Sept. 1, 2019

CSI: Carondelet 

In Forensic Science class, students came across a mock crime scene and determined what evidence was important and how to properly collect it. More photos
The week ahead...

Four days of classes this week following Labor Day. 8:50a start on Wednesday. On Thursday, an 8:05a start and special schedule for class meetings. 
Next week, Back to School Night is on Thursday, 9/12 and no classes on Friday 9/13 for a Fac/Staff Professional Day.

Mon. Sept. 2
No school - Labor Day

Tue. Sept. 3
0-7   8:05a start

Wed. Sept. 4
X/1/3/5/7   8:50a start

Thu. Sept. 5
6/CM/2/4/X 8:05a start
Class Meetings  9:25-10:10a
Father's Club Mixer 6:00 p.m.

Fri. Sept. 6
0-7  8:05a start

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Each week in the newsletter, we'll highlight a department on-campus, sharing what they're up to and how they're making a difference with your child and our school.
Know Your Department: Social Studies
Freshman Big History students compare ways different cultures approach their own origin story.

Critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and communication. 

These are the 21st century skills that Carondelet students develop during their 4 years as students in the Social Studies Department. Three years ago our department embarked on a new curriculum approach which helps ready our students for both college and career. The following programs have been enthusiastically adopted by our teachers:
  • Students engage their natural capacity for curiosity when they make real-world connections in the history classroom. We adopted the Big History curriculum last year for all our freshman classes to enable our students to make meaningful connections across broad historical time frames. Evidence-based reasoning and interdisciplinary thinking are promoted and developed throughout the school year. This year we are modifying our Big History curriculum to place more emphasis on modern time periods.
  • School-wide surveys and elevated student engagement indicated the success of the Freshman Big History program. Since the Big History curriculum develops academic skills which we want students to carry over to the higher grades, we are extending the Big History curriculum through the sophomore year. Our new required sophomore course, Big History: The Next Threshold , students will continue to deepen the skills of inquiry and writing, and will also develop their oral presentation skills throughout the year.
  • Due to student interest, we are now offering AP Macroeconomics during the spring semester to our senior students.
  • Throughout the four years at Carondelet, students will encounter project-based learning in the Social Studies department. Students complete the Little Big History Project in their Freshman year and participate in National History Day during their junior year. Both projects involve student-selected topics, intensive research, teamwork, and oral presentation of their research findings. It is our firm belief when students are fully engaged in the process of inquiry, learning becomes more meaningful and important skills are developed. In addition, we offer Model United Nations and Mock Trial as extracurricular activities.
From left: Phil Miller, Matthew Brecht, Gaeby Todesco, Miranda Cozzone, Joanie Larsson, Mitch Ward.

Our Social Studies Department is glad to welcome Matthew Brecht as our new teacher! Matthew will be teaching AP Government and Politics, and Civics this year. He is a recent graduate of St. Mary's College and is currently wrapping up his Masters in Teaching. In his spare time he loves to mountain bike and snowboard.

Fathers Club - Thursday

Introducing The Carondelet Fathers  Club! This new social  club and community service organization is created to promote the spirit of volunteerism with dads and their daughters. Getting involved provides you with the opportunity to meet new friends, share laughs, and serve side-by-side with other  fathers to assist in community service events, school events and further strengthen the CHS community.

Thursday, Sept. 5 at 6:00 p.m. 
Convent - Community Room

Learn more about it and get involved. Dinner and refreshments will be served. 
Apply for California Scholarship Federation

CSF  fall membership drive is now underway!  You can find our club description and application here (student gmail required).   If your daughter has an Honor Certificate from her previous middle school, there is a location to upload the certificate on this form. 

The drive ends on September 9th at 3:00 p.m.  No applications will be considered after this time.  If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Silveira
Frosh - Alpha Retreat

Each year, freshmen are encouraged to attend the Alpha Retreat in September. 
Alpha welcomes frosh students in our community with a variety of icebreakers, reflections, community builders, discussions, skits, and prayers led by older students and adults.  The retreat is like one epic sleepover.  This year, the retreat is after school and overnight from Fri. Sept. 27 - Sat. Sept. 28 

Full information and Permissions Slips are available  online. You can also find the information on the online calendar. Registration is due this week on Sept. 5.
Bell Schedule

This week the bell schedule listing on our website was adjusted slightly regarding 7th period times for classes at De La Salle. You can find the update on the online link.
Sisterhood Mass

"We gather today as a community of sisters. There's a special bond that communities share, one that can't easily be explained but can be felt tangibly in our hearts."  Last Thursday, we celebrated our Sisterhood Mass.

Tell an 8th grader

The Admissions portal has opened for the class of 2024! Tell your friends and families in 8th grade that they can now sign up for Shadow Visits - which booked up fully in about one week last year - and events like Open House and Info Night which are open to all girls of all middle school ages. 
Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ speaking event

Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ will be visiting the Bay Area next week and we want to invite you to hear her speak.  Sister Helen worked as an activist nun, campaigning to educate Americans about the inhumanity of the death penalty, is known to millions worldwide. Learn more about her story here.

Friday, September 6, 7 - 9 p.m. at Danville Congregational Church. 

Her talk on Friday will be focused on sharing the story of her growth as a spiritual leader and the evolution of her spiritual journey from praying for God to solve the world's problems to engaging full-tilt in working to transform social injustices. 

Carondelet will be able to offer up to 10 students to attend this event. Tickets are offered on a first come, first serve basis. Vans will leave Carondelet on Friday, September 6th at 6pm to go to the event. 

Students, RSVP by lunchtime on Tuesday, Sept. 3
Parents, you can purchase tickets to the event.

VIP Ticket

Get your  tickets to the hottest events of the year, including the Visions of Christmas High Tea and Fashion Show which sells out in minutes. 

Our  VIP  Ticket allows access to three of Carondelet's most popular events:
*Visions of Christmas High Tea and Fashion Show 
*Bubbles and Brews 
*Crab Feed

Our  VIP  Ticket is $350 per person. Only 100  tickets will be sold.  Deadline to purchase is Friday, September 27.  Purchase   your VIP Ticket today. 

One-Day STEM program for young women

College & Career is excited to introduce you to a free, one-day, hands-on experience for high school women who are interested in pursuing careers in medicine and engineering with The Perry Initiative on Saturday, October 19 at UCSF.  

Applications are open to current 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. 
Meetings on 9/26

On Thursday, Sept. 26, all students will attend a meeting with their class to during the school day. View the special schedule for the day. Meeting details below.

Inner Court
Introduction to Frosh Day of Service + CSJ Mission & Serving our dear neighbor
Sophomores & Juniors
PSAT Strategies with guest speaker (Michael Brun)
College Career Workshop
On the 26th
Yearbook family ads for seniors

Senior Yearbook ad dedication sales are now open!  You can find information on ad sizes and costs . Any questions can be directed to
College & Career updates

Juniors and Seniors: Sign up for College Rep Visits
This fall, representatives from over 125 colleges will visit Carondelet and De La Salle. Attending a college rep visit is an excellent way to learn more about an institution and to demonstrate your interest in the college. Sign up on Naviance. Students must receive teacher approval at least one day in advance. Learn how to register.

Who's visiting this week?
Grand Canyon University, Lynn University, University of the Pacific, Vanderbilt University, The University of Alabama, Johns Hopkins University, and Saint Mary's College of California.

Who's visiting next week?
Ohio Wesleyan, Colgate, Villanova, Hofstra, Santa Clara, Gettysburg, University of Richmond, Sacred Heart, Savannah College of Art and Design, Lehigh, Portland State, College of Mount Saint Vincent, Seton Hall, University of Nevada Reno.

September 19 | 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. | Santa Clara Convention Center
Students from all grade levels who are interested in pursuing visual or performing arts in college should attend this event.  Meet face-to-face with representatives from hundreds of colleges and get your questions answered about auditions, portfolios, and much more.
Service Opportunities

Throughout the year many organizations in our community provide service opportunities for our students. You will always be able to find a link in our e-newsletter to a list of current opportunities which will be constantly updating. 

Did you do service over the summer? If you did, we would love to hear about it. You can log your service hours and tell your service story through our new online platform, Mobileserve. Find out how to create an account

If you have questions about finding a service opportunity, logging your service hours or want to chat about social justice issue you're passionate about, visit Ms. Terry in Campus Ministry!  (  or 925-686-5353 x141)
Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Parent Involvement Program (PIP) opportunities are available for families to sign-up on the Parent Volunteer page

Keep in mind that before parents can sign up for a volunteer position, they must first clear all requirements. Details are listed on the page above.

Positions available
- Visions of Christmas 
Some positions are posted now. Others will be added over the next few weeks.
Volunteering at Visions of Christmas

It takes the power of more than 600 volunteers to make Visions a success, which means we NEED you. The greatest number of PIP hours are provided during Visions, so don't miss this opportunity.

Volunteer Opportunities   View all job openings  
  • Create gift baskets
  • Join a committee
  • Work in the kitchen or silent auction
  • Help with set-up or take-down
  • Sell raffle tickets 
Freshman Families
You are required to participate in Visions of Christmas with a minimum of 8 hours of service or through a gift-in-kind donation. Please click here for specifics. 
*Gift donation deadline is Oct. 31, 2019

For questions, please contact:  Lauren Barbano '99  
Visions of Christmas sponsorships and donations

Secure your tickets now for Visions of Christmas by becoming a sponsor.  

Our new sponsorship benefits include VIP seating, reserved parking, premium champagne, and brand-name exposure to over 3,000 attendees and the entire Carondelet community.  View our sponsorship levels and make your contribution online today.

Donate to Visions
Gift-in-kind donations from our community are essential to the success of Visions of Christmas.  Your generous donations are used in our silent auction.

A few gift ideas:
* Vacation home or travel experiences
* Tickets to concerts or sporting events
* Fine wine
* Ask your favorite restaurant to donate a gift  certificate
* Visit one of our registries to donate a gift at Amazon , Crate & Barrel , Macy's , Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma .  

Please inform us of your Gift-in-Kind donation.
Mills Uniform Summer Store 

Mills Uniform Summer S tore
closes Sept. 14
Tue.-Thu. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Fri.-Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

5741 Christie Ave., Suite 11
Emeryville, CA
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As a reminder, this will ONLY add you to our E-Newsletter distribution list; it will not update any of your information in PowerSchool. For PowerSchool updates, please contact Ms. Katie Almonte, Data Analyst.