September 6, 2021
Administrator's Corner
Hello TJ Families,
Save the Date!!! Back to School Night will be held virtually on Thursday, September 9th from 5-7 p.m. Teachers will have specific Google Meet links for each class period posted to Schoology. We will send out a Back to School Night landing page that includes all links, the schedule, and other pertinent information for the evening.
We also would like to thank all of our students for doing such a great job of wearing their masks while inside the building. Please remind your student to always bring an extra mask with them each day. We have extras for those who need them, but our supplies are limited.
Thanks, TJ!
Hola, familias TJ:
¡¡Guarde la fecha!! Noche de regreso a la escuela se llevará a cabo prácticamente el jueves, 9th de septiembre a partir de las 5-7 p.m. Los maestros tendrán enlaces específicos de Google Meet para cada período de clase publicado en Schoology. Enviaremos una página de aterrizaje de la Noche de Regreso a la Escuela que incluye todos los enlaces, el horario y otra información pertinente para la noche.
También nos gustaría agradecer a todos nuestros estudiantes por hacer un gran trabajo de usar sus máscaras mientras están dentro del edificio. Por favor recuerde a su estudiante que siempre traiga una máscara extra con ellos cada día. Tenemos extras para aquellos que los necesitan, pero nuestros suministros son limitados.
Gracias, TJ!
Andrew Skari
Assistant Principal
Heat Mitigation in the Building - Message from the District
Dear Thomas Jefferson High School Community,
We recognize the challenges that come with learning and working in a hot school building during these late summer months. We’d like to let the community know that your school is on the list of 24 schools who will receive air conditioning with bond funds. The Thomas Jefferson campus is currently scheduled for air conditioning installation to begin in the summer of 2023.
In the meantime, all DPS schools have received air quality and ventilation upgrades with federal stimulus funds, and all non-air conditioned schools have been assigned a heat mitigation liaison to help facility managers keep the building as cool as possible by implementing building-specific protocols. This may include night air purge systems, strategic opening of windows and blinds, portable cooling units and fans, and coordinated procedures should high heat in classrooms lead to a decision to close the school mid-day.
As always, the health and safety of students and staff is our top priority and we’re grateful for your partnership.
Jim Carpenter
Deputy Superintendent of Operations
- Back to School Night (Virtual): 5:00-7:00 p.m. (more details soon)
- Student Movie Night - Details soon!
- Kudos to our students, faculty and staff, and families for being patient, understanding and flexible, and for helping to make the beginning of the year so wonderful.
Kudos to Emily Lupo and all who helped for the club fair. It was amazing!
Homecoming Events: Next Week!
Monday 13th - PJ Day
- Bonfire 6:30-8:30 (details below)
Tuesday 14th - Jersey Day (sports team not state)
- PowderPuff game 3-4 pm on Turf
Wednesday 15th- Decades Day
Homecoming Royalty announcement at Lunch - Front patio
- Seniors- 80s
- Juniors- 70s
- Sophomores - 60s
- Freshmen - 50s
Thursday 16th - Twin Day
Friday 17th - TJ Day
- Pep assembly Schedule
- TJ Swag giveaway
- Homecoming Football game and Royalty Parade 7 pm
Saturday 18th - Homecoming Dance Outside
Parents and Guardians!
We are excited to announce that this year, all students will be participating in our TJ Advisement class. Every student is enrolled in this course, and it will appear on their schedule between 2nd and 3rd period on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We know there may be some questions about this new course- here is the syllabus for you and your child to review.
Additionally, as part of our effort to support the Whole Child, our school, along with many other DPS high schools, will be implementing a universal social and emotional screening for students during Advisement class twice this school year (Fall and Spring). To learn more about this process, please review the Passive Permission form here. If you do not wish for your child to participate, please complete the Opt-Out portion of this form and return as instructed.
We look forward to a great year!
¡Padres y tutores!
Nos complace anunciar que este año, todos los estudiantes participarán en nuestra clase de asesoramiento de TJ. Todos los estudiantes están inscritos en este curso y aparecerá en su horario entre el segundo y el tercer período los martes y jueves. Sabemos que puede haber algunas preguntas sobre este nuevo curso; aquí está el programa de estudios para que usted y su hijo lo revisen.
Además, como parte de nuestro esfuerzo por apoyar al niño en su totalidad, nuestra escuela, junto con muchas otras escuelas secundarias de DPS, implementará una evaluación social y emocional universal para los estudiantes durante la clase de Asesoramiento dos veces este año escolar (otoño y primavera). Para obtener más información sobre este proceso, revise el formulario de Permiso pasivo aquí. Si no desea que su hijo participe, complete la parte de exclusión voluntaria de este formulario y devuélvalo según las instrucciones.
¡Esperamos tener un gran año!
Drop off and Pick up for Students
Please see the map below as we have provided a picture of where you can drop off and pick up students. Please take note that dropping off your students in areas designated in red can cause a traffic jam and can become unsafe to pedestrians.
As a reminder in the morning, all students are able to get breakfast in the cafeteria. Please fill out the free and reduced form if you need it for fees and/or meals:
Thank you for following these recommendations.
Welcome back to school, Spartans! We'd love to have even more families join the King Soopers Community Reward Program. This is FREE money that supports TJ students and the school community. From April through June, 89 families participated which generated a donation of $1,500 to the PTO. Thank you to all who participated! It is so easy to join - all you have to do is pick TJ as your rewards partner and then shop at King Soopers as you normally would. TJ receives a percentage of all purchases!!
It is easy to sign up. To get the benefits, you must register for the rewards program here...
Go to and sign in to your digital account or create a new one. Make sure your loyalty card number or alternate ID is associated with your digital account.
- Click on Enroll Now
Search for Thomas Jefferson High School Partners or use code UT036
- Click Enroll
That's it! You are now ready to earn FREE money for the TJ community. At the point of purchase, you must swipe your loyalty card or type in your alternate ID for your purchases to apply to TJ.
It takes approximately 10 days for the King Soopers Community Rewards total to begin displaying on your receipt. TJ receives payments from King Soopers quarterly. The percentage TJ receives varies by quarter.
You can view the total you earned during the last quarter by signing into your King Soopers account and selecting My Account. There is a tab for the Community Rewards Program. You can verify that TJ is listed as your Community Rewards beneficiary and see the amount you've contributed.
Thank you for your support!
Welcome Back TJ Spartan Families!
TJ PTO’s primary mission is to enhance and support the educational experience at TJHS. We invite you to participate in PTO in any way that works best for you.
We have a few open positions that we'd like to fill, especially the Vice President. We are also seeking volunteers to support our spirit wear sales and hospitality plans. If you are interested, please email us at
Our first PTO meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, September 14th at 7:00 pm. TJ Principal Mike Christoff will be joining us. Hope to see you then!
TJ Food Drive and Distribution Program
A huge thanks to Newmont Mining for the generous donation made to the TJ Food Bank! Planning is currently underway for this year’s distribution program and our September distribution date will be confirmed soon.
Thank you for your support!
Senior Pictures for Yearbook
Welcome back, Spartans! It was great to see many of you at the back to school BBQ. We’re working on getting all of the spirit wear into the new home inside the school in the front lobby. Hopefully, we’ll be able to open that in September.
Until then, if you would like a TJ hoodie, t-shirt, PJ pants or joggers email us at and we’ll help you get the items you want.
Chromebook Reminders for Students
The chromebook you have received is YOURS for the rest of the time that you are at TJ.
You are expected to bring it to school EVERY day and to CHARGE it every night.
You are financially responsible for that chromebook. If you lose your chromebook or power cord, you will have to pay for it. If you damage your chromebook, you will have to pay for it. If your dog eats your power cord, you will have to pay for it.
Keep your chromebook safe and protected from damage. We recommend a case or sleeve that you can pick up at Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Amazon, etc. Please do not put stickers on the chromebook or mark them in any way. A sleeve or case is the best way to mark it as yours.
There are very few extra chromebooks. Do not expect a loaner on days that you forget yours. See Mr. Skari about the slim possibility of getting one.
Paraprofessional Job Openings at TJ
There are 3-4 paraprofessional jobs available here at TJ! The job would pay $15 and would be from 7:20 am-2:50 pm. Please contact the main office if you are interested.
College and Career Readiness
We will be having Mile High Flight Program come to visit students on Thursday, September 9th during lunch in Room 111. Come hear from a really exciting program aimed at inspiring the next generation of Aviation and Aerospace leaders through the legacy of Tuskegee Airmen and with a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion.
The program is roughly one school year (Oct-June) with monthly or bi-monthly excursions to places like DIA, the Centennial Airport, Wings Over the Rockies, the Airforce Academy, ULA, Ball Aerospace, United Airlines, and more! Deadline to apply is October 10th.
Students can sign up below!
Calling all entrepreneurs! Interested in building your own business and working for yourself? Consider the Launch 50/50 Expereince where you will be able learn the basics of building your business and shadowing local small businesses in a comprehensive internship experience.
Our goal is that all students graduate college and career ready. One of the ways we achieve this goal is to support students' career and college exploration through programs that provide opportunities for students to discover how their interests and passions might someday fit into the world of work. There are many resources to help you learn more about career and college programs in DPS, visit to learn more! Handouts: English / Spanish
Matthew Mason (He/Him/His)
Navigator at Thomas Jefferson High School
DPS Career and College Success
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Feeling stressed is as much a physical response as an emotional one.
Your stomach may churn, you may feel dizzy, your heart may pound, or you might get a headache. If you notice when you start to feel anxious, take a deep breath to help reset yourself. Then engage in some body movement/stretches to provide immediate mental and physical relief.
Another tip- listen to your heart! When you start to feel stressed out, frustrated or anxious, there are noticeable changes to your heart rate. It is important to reboot your system.
TRY: place one hand over your heart and shift your attention to that area. Close your eyes and slowly breathe in and out through your nose. When exhaling, concentrate on a positive memory, picture, person, and stay with it for 30-60 seconds as you breathe!
Emergency Rental Assistance
If you have lost income or experienced financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the pandemic and need assistance paying rent, you may qualify for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). This program provides up to 15 months of rent assistance to qualified applicants. To be eligible for this program, the household income must be at or below 80% of the Area Median Income, which is $55,950 for a 1-person household and $79,900 for a 4-person household. Immigration status and landlord participation are NOT required for a tenant to receive assistance. To apply directly online, go to If you need assistance applying or have any questions, please contact Colorado Housing Connects at 1-844-926-6632.
Si ha perdido ingresos o ha enfrentado dificultades financieras a causa de la pandemia, ya sea de manera directa o indirecta, y necesita ayuda para pagar el alquiler, es posible que cumpla con los requisitos para el Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia para el Pago de Alquiler (ERAP, por sus siglas en inglés). Este programa proporciona hasta 15 meses de asistencia para el pago de alquiler para los postulantes que cumplan con los requisitos. Para postular a este programa, los ingresos del hogar deben ser equivalentes o menores al 80% del Ingreso Medio del Área, es decir, de $55,950 para un hogar de una sola persona y de $79,900 para un hogar de 4 personas. NO existen requisitos relacionados con el estado migratorio o participación del arrendador para que los inquilinos reciban asistencia. Para postular directamente en línea, visite Si tiene preguntas o necesita asistencia para postular, por favor contante a Colorado Housing Connects al número 1-844-926-6632.
News from the Future Center
From Your TJ Future Center
Seniors, you are doing a GREAT job with your college and scholarship applications.
Well done!
FAFSA and CASFA open for applications on October 1st. You will complete one or the other to establish eligibility for federal or state financial aid….FREE MONEY FOR COLLEGE.
This gives you plenty of time to create your login and gather the required information!
You AND one parent need to create a login (FSA ID) in order to complete the FAFSA.
Similar documents are required for CASFA but neither student or parent need a social security #.
Colorado Free Application Days are on October 19th and 20th. Be sure to have your applications to Colorado colleges and universities including your letters of recommendation, if required, COMPLETED by October 18th!
You can then submit them FOR FREE on October 19th or 20th!
so you don’t miss out on any opportunities!
Katie Damas
Future Center Advisor CC Fellow
Future Center Phone #: 720-423-7134
Rm 135
Emily Webster
College Advisor | Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
789 Sherman Street, Suite 610 | Denver, CO 80203
The Annual TJ Stadium Tailgate Party was a huge success.Thanks to everyone who attended, generous donors including our City Councilwoman Kendra Black, and a corporate match, we raised over $2,000 for the Classes of 2022 and 2023! What a great start to the 2021-22 school year! Go Spartans!
Class of 2022 Parents,
Please join us via zoom (before the PTO meeting) on Tuesday September 14, details TBD. We will discuss upcoming Senior class events.
If you would like to reach out for more information please contact :
Let’s make 2022 one for the books!
- Reminder: if you are not already signed up, don’t forget to register your King Soopers card for Community Rewards (benefiting TJHS)
Welcome Back Junior Class!
Huge THANKS to the 26 parents who came to our 2023 Kick-Off Meeting last week in-person and on Zoom! So many great ideas, enthusiasm and generosity! It was great to see so many new parents wanting to be involved! Additional thanks to our fabulous backyard hosts Nyssa & Rick Zabel! We look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming fundraisers and events. Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 7-8:15 p.m. at Kris & Scott Hougard’s Backyard – Zoom Link and RSVP information coming soon!
Class of 2024 - Sophomores
Class of 2024
Let’s go Spartan Sophomores!
Parent Meeting – Join Us!
Our first parent meeting will be held in September, more details to come.
Class Donations – Every dime counts!
Sophomores are quite possibly the best “10s” out there! Gather those dimes (pennies, quarters, and ten-dollar bills too) and make a donation to the Class of 2024; money raised will be used for the Class of 2024 After Prom.
Please click on the PTO Square link to support the class. Feel free to pass the link onto family and friends! Corporate matching is always appreciated.
Extraordinary parents – come get involved! Reach out with questions, comments, and ideas. We look forward to a great year!
Rebecca Moore
Tambyr Reed
Dyanna Spicher (parent)
Stay Connected, Spartans!