Dear Partners,
As we enter a new year, we at CSN are reflecting on the challenges and successes that made 2022 a year full of learning and growth. We are looking forward to continuing our partnerships and continuing our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and working towards a world in which all infants, children, and adolescents can live safe and healthy lives.
We call your attention this month to newly developed resources from the Children's Safety Now Alliance and partners in the resources section of this newsletter, found below, on keeping kids warm in the winter, violence prevention, and swimming safety.
Looking ahead, February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Many adolescents begin forming more intimate partnerships during their teenage years, and some may experience teen dating violence. Teen dating violence includes four forms of violence that may occur: physical violence, sexual violence, psychological aggression, and stalking (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). The Children’s Safety Now Alliance developed a new Teen Dating Violence Prevention Fact Sheet with the most recent data on the prevalence of teen dating violence, disparities between populations, risk and protective factors, and guidance for prevention. We encourage you to share this resource widely through your networks.
Throughout this newsletter, you will find resources from our Children's Safety Now Alliance partners highlighted in purple.
Please widely share these resources with your networks.
Jennifer Leonardo, PhD