Administrator's Corner
September 12, 2022
Last week TJ had Back to School Night and it was a great success! Thank you to everyone who came, and we really enjoyed meeting parents in person! As always, if you have questions regarding your child's classes, feel free to email their teacher. As a reminder, parents should utilize the Parent Portal to monitor your child's grades and attendance.
This week is Spirit Week! We have a lot of fun activities going on this week, concluding with our Homecoming dance this Saturday, September 17th from 8-11pm. Please encourage your student to participate in as many activities as possible!
Crocs vs Slides - Competition at lunch for the most creative/best Crocs or Slides
Bonfire - 6:30-8:30 in the TJ parking lot
Culture Day - Photo Booth at Lunch for Instagram and Polaroids
Mean Girls Day (Pink) - Homecoming Royalty announcement @ lunch on the patio
Throwback Thursday - PowderPuff Football Game at lunch on the TJ Field
TJ DAY!!!! (Wear your Brown and Gold!)
Pep Assembly Schedule
Football Game @ All City Field - 7:30 - homecoming royalty finalists recognized
Homecoming Dance 8-11 pm @ TJ in the North Quad
La semana pasada TJ tuvo la Noche de Regreso a la Escuela y fue un gran éxito! ¡Gracias a todos los que vinieron, y realmente disfrutamos conocer a los padres en persona! Como siempre, si usted tiene preguntas con respecto a las clases de su hijo, siéntase libre de enviar un correo electrónico a su maestro. Como recordatorio, los padres deben utilizar el Portal de Padres para monitorear las calificaciones y la asistencia de su hijo.
¡Esta semana es la Semana del Espíritu! Tenemos muchas actividades divertidas esta semana, concluyendo con nuestro baile Homecoming este sábado, 17th de septiembre de 8-11pm. ¡Por favor anime a su estudiante a participar en tantas actividades como sea posible!
Crocs vs Slides: Concurso en el almuerzo para los mejores y más creativos Crocs o Slides
Bonfire - 6:30-8:30 en el estacionamiento de TJ
Día de la Cultura - Cabina de fotos para el almuerzo Instagram y polaroides
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Día de las Niñas Media (Rosa) - Anuncio de la realeza de regreso a casa - Almuerzo en el patio
Jueves - Juego de fútbol de PowderPuff en el almuerzo en el campo de TJ
DÍA de TJ!!! (¡Ponte marrón y dorado!)
Programación del montaje del Pep
Juego de fútbol - All City Field - 7:30 - Homeccoming royality finalists Reconoced
Danza homeccoming a las 8-11 pm - TJ en la North Quad
Anne Rice
Athletic Director and Assistant Principal
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Spirit Week: Crocs vs. Slides
Bonfire: 6:30-8:30 p.m. (There will be food available for purchase at the Bonfire. We will have $5 meal deals and a $1 snack shack. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us!! Proceeds go to the class of 2024!)
Spirit Week: Culture Day
- Food Bank Distribution: 3:30-5:30 p.m.
- PTO meeting: 6-7 p.m. in room 111
Spirit Week: Mean Girls (Pink)
- Hoco Royalty announcement and celebration @ Lunch
Spirit Week: Throwback
- PowderPuff @ Lunch
- Parent Meeting for Jazz/Civil Rights Field Trip (details below)
Spirit Week: TJ Day
- Pep assembly schedule
- Homecoming Football Game and Royalty Half-Time Celebration @ All City Field - 7:30
- $5 for Adults
- $3 for Students
- Free for student-athletes if the have their sticker
- $1 Senior citizens
- PLEASE BE AWARE - All City Field has a new "no-bag" policy - (details below)
- Homecoming Dance: 8-11 p.m.
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Graphic by Shana Saint Phard | |
- A big thank you to all of the parents and guardians who attended Back to School Night last week! We loved seeing everyone in person and thank you for your ongoing involvement in the TJ community. It takes a village!
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All City Field "No Bag" Policy (for Friday Night's Game) | |
Per DPS Safety and Security:
For events at DPS stadiums, all students and attendees will be asked to follow the policy as outlined below:
Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and do not exceed 12” x 6” x 12.” (Official NFL team logo clear plastic tote bags are available through club merchandise outlets or at No buckles, grommets/hardware or décor can be concealing any part of the bag. The bag literally must be all clear) or • One-gallon clear plastic freezer bag (Ziploc bag or similar). • Small clutch bags, approximately the size of a hand, with or without a handle or strap can be taken into the stadium with one of the clear plastic bag options. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: purses larger than a clutch bag, coolers, briefcases, backpacks, fanny packs, diaper bags, cinch bags, seat cushions, luggage of any kind, computer bags and camera bags or any bag larger than the permissible size.
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TJ Food Bank Distribution Program | |
Mark your calendar - our monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month and we welcome all parents and community members. Please join us for our first meeting of the year, Tuesday, 9/13 from 6-7pm. Meetings this year are held at TJHS in the Community Room (Rm 111). Our September meeting will feature Principal Mike Christoff and a review of the new school year.
TJ’s PTO is a group of parents, teachers, and community members who support the school wide activities and programs that make TJ the DPS neighborhood high school of choice for Southeast Denver.
YOU make all the difference! To get on our e-mail list, visit the PTO webpage and click the JOIN Today! link at the top.
Questions? Want to get involved? Email
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TJ Cross Country Fundraiser | |
March, 2023 Jazz/Civil Rights Field Trip | |
Join us for an exciting and educational adventure this spring.
I am leading a 10-day field trip to New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis and Chicago.
Participants will learn about and listen to the history of America's music - JAZZ.
We will visit historic sites, attend some performances, ride a Mississippi paddle-wheeler, visit a recording studio, and much more. Students in the jazz band will have the opportunity to perform several times, as well. Additionally, we will be visiting some historic sites important in the Civil Rights Movement and discussing the connections between the history of Jazz and the Civil Rights Movement.
Trip dates are March 22 - March 31.
Costs of the trip are the responsibility of the student/family. We will be fundraising to help defray the cost, but there are no guarantees as to the amount we can fundraise.
There is a parent/ student meeting on Thursday, September 15 at 6 pm in room 148 (the band room). The signup link for this trip is here. When signing up for the trip it is strongly recommended to purchase the Refund Guarantee Program.
Adults may participate in this trip.
This once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Come join us.
Robin Morrissey [she/her/hers]
Band & Orchestra Director
Thomas Jefferson High School
phone: (720) 423-7071
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TJ merchandise will be available to purchase at the Homecoming football game Friday! Go Spartans!
In the meantime, if you have questions or would like a TJ hoodie, t-shirt, PJ pants, joggers, hat, sticker, magnet, etc., please email us at and we’ll help you get the items you want.
We will also be doing an online sale with a larger selection of items in October, delivered to you in time for the holidays. More details to come.
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Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips | |
Did You Know…
(En (En Espanol))
Parent Training Opportunity!
In the state of Colorado, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for those who are 15-24 years old
Here is what our students are reporting:
Colorado Healthy Kids Survey 2021
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As a guardian, here is how you can get information and resources:
What: Signs of Suicide Parent Presentation by TJ Mental Health Team (with snacks!). Learn about the risk factors, warning signs and supports available for suicide prevention and intervention.
When: Tuesday September 13th 5:00-6:00pm
Where: Room 111 at TJHS
Questions? Please contact:
- Samanda Davis- Social Worker (720)423-7072 &
- Natalie Koncz- School Psychologist (720)423-7077 &
We look forward to seeing you there!
Mental Health and Social Emotional “Did You Know”: Compiled by Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP and Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW.
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News from the Denver Scholarship Foundation Future Center | |
Spartan Seniors and Families!
Click here to learn more about the Denver Scholarship Foundation and the DSF Scholarship.
In your In your Future Center: TJFC2023 schoology course, you will find many resources to help you with your college, scholarship and financial aid processes this year. Please visit this page regularly, use the resources provided, and complete the assignments as they are designed to keep you on track to maximize your opportunities.
Most importantly, please drop by the Future Center to say hi!
Upcoming Events: For more information, please visit the Future Center schoology course calendar
Wednesday, September 14th- Cal Poly-SLO Rep Visit in the TJFC
Thursday, September 15th- Daniels Fund Scholarship Application OPENS
Wednesday, September 21st- Colorado State University Rep Visit in the TJFC
Thursday, September 22- University of Colorado Denver Rep Visit in the TJFC
Emily Webster
DSF College Advisor
Emily Main
DSF College Advisor Fellow
On Thursdays and Fridays
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Please DONATE $23 for ‘23
Let’s all make a final push and send in our support now $10 $23 $50 $100 $230 whatever you are able to do! This money supports all 2023 fun class activities, community-building, senior year events and of course AFTER-PROM!
Community-building lately including us underwriting the Senior Sleepout and the Senior Splash events and so the students made all the money from the events for their Prom. These events could not happen without your Financial Support! Let’s keep up the momentum for a Great Senior Year!
2023 Class 2023 Class Donations | TJHS PTO | TJHS PTO
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Wednesday, September 21st
10 a.m. - 10 p.m.!!!
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TORCHY’S TACOS: 6325 E. Hampden Avenue
*Help our Seniors raise money for PROM - order lunch, grab dinner, dine with fellow 2023 Families all day at Torchy’s!
On-line, Pick-up, Drive-Thru OR Dine-in!
GOTTA SAY “TJ HIGH SCHOOL” so they know to count those sales for 2023 Prom Fundraiser!
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Sept. 21st - BE THERE!
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Click here for 2023 TRADITIONS & DATES LIST
*September - Get Senior Color Photos Taken - Due to Yearbook end of October with Quotes!
* September 12-17, 2022 - TJ HOMECOMING WEEK!
* BONFIRE: Monday, September 12th at TJ 6:30-8:30 p.m.
* SPIRIT DAYS: Monday-Friday Sept. 12th-16th (See Hoco Info top of newsletter)
* POWDERPUFF GAME: Thursday, Sept. 15th Lunchtime
(Seniors vs Juniors! Sign-up at TJ).
*ALL-SCHOOL PEP RALLY: Friday, Sept. 16th Afternoon at TJ
*FOOTBALL GAME: Friday, 16th 7:30 p.m. at All City Stadium
* HOCO ROYALTY HALFTIME: Fri., Sept. 16th All-City Stadium
* HOMECOMING DANCE: Sat. Sept. 17th at TJ 8-11 p.m. Outside (Tickets on Sale starting September 12th)
*Wednesday, September 21st 10 a.m.-10 p.m.TORCHY’s TACOS TJ FUNDRAISER! Please plan to dine out at Torchy’s on Hampden - Torchy’s will donate back a portion of the entire day of sales to our Senior’s Prom when customers mention TJ! Drive-thru, On-line Pick-up AND In-person dining! Order lunch, grab dinner or gather with other 2023 Families and help raise money for 2023 Prom!
* Tuesday, September 27th 7:00 p.m. PARENT 2023 KICK-OFF MEETING - Brainstorming After Prom Activities! Poirier’s Backyard - RSVP to and she will send address and parking details!
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*SAVE THE DATE!!! Saturday, October 8th 7:00 -10:00 p.m. OKTOBERFEST FUNDRAISER at Kris & Scott Hougard’s Fabulous Backyard! - Parent Party Details and Tickets/Sign-up to come!
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We always need more help and input and the 2023 Seniors have a big year ahead! If you would like to get in on the action, please be on our Senior Parent Committee/Group for Senior Year Events and After Prom Event at TJ, please send your contact info to:
Catherine Poirier or
Christy Jordan - we will get you involved!
You can also REALLY help by donating directly to 2023 on the link at the top of our page, supporting the Seniors’ Torchy’s Taco event September 21st, attending our Parent Kick-off meeting September 27th and/or coming to the Parent Fundraiser Oktoberfest Saturday, October 8th!
Our Amazing 2023 Class Faculty Sponsors are:
Mrs. Annie Berg, MSW,
Mr. Nic Long,
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Homecoming Bonfire Volunteers and Supplies Needed!
The Junior Class will be providing a $5 meal deal and other items for purchase at the
Homecoming Bonfire on Monday, September 12, 2022!! We need the help of our
extraordinary parents to feed the TJ Students.
If you can help with setting up, grilling, distributing food, and cleaning up, please plan on
arriving by 6pm. The Bonfire is from 6:30 to 8:30pm, so please plan on staying the full
time (or until the food is sold out).
The $5 meal deal will include a hot dog, bag of chips, soda and dessert. We will also
provide additional items for $1 each. Please take a moment to sign up to help at the
event and/or provide supplies. All profits will support the Class of 2024 After
Paint Recycling with GreenSheen Paint
September 24, 9am to 1pm in the TJ Parking Lot
Recycle your old paint for FREE! Your voluntary donation will support the
Class of 2024. More details coming soon!
Birdcall Restaurant
September 27
Dine in and 35% of ALL proceeds will go to the Class of 2024!
Class Donations
Class of 2024
If you haven’t donated to the Class of 2024, now is your chance! Corporate
matching is a great, easy way to raise funds. Money raised will be used for
the Class of 2024 After Prom.
Please click on the PTO Square link to support the class. Feel free to pass
the link onto family and friends! (
Parent Meetings
Information for the first parent meeting of the 2022-2023 school year coming soon!
Extraordinary parents – come get involved!
Reach out with questions, comments, and ideas. We look forward to a great year!
Rebecca Moore
Tambyr Reed
Robin Morrissey
Dyanna Spicher (parent)
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Class of 2025 - Sophomores | |
Fundraiser restaurant night Friday, Sept 23rd, 4-9PM at Crave 6300 E. Hampden Ave.
located where Wahoo’s used to be. Tell the cashier when you order you are there for TJ class of 2025 and we’ll get 15% of sales. If you order online you can enter a note saying you are ordering to support TJ class of 2025.
Can’t make the restaurant night? Support our class with a cash donation.
$25 for ‘25
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Stay tuned for information about the class of 2026! | |
Stay Connected, Spartans! | | | | | |