Rocky Bay Equine Newsletter, August 2016
Horse Care Clinic Recap
We had about 20 folks attend our first hands on Horse Care Clinic.  Thanks to a terrific group of interested participants, it was a great success.  Dr. Crystal reviewed the components of a good physical examination, with instruction on how to perform it on a live horse.  She covered common problems and conditions of the horse working with each body system from head to toe.  It was a very satisfying morning with fantastic questions from attendees.  The RBE emergency medical kit was perfect to facilitate the hands on portion of the clinic.  The kit includes all the hardware (stethoscope, thermometer) you need to perform a PE, plus basic materials for wound care and bandaging.  A helpful Physical Exam Poster reviewing the body systems is included in the kit, use it as a prompt for doing comprehensive evaluations of your own horse.  (By the way, a few of these kits are still available at the clinic for a price (under $100) that you can't beat by ordering the components on your own. Check with Karol if you're interested.)

Rocky Bay Equine, Anatomy Clinic I  
Anatomy and conditions of the forelimb

When:    We're aiming for October, stay tuned for dates and details in our September NL
Where:  Rocky Bay Equine Hospital,  12604 189th Avenue KPN, Gig Harbor, WA
Cost:      FREE, but you must sign up to attend, limited to the first 40 people                 
              call now to reserve your spot  (253) 858-4529  

Excellent horse care & management requires mastery of the basics of equine anatomy.  You have the potential to know your horse better than any one else and to be his/her best advocate.  Turn that potential into reality in this clinic by learning the anatomy and common conditions associated with the equine front limb, including conformation variations and common lameness issues. 

In this 3 hour, "hands on" clinic we'll cover the topographic anatomy of the front limb and and how to evaluate normal and abnormal variations on a live horse.  For this clinic we'll get right down to the nitty gritty dissecting cadaver specimens. Among other things, you'll learn how the appendicular skeleton supports the ligaments, tendons & muscles of the leg.  We'll also spend some time evaluating hoof structure and function.  Don't miss this great opportunity to really appreciate the magnificent design of the horse's primary weight bearing structures, the forelimbs.

equine foot radiographs, abnormal and normal, lateral views
No hoof, no horse
The old adage "no hoof, no horse" is as relevant as ever.  A good farrier does a fantastic job visualizing in his or her minds eye an approximation of where and how the coffin bone hangs within the horny hoof capsule.  But no matter how good your farrier, it's still an educated guess at best.  We can do better.  Even a single radiograph, especially a side (lateral) view taken at ground level, can give us valuable information.  In a performance horse with no current lameness issues, this information can help your farrier fine tune the job by knowing exactly how bone and hoof relate in each uniquely designed foot. For horses with a history of laminitis or other foot problems this insight can make a life changing difference.  
Schedule now AND SAVE 20%
Farrier Special, digital imaging

offer includes; set up, clean & prep feet and lateral (side view) digital radiographs of both front feet. (two images, one per foot).
note; call fee,sedation (if necessary) inot included.

offer valid through the month of August, 2016 only
Rocky Bay Equine Veterinary Services     (253) 858-4529    (360) 876-1544
Gig Harbor, WA 98394           find us on Facebook