Celebrating the Journey
Joys & Concerns
April 2022
click on the image for the church calendar
In-Person Services & Livestreaming
Sundays, 10:00 am.
To view services, click on the church

Live-streamed services can be seen
on YouTube and Facebook

Masks are now optional
throughout the church building
SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2022
Don't forget to Sign Up!
Come together with our Church Family on Sunday, May 22, following our worship service, for a potluck luncheon. There are sign up sheets in two places for your convenience (in the Narthex and in Fellowship Hall) so we have an idea what and who we can expect!
Annual Congregational Meeting
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 12 after worship. More information will be coming about the proposed slate of officers.
From Teen Faith in Action
Teen Faith in Action Movies with Meaning!
The teens will gather in the Teen Room after worship on Sunday, May 1. Bring a Friend! Bring a sack lunch! We'll provide the beverages and popcorn.

Then we'll watch a movie and have a little discussion! Can't wait to get this one started!
Teen Faith in Action
Service Project
To raise money for the A-LITH Interfaith Food Pantry

The teens are asking for your odd socks and old tee shirts. A donation box is in the Coatroom for these items. From these items, the teens will create pet toys, to be sold.

Half of the proceeds from these sales will go to the A-LITH Food Pantry, and the other half will go toward the purchase of pet food, to be distributed at the same food pantry. This will be an on-going project.
Ministry of Missions
May 25 is our 5th Sunday Offering!
Located in Chicago, Refugee One is the Illinois affiliate of Church World Services for their refugee program.
UCC Special Offering: Strengthen the Church
Click on the Strengthen the Church picture for more information from UCC.

Receiving the STC Offering in June!
The STC Offering reflects the shared commitment of people across the UCC to cooperatively build it up. Conferences and the national setting equally share the gifts given by its members and friends through their local congregations. The funds raised support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations. Help us to build the Body of Christ!
Click on "All Together" picture for a video,
Global Ministries,
Child & Elder Sponsorship Program
Thank you for your support!
The Ministry of Missions would like to thank everyone who contributed to this cause for their generous support! Thank you - The Ministry of Missions
The children in this program come from the surrounding community, from families that cannot afford to pay their child's tuition. The school gives the children a far-reaching and broader education than a public education in India.

Elders in this program are in need of a place to stay as a "grandparent" at the home, to alleviate the hardship of their families to continue their care. It also gives them the joy of children, and purpose to their lives.
UCC-Church World Services - Cleanup Buckets
Set aside Saturday, May 14th starting at 10:00 am when we will fill the Emergency Cleanup Buckets for Church World Services. Click on the picture for more on information.
Thanks in large part to a grant from the Home Depot Corporation, all we need from you is help to put the buckets together. These buckets will provide the necessary things to clean up after a disaster (tornado, flood, hurricane). If you have questions, see Wynn Ann Roggeveen!
Remember our Shut-Ins
and those in need of prayer.
Click on the picture to request prayer!
Please remember those currently recovering at home or struggling with on-going health concerns: Sally Cope, Mandy Jolitz, Robert Kelley, Gary Ryg, Rick Stauffer, Tony Tarosas

Please remember our members who are unable to join us, with a card
or a phone call.

Shirley Basler
Donna Brown
Dorothy Bogaard
Fred & Nancy Ekstrom
Dede & Gary Gray
Joyce Horn
Betty Imhoff
Mandy Jolitz
Claudette Treadwell
Mary Westerbeck
Rita Whitney
Valoyce Williams.
Contact the Church Office for a current Shut-In Roster, Birthday or Anniversary List.
 A current Church Directory is available in the Church Office.
Remember Our Military!
Kalvin Brown
Nikolai Church
Cody Colbert
Cole Guenther
John (Jay) Hogrewe
Jake Korbecki
Ben Sprouse
Do you know persons currently serving in the military? Please let the Church Office know, so we can keep them on our prayer list!

We continue to pray for the families of all our service personnel, and
those whose loved ones have given their lives for our freedom!
Ministry of Finance
April and May Financial Reports will be presented in the June Newsletters. If you need to see these sooner, contact Steve Guenther, Treasurer.
Memorial Contributions were made as following in April
In Memory of Verna Loacker from from Kay Boyer and from the family of Verna Loacker
In Memory of Bill & Rosemary Soto from Cissy and Ray Kratz
Donations can be made through CCA, using our giving online portal, or by adding a specified amount to your regular donation, marked Ukraine Appeal.
UCC Issues Emergency Appeal for Ukraine
The United Church of Christ has issued an emergency appeal for Ukraine, and calls on the US to provide humanitarian aid. The UCC will be working with global partners to assist vulnerable communities within that country. Read more by clicking on the map.
Adopt-A-Trail Program
Saturdays 9:00 to 11:00 am
May 21, June 18,
July 16, Aug 20, Sept 24,
Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 17
Take a morning stroll down the Prairie Trail, meet new people, and help beautify the area. McHenry County Conservation District invites you to join the "Adopt-A-Trail Program." It meets once a month (dates noted above). Dress for the weather! Bring gloves. Long-handled trash pickers are provided. (click on the image for more)
Habitat Restoration at
Dixie-Briggs Nature Preserve
You can help with Habitat Restoration right here in Algonquin! Clear non-native and invasive plants and shrubs. Tools provided. Contact Barb Erion for dates and times.
Looking for a Flat Screen TV for use in Shepherd U.
The Shepherd U could use a flat screen TV so they can project Sunday School curriculum onto it. If you have something like this, let us know in the office!
Office Details

Teri will be out of the office
during the month of May.
Pastor will be available
for phone calls and to answer emails.

No matter who you are,
or where you are on life's journey,
YOU are welcome here!
The Congregational Church of Algonquin
109 Washington Street
Algonquin, IL 60102