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.