Prayers for...
...Shay Blackwell who will have surgery next week
....for the family of Cathy Griffin and her grandson, Addea, upon the death of Cathy’s brother-in-law, Mr. Joseph L. Baker Jr. Cathy and Addea, we are holding you in our prayers for God’s comfort, peace, and strength to be with you and your family.
... Peg Chulick recovering at home.
....Onis Harper who is now recovering at home.
....John Rutledge, recovering from recent medical care at home
....Jan Harsh’s mother, Helen Herrington, who is home, with her daughter, recovering from a fractured pelvis.
...,Our confirmation class members
Continuing prayers for ...
...Daniel White - health concerns
... Nina Berry - for Chad to be happy and healthy.
...Jerry Chulick, health concerns.
...Shay Blackwell health concerns
Thank you.....
...from Mardi Manary for the flowers for her sister's funeral.