This Week's Announcements | |
Our Schedule of Services:
Here is our schedule:
More information may be found by downloading the bulletin.
Sunday, February 2
8:30 AM Combined Worship Service of Holy Eucharist
Link For Bulletin
10:30 AM Combined Worship Service of Holy Eucharist
Link For Bulletin
Link For Facebook
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Sabbatical Announcement
Last Sunday, our Senior Warden, Pam Wright, announced that Fr Ben will be taking a sabbatical! A sabbatical, from the same word as "sabbath," is a time of intentional rest, and it's an expectation (and even a contract requirement) of our full-time priests. Fr Ben has been eligible for one since 2020, and has deferred it to handle the different large projects at St A's. This spring, with Mother Lisa here and well-oriented to leading our worship and programs, we are setting aside Monday, Feb 17 through Tuesday May 6th as a sabbatical leave for Fr Ben — a little over 11 weeks (10-12 is a standard time). During any sabbatical, church communities wind up noticing little details of things they miss or new opportunities, so please keep track of those! Our Vestry (the church board) will be talking each month about what we're noticing. If there are things you need from Fr Ben, please connect with him before he begins this leave — the staff or senior warden will be able to reach him in emergencies, but the expectation is that he'll disconnect as much as possible for these weeks!
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The Special Outreach
Collection for February
is Clergy Funds for Relief
In February, we'll be dedicating our special collection to clergy funds used for the relief of particular needs. Throughout the month, you can donate to the Rector's Discretionary Fund here at St Augustine's. Fr Ben is able to use this fund to confidentially handle needs in our community; this is often done via a direct purchase — something like buying tires or a water heater when an unexpected expense hits a family — and is done in ways that help keep the records anonymized, and the payments as directly-accountable as possible to the expressed need, to protect the privacy of our community. The fund is also occasionally used for DioNeb partners such as Magdalene Omaha or the Incarnation Monastery when there is a specific need. On February 16th, we will be hosting Bishop Barker's annual visit to St Augustine, and will take up a particular offering on that day only to support the Bishop's Discretionary Fund. That fund has a similar purpose, but reflects the church's tradition that the bishop is the pastor of the clergy; they therefore have discretion to use those funds to relieve unusual financial burdens on the clergy, or for other purposes governed by their discretion. (Neither fund is to be used for the direct benefit of the person directing it). If you would like to contribute to our monthly outreach funds, you can write the fund on a giving envelope, place a donation in the baskets (not the plates) during the Sunday they are passed, send a donation to the office, or place it in the small outreach funds box on the narthex (entryway) table.
We will have a total of $542.00 to send to COPE from January! A big Thank You to everyone!
California Fire Relief
Several people have asked for resources to support relief efforts for those affected by the fires in California. The Episcopal Church's organization for direct relief work for climate disasters and a number of other crises is Episcopal Relief and Develoment. They have a fire relief fund that they are coordinating in conjunction with the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, and donations can be made HERE
Please continue to pray for all those displaced by these disasters and looking for a safe home and welcoming community right now.
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Church Family Dinner Wednesday Nights 6:00 PM
Thanks to everyone who has pitched-in to help make the Church Family Dinners a success. Next Wednesday, January 29, we will be having a casserole night, so far we know we'll have mac & cheese & chop suey(haburger casserole). Church will provide a lettuce salad and hot dogs. We have openings for friends to bring desserts and clean up help. To sign up, please CLICK HERE, or sign up in the Parish Hall on Sunday. We love having new people join us to lend a hand! Please let us know if you have any questions about dinner or programming.
What's Happening on Wednesdays
On Wednesday nights, all are invited to join us for dinner, programming and choir. Here is a schedule of events:
- 6:00 PM: Dinner! All are welcome to join us for a community dinner. You can sign up to contribute to the meal or bring a free will offering.
- 6:30 PM Programming!
- Up to 1st Grade (6:30-7:30 PM): Supervised playtime and games! Come and play with friends, learn a new game or make a craft.
- 2-5th Grade Class (6:30-7:15 PM): 101 Ways to Pray! Learn about many prayers and participate in fun activities such as making prayer flags, prayer squares and prayer beads.
- Youth Group (6:30-8:00 PM): All youth grades 6-12 are invited to participate in youth classes and activities. We are currently using "Teen Compass" curriculum to help us converse about faith questions in everyday living.
- Bible Study (6:30-7:15 PM): Our current study is on 1 Corinthians. Come and learn about the trials in the church in Corinth and their ultimate discovery that love never fails.
- 7:15 PM Compline for any classes interested
- 7:30 PM End of programming for adults, children and little children
- 8:00 PM End of programming for youth group
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Noon Bible Study Returns!
I Corinthians
January & February Tuesday's at Noon & Wednesday's at 6:30 PM
In January and February, we will journey through the first letter to the Church in Corinth, a Christian community seated within a large, diverse, international metropolis. All are welcome to join us as we study the trials that this community encountered and their ultimate discovery that love never fails. The same class will take place on Tuesdays at noon or Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Here is our schedule of the study:
Session 4: I Corinthians 9-11 (2/4 or 2/5)
Session 5: I Corinthians 13 (2/11 or 2/12)
Session 6: I Corinthians 14-16 (2/18 or 2/19)
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Reconciliation Book Club
Thursday February 20 6:30-8 PM
Reconciliation Book Group: February 2025-- The Water Dancer, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Join us on February 20, 2025 from 6:30-8 PM for an enriching discussion of The Water Dancer, a fictional depiction of slavery during the Underground Railroad era. Books are available to borrow from Mother Lisa's office; please sign out and return after the discussion. The Reconciliation Book Group (RBG) welcomes all who are interested in learning and sharing thoughts about how to be a Beloved Community while exploring challenging topics like race, economic class, regional identity, family histories, and other topics that shape our worldviews. The RBG is open to all in the dioceses-- for those who have been through Sacred Ground, this is a great environment to continue thoughtful work and dialogue on challenging topics. For those considering Sacred Ground, or just interested in a respectful and loving place to explore challenging topics, join us.
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Newcomer Brunch
Sunday, February 9
In-Between Services
Please join us for a Newcomer Brunch! We love to host a brunch once or twice a year to welcome our New Members. In addition to a fabulous brunch and fellowship, we'll do a very brief presentation on ways everyone can become involved in the life of our vibrant parish community. We have opportunities that run anywhere from our Elaine Randall Book Club, to lending a hand in the garden. Parish Life will provide a scrambled egg buffet to create your own deconstructed omlet along with bacon and susage, and would love it if everyone else brought potluck breakfast sides, either sweet or savory! All members are welcome, whether new or seasoned!
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Bishop Barker's Visit
Sunday, February 16
The Bishop’s annual visit to St. Augustine's will be Sunday, February 16th. This is an opportunity for us to hear from our diocesan leader, as well as participate in the renewal of our baptismal covenant, Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation.
Confirmation is for those who have been baptized and will now be making an affirmation of their own commitment to Christ. Confirmation is for those who have not been previously confirmed by a bishop in another denomination.
Reception is for those who have been previously confirmed in a church other than the Episcopal Church and wish to make a public affirmation of their faith and commitment in the Episcopal Church.
Reaffirmation is for anyone who is already baptized and confirmed and who wishes to acknowledge a renewal of their commitment to Christ.
If you would like to participate in any of these please speak with Fr. Ben or Mtr. Lisa.
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Bible Study: Christ on Trial Tuesday's at nNoon
&Wednesday's 6:30 PM
During lent, join us for this compelling reading of the passion narrative in each of the four gospels. The author, former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, brilliantly guides the reader through prayerful consideration of how we understand Jesus' words and actions during his trial, and, subsequently, how we, too, can speak and live faithfully in a divided world. The study will be offered on Tuesdays at noon (starting March 4th) and on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM (starting March 12). We will conclude by April 9th, the Wednesday prior to Holy Week. The book can be purchased online, or you can RSVP and have the church order one (cost roughly $18). Scholarships for the book are available. Please contact Mother Lisa if you would like to RSVP for a copy of the book.
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Vestry Notes –January
The Vestry (our Parish Board) met on January 19th for its regular business meeting. In general, this meeting included a review of the updated parish budget to reflect additional pledging and giving timing, preparations for the Annual Meeting (which was held on January 26th), and formal adoption of annual resolutions relating to our clergy's tax statuses. We also spent some time reviewing planning around Fr Ben's sabbatical, which will take place over 11 weeks from Feb 17 to May 6th. The January meeting is also always an occasion to thank our departing Vestry members, which this year included Carrye Fassero, Mary Jane Smith, Ali Threlkeld, and Pat Zimmerman.
Parish Annual Meeting
Thanks to all hands who helped prepare, set up, provide, and clean up at our Annual Meeting on January 26th, and for so many of our members who attended. We presented and reviewed our financials from 2024 and our budget for 2025 (both of which look great — we ended 2024 in the black and have a balanced budget ahead!), celebrated many of our parish ministries, thanked transitioning leaders, and elected new offices. In particular, Rhonda Vest, Joe Threlkeld, Bill Smith, and Nick Early-Gerjol were elected to the Vestry, and Barb Hall was elected as one of our parish delegates to the October DioNeb Annual Council (other seats are planned to be elected this summer). The meeting reviewed some details of Fr Ben's planned sabbatical, which will take place over 11 weeks from Feb 17 to May 6th, and Senior Warden Pam Wright noted that questions over that time can come to the parish staff or to her as Senior Warden. Mother Lisa will be our primary worship leader through that time. Thank you again to all for a great annual meeting and may we look to God's calling for our church throughout the coming year!
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Sunday, February 2
8:30 AM -Service of Holy Eucharist
10:20 -Sunday School
10:30 AM -Service of Holy Eucharist
Tuesday, February 4
Wednesday, February 5
6:00 PM -Church Family Dinner & Youth Group
6:30 PM -Programming for all ages
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February 9-Newcomer Brunch
February 15-2025 EfM Event
February 16-Visit from Bishop Barker
February 26-Group Outing, Bowling Night!
March 4-Shrove Tuesday Pancake Feed
March 5-Ash Wednesday
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St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church
285 S 208th Street
Elkhorn, NE 68022
Church Communication and Announcements
Those of you who need to share information with the parish, please be sure to send it to as well as Jay and Kate will need to have this information by Wednesday at 10:00 am to be included in that week's communication for bulletin and newsletter. We appreciate your support.
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