On behalf of every one at The Commission on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, I would like to thank those of you who shared your stories of what life is like for you during this Coronavirus Pandemic. Each story captured what so many grandparents raising grandchildren are experiencing - stress, fear, and worry - but each story also shared grace, optimism, and hope. If you were unable to share your story last week, there is still time to do so. You may click on the button below and tell us your story of how you are coping, what are your worries and concerns, and how we can help you.
Looking for something to do with your grandchildren that does NOT involve a screen?

How about teaching them how to cook?

Cooking together is a great way to improve communication with your grandchild, increase the amount of family meals together, get rid of unwanted habits, like watching tv while eating dinner, and creating new meal time habits like, listening to music instead. This is also a great way to teach your grandchildren life-long skills and introduce new foods.

The Family Dinner Project is a great resource for you to get started. They have interesting articles, a variety of family-friendly articles, and tips on ways to make cooking fun.

To learn more, click the button below:
Supplemental Security Income Recipients, ACT NOW! Action is needed for people receiving SSI with dependents and who do not file tax returns to receive $500 per child payment. Click on the link above for more information.
The best source of information, services, and resources related to the COVID-19 Crisis for Massachusetts residents is www.mass.gov. For the latest information about resources such as health resources, educational and school information, or resources to help with food, visit this site often. Daily updates are posted.
The Family Resource Centers (FRC) are a network of 14 centers throughout Massachusetts that offers help and support to families. The FRCs offer parent education classes, youth and parent support groups, educational support and more. The FRCs are offering some services remotely and they are open for support. Please visit the site above to fins an FRC in your community.