Thursday, August 3, 2023


The Sunday morning worship services are now being streamed from the Maplewood UMC website. The link to the live stream is on the home page. Go to Click on the yellow button that says “Join Our Live Stream On Sundays at 11 a.m.” This will take you to a new page with the live stream.  

Pastor Kim is on vacation

until Sunday, August 6. 


If you are in need of pastoral care, please reach out to Kathy Schmid 314-503-1101 or Rev. Steve Wall-Smith (314) 369-7952 or from August 30 through August 5, Rev. Sharon Kichline  (314) 566-0332. For other church matters please reach out to Brittany Link, our Administrative Coordinator, at 314-781-5902 or

Memorial Service for David Ward at Maplewood UMC, Aug. 5th

* Visitation from 11 a.m. – 12 noon in the sanctuary

* Service of Resurrection at noon in the sanctuary

            All are invited to share a meal in Fellowship Hall after the service,

Sunday, August 6 following worship in the Fellowship Hall, join the monthly church and community potluck luncheon. Bring a dish and ideas to share.

Beginning next week the new office hours will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Pictures from the Freedom School Ice Cream Social. Many members from the Maplewood community came too and enjoyed the goodies.

Dear Friends,


First, I ask that you join me in thanking Charlotte Phelps for preaching and leading worship this past Sunday and Dave Phelps for leading the music! I look forward to worshiping and sharing in Holy Communion with you this coming Sunday morning. 

Our hero for this Sunday is Lydia, whose story is told in just a few verses in Acts 16. Lydia, we are told, made her living by selling purple fabric—a color often worn by royalty. So, even if you tend to “bleed blue” or feel well-dressed in Cardinal red or perhaps Barbie pink, just for fun, I invite you to wear your Maplewood UMC purple shirt or any purple shirt to church this Sunday.  If you need one, we still have a few extras!

As we worship together, we will celebrate the powerful gift of hospitality that Lydia shared with the Apostle Paul. So, come this Sunday. Invite your friends to come with you and stay for the Church and Community Potluck. My prayer is that each of us will experience the radical hospitality of God as we worship and fellowship together.


God’s grace and peace be with you,


Pastor Kim

Saving Grace will meet on Saturday mornings, 10 – 11:30 a.m. from August 26 through September 30. Register by calling the church office 314-781-5902, on the church website: or sign up on the easel at the rear of the sanctuary.

Saving Grace is an interactive six-part financial wellness series providing useful financial information, activities, and resources to help you live your best life. Finances aren’t just financial, after all; money plays a role in almost every part of our lives, from our eating habits to our relationships to our emotional and spiritual well- being. 

Sunday, August 13: Confirmation Sunday for Abbie Todisman and Henry Stotler

Monday, August 14: For adults looking for a way to get involved with our children and youth we will have a meeting on August 14th at 6:45 in the Gathering Place

Sunday, August 20:  Back to School Blessing during 11 a.m. worship

Saturday, August 26: Saving Grace classes to begin

**Thursday,August 3

9:00 a.m. Second Time Around Shop

Half Price Sale

1:00 p.m. Caring Group Meeting

Meeting ID: 374 571 1178 Passcode: 674257

** Saturday, August 5

10:30 a.m. - Women's AA Meeting

11:00 a.m. - Visitation for Dave Ward

12:00 Noon - Memorial Service Dave Ward followed by lunch

**Sunday, August 6

9:00 a.m. Prayer with Pastor Kim


9:45 a.m. Children's Sunday School

11:00 a.m - Worship - In-Person and on Facebook - Link:

12:00 noon - All Church/Community Potluck

**Tuesday, August 8

1 p.m. Prayer time via Zoom.

Link: Meeting ID: 374 571 1178

Passcode: 674257

**Thursday, August 10

9:00 a.m. Second Time Around Shop

1:00 p.m. Caring Group Meeting

Meeting ID: 374 571 1178 Passcode: 674257

To see the entire calendar - click below

Prayers for...

...Shay Blackwell who will have surgery next week

....for the family of Cathy Griffin and her grandson, Addea, upon the death of Cathy’s brother-in-law, Mr. Joseph L. Baker Jr. Cathy and Addea, we are holding you in our prayers for God’s comfort, peace, and strength to be with you and your family.


... Peg Chulick recovering at home.

....Onis Harper who is now recovering at home.

....John Rutledge, recovering from recent medical care at home

....Jan Harsh’s mother, Helen Herrington, who is home, with her daughter, recovering from a fractured pelvis.

...,Our confirmation class members

Continuing prayers for ...

...Daniel White - health concerns

... Nina Berry - for Chad to be happy and healthy.

...Jerry Chulick, health concerns.

...Shay Blackwell health concerns

Thank you.....

...from Mardi Manary for the flowers for her sister's funeral.

 MUMC Kid's

We had such a good time learning about gardening last Sunday. We got to plant flowers and vegetables and even take some home! This coming Sunday is Carnival Day! We will have different games and activities for the children to play, so be prepared to have a fun time!

The Sunday Schoolers not only learned about planting flowers and vegetables they learned planting is messing and part of the the process is cleaning up afterwards.

Electronics Recycling Event:

August 12th from 8 a.m. to noon. It is open to all

Brentwood Recreation Complex Parking lot 2505 S Brentwood Blvd.


Drop off old unwanted electronics

To find out what can be recycled go to . Fees apply to some items.

DEADLINE for the church newsletter is MIDNIGHT EVERY TUESDAY; send articles to

The Sunday morning worship bulletin will be sent via email at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday

For more information about Maplewood United Methodist Church, go to our website    ( ) or Facebook page (

The church office is open Tuesdays & Thursday from 9 a.m. til 1 p.m.

Office Phone: 314-781-5902. Pastor Kim Shirar: 314-651-9999

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