Academy Leaders Meet with White House Representative Dr. Bechara Choucair
MAFP met August 24 with Dr. Bechara Choucair of the White House COVID-19 Task Force to discuss how to increase vaccination rates in Mississippi. The event was held jointly with the Mississippi Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics (MSAAP). Association leaders were glad to discuss Mississippi's perspective with Dr. Choucair and learn from him about what is expected in the coming months with vaccine availability and expansion to younger age groups.
Top: Academy leaders who met with White House Vaccine Coordinator Dr. Bechara Choucair Aug. 24 were: Drs. Dan Edney, Paul Byers, John Vanderloo, Amy Hollman, Carlos Latorre, Choucair, Stephen Hammack, Anita Henderson and student Richard Easterling.
Bottom: The joint event was held by the MAFP and the Mississippi Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics. Chapter executives and presidents include MAFP Executive Director Beth Embry, MAFP President Dr. Carlos Latorre, MSAAP President Dr. Anita Henderson, and MSAAP Executive Director DeAnna Dillard.
CME on the Coast Update
HOTEL ROOM UPDATE: The MAFP's room block is now full! We are working on securing more rooms for attendees, but they will be available at a higher rate than our original block. Please e-mail Beth Embry if you need a room so she can try to find one for you. (If you already have a room you no longer need, please release it to us -- e-mail Beth Embry -- so she can give it to someone on the waiting list.)
Mississippi Represented at 12-State Conference
Representing Mississippi at the Southeast Family Medicine Forum in West Virginia were Dr. Paul Pavlov of Biloxi and his wife Theresa, and Dr. Carlos Latorre and his wife Nailini of Vicksburg.
MAFP President-Elect Dr. Paul Pavlov visits with a fellow physician to share ideas on lung cancer screenings after the presentation from Dr. Michael Gieske on how family physicians can impact the most deadliest cancer in the southeast.
At the Southeast Family Medicine Forum, MAFP President Dr. Carlos Latorre presented the 2020 MAFP Legislative report on our success and challenges.
Mississippi was well-represented this past week at the Southeast Family Medicine Forum, attended by physicians from 12 states. MAFP President Dr. Carlos A. Latorre of Vicksburg, MAFP President-Elect Dr. Paul Pavlov of Biloxi, and Executive Director Beth Embry of Madison attended the forum at The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, WV.
Presentations on lung cancer, biosimilars, eating habits and addiction filled the two days. Highlighted other presentations….
- Dr. Ada Stewart, AAFP President joined virtually and shared News from the AAFP and shared the strategic plan for our national academy.
Dr. Elizabeth Baxley, EVP of the ABFM gave recent changes including the Family Medicine Certification Longitudinal Assessment (FMCLA) will become a permanent change in 2022. It offers an alternative to the one-day family medicine certification.
Apply Until Oct. 15 for AAFP Commission Spots
Nomination forms for AAFP Commission, AAFP AMA Delegation, and ABFM Board of Directors positions are available now until October 15. From applicants, the AAFP Board of Directors appoints family physicians to serve on the ABFM Board, the AMA Board, and seven AAFP commissions, including:
- Commission on Continuing Professional Development
- Commission on Education
- Commission on Finance and Insurance
- Commission on Federal and State Policy
- Commission on Health of the Public and Science
- Commission on Membership & Member Services
- Commission on Quality and Practice
Board-appointed commission members bring strategic and innovative ideas to light on one of seven commissions and our work group. Their insight informs policy recommendations, develops new programs and projects, and streamlines action. Read more here.
We Commend Dr. Susan Chiarito for her Service on AAFP Commission
Congratulations are in order to family physician Susan Chiarito, MD, FAAFP, of Vicksburg, who recently rotated off the Commission on Health of the Public and Science after a 4-year term. Chiarito is a MAFP past president and past AAFP Alternate Delegate.
Pediatricians Share 'Kids & Covid' Update
Friday, Sept. 10, the Mississippi Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics hosted an hour-long Chapter Chat webinar to discuss 'Kids & COVID' with the focus on infections and MISC. They have shared the video with us (linked above and here) and have also shared a link to their presentation slides.
New MAFP Members August 2021
Members joining the MAFP in August 2021 include:
New Residents
Mississippi Delta FMRP
Gene Abraham, MD
New Student Members
Corey Abdeen
Charles Nolan Ahlrich
Zainab Ahmad
Bailey Anderson
Marissa Anderson
Kenya Ashby
Adrian Azar
Emily Davis Bain
Mary Grace Bass
Kayla Beamon
Jenna Benge
Eli Bettigon
Lorena Clare Bishop
Avery Bouchillon
Riley Brown
Tyler Butler
Miller Carlton
Clinton Tanner Case
Ara Elise Clayton
Leonna Conley
Leah Margaret Cook
Joseph Cook
Alysa Crigler
Joseph Crosby
Macy Cummins
Jacori Daniels
Thomas Deiss
Andy Nguyen Doan
Parker Elliott
Brandon O Evans
Brooks Fleming
Aurielle Sunny Fowler
Joshua Creed Franklin
Sydney Franks
Mason Gardner
Chris Glasgow
Charmin Guy
Spencer Hagwood
Seran Hall
Rebekah Hazlewood
Qua'Niya Head
Emily N. Hester
Luke High
John Ho
Cameron Hunt
Owen Ivan
Garrett Jordan
Christina Mary Joy
Isabella Kelly
Coleman W Killorn
Madison Kirkbride
Sai Karthik Kota
Boris KuyebLara Lamanilao
Frances Lancaster
Thuy-Hien Rose Le
Aujarimere Lewis
Emilio Luna-Suarez
Hunter Mare
Dajaina Martin
Dennis Matthews
Mia McFadden
Jessica McKenzie
Sonia S. Merchant
Brennen Middleton
Mary Rane Miller
Roger Victor Mishoe
Sydney Mitchell
Jayla Mondy
Daniel Moore
Jody Morgan
Mina Leigh Motakhaven
Jaharah Muhammad
Jennifer Myers
Colton Andrue Necaise
Tristan Orman
Adrian Oudomrath
Nader Pahlevan
Allee Paxton
James Penate
Karson Pettit
Matthew Pinto
Aaron Plunkett
Thomas Logan Powell
Katelyn Powell
Ruhi Randhawa
Carlie Reeves
Robin Alexandra Riddick
Abagail Roy
Nickhil Nicky Rugnath
Morgan Schock
Matthew Sink
Jeffrey Cole Stephens
Stephen Stuart
Sharon Suffern
Athena Tiwari
Christopher Turley
Alexander Velazquez
Healy Vise
Peyton Wall
Jasmine Ware
Robert Wasson
Avery Watson
Matthew Weeks
Amber White
Will Windham
Johnny Yang
David Landan Zepponi
Wesley Zhang
New Resources on Anti-Tobacco and
Anti-Vaping Available from AAFP Ask & Act
There's strong evidence that advising your patients to quit tobacco and nicotine can more than double cessation success rates.
And research shows that current smokers are more satisfied with their health care if you offer cessation interventions, even if they’re not yet ready to quit. With a grant from the CVS Health Foundation, the Academy has developed free tobacco cessation resources for members on its Ask & Act Page, including a number of tools that focus on e-cigarettes. See if you can use these resources in your practice.
MAFP Resources for Physicians