Thrive Together Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Spring / Summer Newsletter

Edition 3 - Spring/Summer 2023

Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills

This guidance provides support to inspectors when inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings. It is designed to support inspectors' knowledge and understanding, and to help them to take a proportionate approach to the inspection of safeguarding.

Read the full guidance here

Setting News, Updates & Resources


A Day In the Life by Maggie Dixon

Hi my name is Maggie and I’m a childminder based in the village of Aldridge in Walsall. 

I have been working as a Childminder since 2016. I have 2 of my own children who attend the local Catholic school. I provide before and after school provision for children who attend this school, when it’s needed, but mostly I just stick to delivering provision for 3 children a day. I work Monday to Friday from the hours of 7am-5.30pm. However, depending on the day, I’m sometimes not needed until 8am.

Read more here

This webinar explains about the curriculum for communication and language in the early years. We will also discuss what we've learned from our education recovery research about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s learning and development.

The webinar is part of a programme of national roadshows for early years practitioners. It is designed specifically for childminders who, because they're often lone workers caring for children, cannot always attend roadshows in person.


Bradley Simmons HMI, Regional Director, South West, explains the importance of teaching children to read, starting in the early years foundation stage.

An update for schools with reception years on completing the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) 2023

As the 2023 EYFSP assessment period approaches, we have provided some important information on completing the EYFSP this year. This includes:

  • an overview
  • guidance on administering
  • an update on exemptions and exceptions
  • frequently asked questions on the EYFSP

The EYFSP must be completed for each child and submitted to the local authority by Friday 30 June.


Meet the host of the NEW TTS Talking Early Years Podcast; unlocking the potential for learning in the Early Years! The first series, hosted by Alistair Bryce-Clegg, aims to explore the fantastic adventures of outdoor learning in the Early Years.

For exclusive follow-up content and to be the first to hear about new episodes, SIGN UP here:

Watch the full podcast series here


Tiny Happy People

Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child's language skills. Explore our simple activities and play ideas and find out about babies and toddlers' amazing early development.

When should babies lose the dummy and how do I wean baby off it?

Dummies can be very soothing for young babies and, as they get older, can become very attached.

But they can also be a source of stress for parents, as there are lots of questions that go alongside dummy use. When should you use them? When should you not use them? How should you react when your little one just won't let go?

Read the full article

How to potty train

Using a potty is a new skill for your child to learn. It's best to take it slowly and go at your child's pace. Being patient with them will help them get it right, even if you sometimes feel frustrated.

How to potty train - NHS (

The Lullaby Trust

The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families

Find out more

Maths: Age 3–4 (Early Years)

It’s never too early to explore numbers with your child. Real life often provides the best opportunities to develop early maths skills like counting and recognizing numbers. These ideas will help your child to explore numbers, giving them a great start to developing early maths skills and concepts.

To access Oxford Owl free resources, click here

Ofsted inspections: what EY providers and practitioners need to know

What schools, registered early years providers and childminders need to know about delivering the early years foundation stage (EYFS), and Ofsted inspections under the education inspection framework (EIF).

Read More

Register for Fully-Funded Programmes

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the following funded programmes.

During the Learning Language and Loving It programme, you will learn practical strategies for helping children in the classroom to build language, emergent literacy and social skills, no matter what their learning and communication styles are, and even if they have special needs.

The strategies can be easily woven into everyday activities. Each strategy is designed to engage and maintain the interest of the child, making language and literacy-learning a fun and natural part of their day.

The program will provide you with ample opportunity to practice each strategy with the children, and to receive feedback from your Programme Leader to help you adapt the strategies, as needed.

Participants will access 6 group workshops (each 2.5 hours) interspersed with 8 individual coaching sessions where participants use videos of their interactions with children to reflect on their practice.

Training will begin in October 2023 and will commence in May 2024

Register your interest here

Our Number Sense Programme will help young learners to acquire the skills to develop a deep understanding of number. Through play-based counting activities, subitising and recognising patterns and relationships, children will develop a strong foundation in number that will support them to become stronger, more confident mathematicians.

Number Sense is an EEF funded research programme for 3-4 year olds, which has been written by Ryders Hayes in partnership with Roy Broadfield, Founder and Primary National Consultant, Impact in Learning and is a prerequisite to the NCETM Maths Mastery programme for 4-5 year olds.

The programme will be delivered across Autumn 2023, with a completion date of January 2024, and will involve three online twilight professional development sessions

Register your interest here

The Child-Led Book Talk programme is a targeted intervention for children in Nursery and Reception who have been identified as not currently meeting age-related expectations for communication and language.

Training will consist of one online 60 minute initial training for senior managers and the staff delivering the programme. This will be followed by seven 45 minute follow-up online training sessions.

Outside of the training ongoing coaching support will be available via email and Zoom. To support practitioners development the programme delivery team will provide feedback on filmed sessions.

Programme delivery will take place from October 2023 to March 2024.

This programme is open to school-based nurseries, childminders & PVIs who look after children aged 3-4 years.

Register your interest here

EY Professional Development Programme open for application

Please be advised that the latest Early Years Professional Development Programme (EYPDP) is open again for Walsall settings, to begin in September 2023. This is evidence-based practitioner training developed in partnership by the DfE.


It focuses on three areas of the EYFS. The course covers the important areas of learning of C and L, PSED and Maths. It is an 8-month online learning programme to enhance skills and knowledge in children aged 2-4’s learning. It is delivered through eLearning, online facilitated webinars, videos, articles and recommended reading and trainer/ peer support.


This course is OCN endorsed and participants will receive certification.


We are hoping that every school, setting and childminder in Walsall with nursery-aged children will enrol practitioners on this programme as appropriate, as it is an excellent opportunity. There is a criteria but as most schools and settings in Walsall have at least one child receiving EYPP and have high levels of deprivation. You are also eligible for a place if you have a child with an EHCP. All of the criteria is on the website below. Even if you are not sure you meet the criteria you can still apply and may be given places.


Please be advised that cover costs are included in this programme. The DfE passport funding for the LA to pay direct to schools/ settings for learning undertaken.


To find out more and register your interest please go to the website:

Important Dates for your Calendar

  • PVI and School Early Years Leads Network Meeting - 13/06/2023 online from 1-3pm

Click here to register

What's On Offer

Early Years Professional Development Programme (EYPDP)

The course covers the important areas of learning of C and L, PSED and Maths. It is an 8 month online learning programme to enhance skills and knowledge in children aged 2-4’s learning. It is delivered through eLearning, online facilitated webinars, videos, articles and recommended reading and trainer/ peer support. This course is OCN endorsed and participants will receive certification.

To find out more and register your interest please go to the website:

Early Years Online Child Development Training

This free, online training, developed by experts, provides and overview of child development and gives practical advice for supporting children in your setting. It gives practitioner opportunities to reflect and reinforce their learning. It also links to other resources. Each module covers an important area of child development. The training is free for childminders and nurseries and again practitioners can gain certificates of completion.

To access this training please go to:

National Professional Qualification for Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL)

The NPQEYL has been developed to increase knowledge of leadership in early years settings, strengthen staff approaches to teaching and learning, and support children whose development has been impacted by the pandemic. Participants will gain skills and confidence so they can deliver high-quality education and care to support children’s development, become a better organisational leader and develop staff so they can reach their full potential. The course is free, flexible and designed by sector experts to help professionals across the sector to develop their career. We are designing with our local, Manor Teaching School Hub, a bespoke programme starting in September/October 24 for settings and childminders with 6:30pm twilights and Saturday conferences. Please note this is an 18 month National Professional Qualification for Leaders in EYFS.

To find out more and enrol please go to:

Expert and Mentors Programme

This programme focuses on supporting EY’s practitioners and leaders to address the impact of the pandemic on the youngest children. The programme is available nationally, across England, until July 2024. Eligible early years practitioners, leaders and whole settings will be offered bespoke support to be delivered both face-to-face and virtually. The offer to settings will include leadership support, coaching for leaders, mentoring for practitioners and whole settings support, depending on needs. 

To find out more please go to: 

Early Years Level 3 SENCO Award (PVI Nurseries and Childminders only)

The Level 3 Early Years SENCO qualification is for a level 3 practitioner in a private, voluntary or independent setting. It is also appropriate for Ofsted-registered childminders and Ofsted-registered childminder agencies. This is an important role to ensure the best possible educational outcomes are achieved for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

You can apply by following the link:,The%20Level%203%20Early%20Years%20SENCO%20qualification%20is%20delivered%20over,group%20discussion%20and%20group%20training.

Spotlight: Andrina Flinders - Lead Practitioner

My name is Andrina Flinders and I am an early year’s specialist, enthusiast, and currently the Headteacher of a large maintained nursery school in Walsall. Twenty year’s ago, this July, I cried the day my head teacher asked me to leave my Year 1 role and start in Nursery the following September. Twenty years later, I’m still working in the early years. I believe the EYs workforce is unique, across all providers, those of us working in early years are passionate and dedicated to the cause; making a huge difference at a time when children’s brains are developing at their greatest rate.

In my various roles across the years, I have worked alongside all types of EYs providers, to help improve the outcomes of children through the provision they access and the adults they interact with. I really enjoy the creativity and challenge in bringing together evidence-informed approaches and practice-based research, to create teaching resources, tools, and strategies. For me, the Stronger Practice Hub offers the chance for us to unite EYs providers and bring us together to recognise the importance of our career choice, regardless of the form it takes. Whether you are an EYs apprentice in a group setting at the start of your journey, or a childminder, nursery teacher, or headteacher; we are equally valued and integral to the lives of the children we work with. As an early-year’s professional, I hope that we can all seize the opportunity to collaborate through high-quality CPD and other opportunities offered by the Stronger Practice Hub. Hopefully, we will connect, learn more about each other’s roles and vitally begin to champion each other’s work. Here’s to the next twenty years of being part of the EYs workforce!

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