Issue Brief & Infographic on Building a Trauma-Informed Child Welfare System
CHDI's most recent Issue Brief and Infographic review how Connecticut  built one of the nation's leading examples of a trauma-informed child welfare system. The publications highlight results from the State's seven-year CONCEPT initiative to  transform the child welfare system to address the trauma needs of children and families, including efforts to improve workforce development, implement trauma screening, provide evidence-based treatments for children, and  reform child welfare policies.

Connecticut Can Assure a Better Future for All Children
" Connecticut can assure a better future for all children ," a CT Viewpoints article by Lisa Honigfeld  (CHDI) and Paul H. Dworkin, MD ( Connecticut Children's Office for Community Child Health), calls upon the state to continue transforming child health services to improve well-being, equity, and service integration. Connecticut's current health reform efforts led by the State's Office of Health Strategy provide promising opportunities to achieve these goals. The article draws from Honigfeld and Dworkin's recently published  2019 Framework for Child Health Services report and  offers recommendations for changing how we organize, deliver, and fund services across systems to create a better future for Connecticut children. 

Click here to read the CT Viewpoint article. Click here to read the 2019 Framework report.
CHDI's Pediatric Training Approach Adapted to Teach Health Providers Best Practices for Prescribing Opioids
The May issue of Connecticut Medicine, the peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Connecticut State Medical Society (CSMS), highlights innovative strategies that Connecticut's medical community is implementing to tackle the opioid crisis. The issue includes an article co-authored by CHDI's Vice President for Health Initiatives, Lisa Honigfeld, "Regional Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Education Increases Provider Knowledge." The article reviews efforts of a statewide project created to curb the use of opioids, including use of CHDI's Educating Practices program. Training using CHDI's academic detailing approach were effective in improving and encouraging practice change among a variety of medical practice sites across Connecticut.

Click here to the  Connecticut Medicine journal article. 

Learn more about CHDI's Educating Practices program which uses academic detailing to train child health providers in best practices across a range of topics.
11th Annual Healing Connecticut's Children Conference
Tim Marshall (DCF), Jason Lang (CHDI), Jeff Vanderploeg (CHDI), and Commissioner Vanessa Dorantes (DCF)
On May 22, CHDI hosted the 11th Annual Healing Connecticut's Children: The Trauma Focused Evidence-Based Practice Conference at the Connecticut Convention Center. 

DCF Commissioner Vanessa Dorantes congratulated the more than 400 attendees for  their success using evidence-based treatments to help children and youth recover from trauma. 

CHDI's Vice President for Mental Health Initiatives, Jason Lang, highlighted the progress Connecticut has made in the past decade to address the trauma needs of children and families. Since we started this work:
  • 13,000 children have received a trauma-informed evidence-based treatment (EBT) 
  • 1,300 clinicians across 186 sites are delivering EBTs
  • Data show EBTs outperform usual care and reduce disparities by race and ethnicity
The conference featured 38 mini sessions and 39 breakout session options on a range of topics related to trauma and evidence-based practices. Click here to view photo from the conference. Learn more about our work to address trauma.

Support for this work and conference is in collaboration with the CT Department of Children and Families, Court Support Services Division, and grant from SAMHSA as part of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. 
CHDI Participates in Help Me Grow National Forum
CHDI staff,  Abby Alter and  Lisa Honigfeld , led sessions on screening in pediatric primary care and developing resilience among children at the 10th Annual Help Me Grow Forum in Buffalo, New York on March 6 through 8. The Forum brought together more than 500 early childhood stakeholders from 28 states that have Help Me Grow systems. 

H onigfeld and Alter led a panel discussion on the feasibility of promoting resilience using a protective factors framework as part of well child care visits. The discussion highlighted findings from CHDI's recent publication, Building Resilience in Young Children: Experiences Promoting Protective Factors in Six Pediatric Practices The IMPACT was co-authored by Alter and Erin Cornell of the Help Me Grow National Center, a program of Connecticut Children's Medical Center.
Accepting Applications for Grants to Improve Emergency Department Use for Youth with Behavioral Health Needs
Hospitals, community-based mental health agencies, and school districts  in Connecticut can apply for grants to support initiatives aimed at preventing unnecessary referral of, or improving emergency departments' (EDs) response to, youth (including children and adolescents)  with behavioral health conditions.

The grants are funded by the Children's Fund of Connecticut and administered by CHDI. We anticipate awarding two grants of $25,000 each to test innovative, scalable, collaborative, and evidence-informed approaches for improving the delivery of behavioral health service and further the recommendations of the  Emergency Department Use by Connecticut Children and Youth with Behavioral Health Conditions: Improving Care and Promoting Alternatives  report.

Download  the  Request for Letter of Intent (LOI):  "Reduction of Emergency Department Use for Child/Adolescent Behavioral Health."  Letters of Intent are due by June 10, 2019.

Click here to view additional funding, training and technical assistance opportunities for schools and children's health and mental health providers.
Staff News
Farewell to Kyle Barrette 
Kyle Barrette accepted a new position at The Corporation for Supportive Housing. Kyle joined CHDI in 2015 serving as a data analyst, then served as a project coordinator with the Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Coordinating Center. He also provided consultation and support to agencies that implemented TF-CBT. We wish Kyle much success in his next endeavor.

Join the Team: CHDI is Hiring!
CHDI is looking to expand our team. We are seeking candidates with the education, experience, and dedication to contribute to effective policies, systems, and practices that improve children's health and well-being. 

CHDI is currently hiring for the following positions: 
View our profile on LinkedIn
Child Health and Development Institute
860.679.1519 | [email protected]

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