The 2022 Trident United Way school supply drive received the support of 19 company drives and 397 donors, securing a total of over $58,000 worth of backpacks and school supplies which will equip 2,700 elementary students across seven Tri-County Title 1 schools for the 2022-2023 school year.
“Wow, wow, wow is what I would say to those who helped to make this dream a reality for my students,” said St. Stephen Elementary Principal Elaine Graham. “What a powerful way to say you really care. We are most fortunate to have the generosity of this community. You are helping to set up each of my students for a very successful year!”
On August 9th and 10th, over 80 volunteers gathered to pack 2,600 backpacks with school supplies, including paper, pencils, erasers, folders, glue sticks, crayons, colored pencils and scissors. On August 11th, the final 100 backpacks were packed at Firefly Distillery during the Young Leader’s United Socialize & Serve event. On August 12th, UPS personnel loaded the backpacks into their trucks and delivered them to principals and school staff for distribution to the students.