Cross Country 2022

August 15, 2022

Saturday's form clink was awesome, The athletes have a start for a great foundation to work on their form. Thanks to Coach Jeremy and all the coaches for the first week of practice. Also a special thanks to all of you great parents that have been helping out running/walking with the athletes. 

Please be sure to read this newsletter carefully every week as this is our best form of communication outside of practice.

This Saturday we will need a lot of parent help to do our time trial. This is a great way to simulate the start of the racing season, although they are not yet ready for race pace, we just want to gage their fitness level !

UNIFORMS- All new athletes need a uniform, Please order now!! Returning athlete can use their previous uniform, we will have all sizes except, size small at practice on Monday only !!

We will also have Fleet Feet shoe store at practice on tonight, August 15th, only! They will have training shoes and some racing flats available. 

We do have a online Storm Spirit Wear Store with Champion, you can purchase shirts, hoodies, warm up suits, and other fun gear!! Follow the link to order This store will only be open until August 25th and items should arrive in about 2 weeks after that!

JELLY BEANS- We need Jelly Beans Please! We like to give a treat to all athletes at the end of practice, and many of our younger sibling We are asking all parents to bring 2 large containers/bags of Jelly beans to practice, we have plenty of Jolly Ranchers for now. We also will need parents to help distribute them after practice. The jelly beans need to be packaged so if you can not help at practice you can take them home and do it, we provide the bags for you! 

Practice Week of August 15th - 20th 

Monday - West Creek Park, 6:00-7:15 pm 

Tuesday - COC at 6:00 -7:15 pm - meet past the baseball field  

Thursday 6:00 - 7:15 pm - Field 7

Saturday - 8:00 am - 9:15 am - Central Park Field 7  - 2K Time trial 

Next week's Practice 

Practice Week of August 22nd - 27th 

Monday - West Creek Park, 6:00-7:15 pm 

Tuesday - COC at 6:00 -7:15 pm - meet past the baseball field  

Thursday 6:00 - 7:15 pm - Field 7

Saturday - 10:00 am - all day event - Carpentaria Beach practice / family day 

Birth Document - Payment -If you are new to Storm please make sure you upload a birth document asap. All new athletes need to order a uniform. If you have one from Track or last year, please check to make sure it fits. Please complete your payment, and add document by this Thursday if you have not done so yet!! .  

Coach Jeremy's Notes to Team

Storm Team,

What a great start to the season! I am super excited with how all the athletes are getting in a groove and all the parents are supporting and helping out. It certainly makes our job as coaches easier when parents are there at all practices to do whatever is needed to help! So Thank YOU!

We had a great form clinic at Saturdays practice! One of the greatest joys of coaching is teaching athletes what it takes to Own The Sport for themselves. That doesn’t mean they never need coaches, but it means they know what it takes to be a great runner. The coaches and I will continue reminding the athletes about different aspects of great running form throughout the season.

This week is typically a pretty tough one so please help to be a BIG encouragement to your kids. It is tough because physically their bodies will be challenged with soreness, a little more pain, and the biggest negative is just simply being more tired. You can help by ensuring they are eating healthy and enough food. Getting them to bed at a decent time, I used to like the 9:30 mark for my kids. And, if they are a little sore, I’ll be encouraging them to roll out their legs and stretch a little extra at home and before they come to practice. 

As we dive into this week we can expect another hot Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights. 

Much of the same as we continue to build through this first 3 week phase. 

Again help me by encouraging your kids and we will have an amazing week!

This Saturday we will be doing a 2K (1.2mile) time trial, for all the athletes. This is a great way to see the progress of the athletes and make sure they are running in the correct group as we set their practice pace and distance. 

Thank you and I’ll see you out there!

Coach Jeremy

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club
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