CHA supports RescueSF whose mission is to “Bring Clean and Safe Streets to All San Franciscans”. RescueSF has two main objectives: first, to educate through their speaker series about the homelessness situation in San Francisco; and second, to build a citywide coalition that will advocate together with a united voice for effective solutions from City Hall, Sacramento, and Washington, D.C.
As part of their education effort, they are hosting a speakers series, called RescueSF Speakers. You may or may not agree with everything a speaker says, but they think it's important to hear from all voices and perspectives regarding efforts to end homelessness. Using this wide lens, we can all begin to see what is working, what is not, and what needs to change. Once we have these shared insights, RescueSF will formulate a position on effective policies, and use their citywide coalition to ensure that we are heard.
Click here to read their current newsletter - includes information on latest San Francisco Mental Health legislation.
UC Hastings Law School
Dean David Faigman will discuss Hastings's lawsuit against the City and County of San Francisco to clean up the streets in the Tenderloin. Wednesday July 1st, 12noon - 1:00pm.
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Downtown Streets Team
Eileen Richardson and Romie Nottage will discuss their innovative approach to bring housing, health, and food solutions to homeless in the Tenderloin via a volunteer staff of current and past homeless individuals. Wednesday July 8th, 12noon - 1:00pm.
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SF Dept. of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH)
Emily Cohen is the Interim Director for Strategy and External Affairs for HSH and she will discuss the City’s policies on addressing the homelessness crisis in San Francisco. Wednesday July 15th, 1:30pm - 2:30pm (
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