Administrator's Corner
September 19, 2022
Happy Monday TJ,
Last week’s Homecoming festivities were a great reminder of how wonderful our student body and community are here at TJ. A huge thank you and congratulations to all those who made last week’s Homecoming festivities so successful. Thank you to all the parents, specifically the junior class parents, for all the donations.
Thank you to the faculty and staff who volunteered for all the events. Thank you to Mrs. Thompson and the Student Leadership class for a great spirit week and one of our largest Homecoming dances on record. Congratulations to all the Homecoming Nominees and their families and congratulations to Laila Hilton and Makur Abrams, our Homecoming Queen and King.
On a more academic note, families, please try to get your students to school on time. We understand that the traffic is bad but please plan accordingly. Missing instructional time can impact your student’s success.
Thanks, and have a great week, TJ!
Feliz lunes TJ,
Las fiestas de regreso a casa de la semana pasada fueron un gran recordatorio de lo maravilloso que están nuestro cuerpo estudiantil y nuestra comunidad en TJ. Muchas gracias y felicitaciones a todos aquellos que hicieron que las fiestas de regreso a casa de la semana pasada fueran tan exitosas. Gracias a todos los padres, específicamente a los padres de la clase menor, por todas las donaciones.
Gracias a la facultad y al personal que se ofrecieron como voluntarios para todos los eventos. Gracias a la Sra. Thompson y a la clase de Liderazgo Estudiantil por una gran semana de espíritu y uno de nuestros bailes de regreso al hogar más grandes registrados. Felicitaciones a todos los nominados y sus familias y felicitaciones a Laila Hilton y Makur Abrams, nuestra Reina y Rey Homecoming.
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En una nota más académica, las familias, por favor traten de llevar a sus estudiantes a la escuela a tiempo. Entendemos que el tráfico es malo, pero por favor planee en consecuencia. Perder tiempo de instrucción puede afectar el éxito de su estudiante.
Gracias, y que tenga una gran semana, TJ!
Jon Poole
Assistant Principal
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- Torchy's Tacos Fundraiser for the class of 2023 - ALL DAY! (details below)
- Crave Fundraiser for the class of 2025 - 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. (details below)
- Paint Recycling Day - 9 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (details below)
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Big thanks to our administration team (Mike Christoff, Paula Hammel, Andrew Skari, Anne Rice, and Jon Poole) for all of the extra hours put in to make last week's Homecoming activities safe and successful!
Congratulations to our Homecoming Queen and King, Laila Hilton and Makur Abrams!
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Congratulations to TJ's National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalists:
Sebastian Kiernan
Isaac Mitchell
Sebastian and Isaac have earned the recognition of being some of the highest-scoring entrants in Colorado on the PSAT/NMSQT and are eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Congrats, Sebastian and Isaac!
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TJ is thrilled to announce that for the first time ever, there is a girls' Flag Football team! Thanks to coach Suzanne Meyer and a roster of amazing Spartans, they're off to a great start!
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Lily Mullins
Stephanie Zabel
Cameron Barry
Jordyn McCoy
Maya Henke
Jayda GlassWright
Delina Abraham
Alea Dukes
Mary Wells
Melany Cardona
Alexannys Malave
Cora Ostrom
Sophia Zizzo
Chandler Rimkus
Amelia Mendoza
Lwam Tekle
Amina Akbichi
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TJ Food Bank Distribution Program | |
Supporting our school and students is the mission of the TJHS PTO, and that was in full force during Homecoming. THANK YOU to our School Store managers, Monica Snyder and Jill VanAbbema, and the parent volunteers who ran the Spirit Gear Store during Friday's game. And APPRECIATION also goes to Dyanna Spicher, leading the Class of 2024 parent committee in providing concessions at the Bonfire Rally.
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Our September PTO meeting found 23 parents listening to "insider's updates" from Principal Mike Christoff. For those who couldn't attend, the meeting minutes and monthly financial records can be found on the PTO's website.
Please make sure to scroll down to the bottom of the Weekly Newsletter to read updates from each Class. We've got some great restaurant nights and fundraisers coming soon that are promoted there. And as always, reach out to the PTO by email at
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Ordering Student Pictures | |
If you are looking for a TJ hoodie, t-shirt, PJ pants, joggers, hat, sticker, magnet, etc., please email us at and we’ll help you get the items you want.
We will also be doing an online sale with a larger selection of items in October, delivered to you in time for the holidays. More details to come.
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First Friday Competitions | |
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips | |
Did You Know...?
(en español)
Being bold is a learned behavior, and the more you practice it, the more it shows up in every area of your life. Let’s help boost confidence in our adolescents!
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Mental Health and Social Emotional “Did You Know”: Compiled by Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP and Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW. Resources: | |
News from the Denver Scholarship Foundation Future Center | |
Spartan Seniors and Families,
Click here to learn more about the Denver Scholarship Foundation and the DSF Scholarship .
Please visit your Future Center: TJFC2023 schoology course regularly, use the resources provided, and complete the assignments as they are designed to keep you on track to maximize your opportunities. Follow your Steps for Complete College Apps!
Most importantly, please drop by the Future Center as questions come up.
Upcoming Events: For more information, please visit the Future Center schoology course calendar
Wednesday, September 21st- Colorado State University Rep Visit in the TJFC
Thursday, September 22- University of Colorado Denver Rep Visit in the TJFC
Tuesday, September 27- Emily Griffith Technical College Info Session @ EGTC- Trades, Industry and Professional Studies (sign up required), Quest Bridge DUE
Wednesday, September 28- Emily Griffith Technical College Info Session @ EGTC-College of Creative Arts and Design (sign up required)
Thursday, September 29th- University of San Diego Rep Visit in the TJFC, Emily Griffith Technical College Info Session @EGTC- College of Health Sciences and Administration (sign up required), Out-of-State colleges Fair at South High School
Emily Webster
DSF College Advisor
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Click here for updated 2023 TRADITIONS & DATES LIST
*Wednesday, September 21st 10 a.m.-10 p.m.TORCHY’s TACOS TJ 2023 FUNDRAISER! Drive-thru, On-line Pick-up AND In-person dining Be sure to mention TJ High School!
* Tuesday, September 27th 7:00 p.m. PARENT 2023 KICK-OFF MEETING - Brainstorming After Prom Activities! Poirier’s Backyard - RSVP to and she will send address and parking details!
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*PARENTS: SAVE THE DATE!!! Saturday, October 8th 7:00 -10:00 p.m. OKTOBERFEST PARENT FUNDRAISER at Kris & Scott Hougard’s Fabulous Backyard! - Parent Party Details and Tickets/Sign-up to come!
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We always need more help and input and the 2023 Seniors have a big year ahead! If you would like to get in on the action, please be on our Senior Parent Committee/Group for Senior Year Events and After Prom Event at TJ, please send your contact info to:
Catherine Poirier or
Christy Jordan - we will get you involved!
You can also REALLY help by donating directly to 2023 on the link at the bottom of our page, supporting the Seniors’ Torchy’s Taco event September 21st, attending our Parent Kick-off meeting September 27th and/or coming to the Parent Fundraiser Oktoberfest Saturday, October 8th!
Our Amazing 2023 Class Faculty Sponsors are:
Mrs. Annie Berg, MSW,
Mr. Nic Long,
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Please DONATE $23 for ‘23
Let’s all make a final push and send in our support now $10 $23 $50 $100 $230 whatever you are able to do! This money supports all 2023 fun class activities, community-building, senior year events and of course AFTER-PROM!
Community-building lately including us underwriting the Senior Sleepout and the Senior Splash events and so the students made all the money from the events for their Prom. These events could not happen without your Financial Support! Let’s keep up the momentum for a Great Senior Year!
2023 Class 2023 Class Donations | TJHS PTO | TJHS PTO
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Please share this event with your friends, family, and neighbors!
Birdcall Restaurant
September 27
Dine in and 35% of ALL proceeds will go to the Class of 2024!
Tailgate Fundraiser
October 1
Join parents for fun and food! More details coming soon!
Class Donations
If you haven’t donated to the Class of 2024, now is your chance! Corporate matching is a great, easy way to raise funds. Money raised will be used for the Class of 2024 After Prom.
Please click on the PTO Square link to support the class. Feel free to pass the link onto family and friends! (
Parent Meetings
Our first parent meeting will be in October when we will recap on the great fundraising we’d done so far and what’s next. Stay tuned!
Extraordinary parents – come get involved!
Reach out with questions, comments, and ideas. We look forward to a great year!
Rebecca Moore
Tambyr Reed
Robin Morrissey
Dyanna Spicher (parent)
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Class of 2025 - Sophomores | |
Fundraiser restaurant night Friday, Sept 23rd, 4-9PM at Crave 6300 E. Hampden Ave.
located where Wahoo’s used to be. Tell the cashier when you order you are there for TJ class of 2025 and we’ll get 15% of sales. If you order online you can enter a note saying you are ordering to support TJ class of 2025.
Can’t make the restaurant night? Support our class with a cash donation.
$25 for ‘25
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Stay tuned for information about the class of 2026! | |
Stay Connected, Spartans! | | | | | |