Dear St. Alphonsus Catholic School Families,
This school year is flying by and we are off to a great start! There are a number of events coming up in October that I outlined last week. We are so excited to bring all of these to our families!
One new program that you may or may not know about is our school students lectoring at Sunday mass. This past Sunday our students were lectors at the 9am mass. It was great to have our students using their talents and represent our school in front of the whole parish.
We will be doing this again on November 6th. We would love to have a strong showing of school students and families at the 9am mass on this day as we will once again have students lectoring. Please mark your calendars, have your student wear their unity shirt and we hope to see everyone there! If your student is in the 4th grade or older and is interested in being a lector on this Sunday, please have them tell their teacher or Mrs. Schermetzler. More dates for the winter will be announced soon!
In addition, all students, Christian Formation and school, will have designated days that they will be able to volunteer at Sunday masses. Please look in the newsletter for the next opportunity for this as well.
As a reminder there is no school on October 6th and 7th for teacher in-service.
Please enjoy the rest of the newsletter.
Thank you and have a wonderful long weekend!
Russ Johnston