Saint Anthony of Padua School

3301 Glen Carlyn Road

Falls Church VA 22041

Tel: 703-820-7450

Email: [email protected]

September 15th, 2022

Dear Parents,

It has been a wonderful day! We were very blessed to have a successful Reading Fiesta and then follow it up later in the afternoon with our Junior Kindergarten - 5th Grade students being introduced to the Author and Illustrator Jonathan Miller.  Thank you to all the families who completed the summer reading challenge.  89 of our students were entertained by Magic Scott Marshall, got a special treat out on the field, and 53 of the students who did the extra credit items on the back of the log sheet received special Homework Passes!

I hope you enjoy the photos of the event below.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

Amy Fry, Principal

If you did not send in a pre-order for The Adventures of Sammy books and would still like to we have given the children some order forms.  Please hand these back to the office by Friday morning (9/16) with payment. 

Books should be available for collection or backpack delivery next week.

Looking for something to do this weekend? 

The 46th Annual Falls Church Festival returns to The Little City in 2022! This family-fun event features The Taste of Falls Church, a beer garden, live music, children's entertainment, and booths from local crafters, businesses, and civic organizations.  Saint Anthony of Padua School has a stand at the festival, drop by and say HELLO!

Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The first PTO Event of the Year!

A family fun event held by the Saint Anthony of Padua School PTO

A few important items of information for the BINGO Night:

  • Family package ticket purchases close September 21st, no pizza will be sold on the night. See our PTO Site for the Package tickets. Want to just walk in, no problemthe PTO will have BINGO cards and snacks on sale that evening (Cash or a $10 minimum credit card purchase).
  • This is the first opportunity for families to add to their Family Service Hours. Come and help us make the evening a success. For more information on how you can help email[email protected]
  • Do you want to sponsor some of the items for the event or call numbers? See the SignUpGenius Link on our Page

We highly recommend that you follow us on the Social Media platforms at the end of this Newsletter and keep checking updates on our website for additional information throughout the school year. We look forward to improving our communications with families, if you have any comments or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact Megan McNamara at [email protected]

Important Dates

September 2022

  • September 23, 2022 - PTO BINGO Evening (LINK TO PTO SITE)
  • September 27, 2022 - Picture Day (Rain date 10/5/22)
  • September 28, 2022 - Picture Day (Rain date 10/6/22)
  • September 30, 2022 - No School - Diocesan Teacher Training  

The Full School Calendar

LINK to Calendar

Picture Day 2022

All CYO Sports Activities can be found on the Athletics page of our website. Please navigate to the sport of interest. 

  • Please make sure you check this often as the sites are updated weekly.
  • Any cancellations for the practices or events will be emailed to you by [email protected] or the team coaches.

Do you have a child who loves Cheer Squad?  Bishop Ireton is hosting a Cheer Clinic - October 8th, 2022.  If interested please see the Cheer Clinic Flyer and application form.  Spots are limited – so don’t delay and sign up today!


Reminder: you are expected to be in the car line by 3:25pm. Because after school activities have begun, the car line is moving along quickly!


If you haven't already signed up for the milk order, please use the link below. 


Sign-up for Extended Day is ongoing, each year families are required to sign-up for Extended Day. 

Please click the link below to learn more.

Extended Day

All Families are members of the PTO

Each family unit is required to complete 20 hours of family service per school year. Family units who do not complete their service hours will be charged $10 per incomplete hour. We highly encourage in-person volunteering at events but hours can also be claimed by donating items or services for events.

The PTO creates SignUpGenius invitations for each event. The information provided will include the number of hours given per slot.

For in-school volunteering, parents must be VIRTUS (LINK) trained. 

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