Thrive Together Early Years Stronger Practice Hub WM

Edition 1 - Winter 2023

We are delighted to share news that Ryders Hayes, alongside our partners; Fullbrook Nursery, Kiddies Playhouse and Abu Bakr Nursery have been designated by the Department for Education as an Early Years Stronger Practice Hub.

Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs will provide advice, share good practice, and offer evidence-based professional development for early years practitioners. The hubs are part of the early years education recovery support package which also include the early years experts and mentors programme.

Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs, will support to adopt evidence-based improvements by:

  • Establishing local networks of settings to share knowledge and effective practice
  • Proactively sharing information and advice on evidence-based approaches
  • Acting as a point of contact for bespoke advice, and signposting to other funded support
  • Working with the EEF to select evidence-based programmes to fund and make available to settings.

Thrive Together Launch Event

Join us on the 16th February 2023 between the hours of 4-8pm for a relaxed drop in session to discover more about Thrive Together and CPD opportunities.

Register your attendance

Sound foundations: supporting the early years sector to make best use...

The first few years of a child's life are hugely important to their future. How they spend this critical period shapes their outcomes - both in the shorter term and later in life - laying the foundations for their academic achievement, which in turn, have a significant influence on their life chances.

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Funded Programmes

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the following funded programmes.

The Learning Language and Loving It programme (LLLI) provides training for Early Years practitioners to promote language and early literacy. It provides practical strategies for helping all children in the classroom build language and social skills.

Download our information sheet

A professional development programme designed to improve educators interactions with children to

improve their early communication and language skills

Download our information sheet

Early Talk Boost is a small group language intervention aimed at 3-4 year old children whose communication and language skills are at an earlier stage of development compared to typical developmental milestones.

Download our information sheet

The Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs programme is supported by both the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and the National Children's Bureau (NCB).

Education Endowment Foundation

The Education Endowment Foundation is an independent charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and education achievement. They do this by supporting schools, nurseries and colleges to improve teaching and learning for 2-19 year olds through better use of evidence.

Find out more here

National Children's Bureau

The National Children's Bureau brings people and organisations together to drive change in society and deliver a better childhood across the UK.

Find out more here

Important Dates for your Calendar

  • Thrive Together SPH Launch Event - 16/02/2023
  • Early Talk Boost in Action - 07/03/2023
  • School's Network Meeting - 08/03/2023
  • Making it WRITE for boys Webinar - 21/03/2023
  • Childminder Conference - 17/06/2023
  • Stronger Practice Hub Open Day - 21/04/2023
  • PVI and School Early Years Leads Network Meeting - 13/06/2023

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