This Week's Announcements

Our Schedule of Services:

Here is our schedule:

more information may be found by downloading the bulletin.

Sunday, September 8

8:30 AM Service of Holy Eucharist

Sunday 8:30 Bulletin

10:30 AM Service of Holy Eucharist

Sunday 10:30 Bulletin

Link For Facebook

Undie Sunday

Sunday, September 8

The members of our small parish are the most generous individuals I have ever had the pleasure to be associated with. I know we seem to be requesting donations to a special need or organization almost every Sunday but I feel our “Undie Sunday” request is a something we can do without breaking our budgets. Just by giving up two specialty Scooter’s Coffee, you can buy a package of underwear. After the hearing the story of the young girl who was discovered to have no underwear on when playing on the DC West School swings, I felt this is something we can help solve by donating new children’s underwear (male/female) to COPE (Christian Outreach Program of Elkhorn). I suggested we established a church “Undie Sunday” and Sunday 8th September was selected as the date. We will be collecting for the weeks leading up to the 8th, so bring it in as soon as you can and place in the bin on your left as you walk into the red doors. If you enter by though the church hall doors just walk a few more steps and you will see the “Undie” donation bin. Let’s get the bin over flowing. I challenge the youth of St. A’s to get the ball rolling. This is your Junior Garden Steward Jim asking for your help.

Church Family Dinner

Wednesdays at 6:00 PM

Dinner Wednesday will be Beef or Chicken Philly's & Hot Dogs

Church Family Dinners have begun with a Twist.

This year, we'd like to ask you to help us set up, cook & clean up dinner. Parish Life has set up a sign-up sheet with a basic dinner plan for each evening in the hope that we have members who would enjoy cooking part, or all of the main meal, either here or at home to be brought in. The church can reimburse for food you purchase(we will have a limit per 20 servings). We didn't leave out our friends who can't cook, you can head in early to chop and set up, or stay late for clean up! We really love spending this fellowship time with you, but know it isn't sustainable without a bit of extra help, so please prayerfully consider looking at the sign up and lending a hand. 

Another fun addition to Wednesday evenings is programming for all ages, even adults! After dinner, around 6:30, we will break out into programming groups: Toddlers-1st Grade will have themed activities and play time; 2-5th Grade will have Communion Class; 6-12th Grade will have What if Jesus was Serious?; Adults will have Episcopal 101. Youth will switch to crafts/free play time at 7, and if you're able to stay until 7:15 we will end the evening with Compline for all but 6-12th who will stay until their normal end time of 8:00 PM.  You do not need to attend the week prior to attend the classes.

Please use THIS LINK or the paper sheets in the Parish Hall to sign up to help during Wednesday Dinners. Please let us know if you have any questions about dinner or programming for the upcoming kick-off.

Tuesday Bible Study

Tuesdays, 9/10 & 9/17

We'll be starting up our Tuesday noon-hour Bible Study again this September! Please feel free to come join us to learn about the Epistle of James in the Bible. We'll talk about the role of the Epistles in the early church, and who James was. These conversations will last about an hour, and you're welcome to bring a lunch or join us over Zoom! (Link will be provided in the coming weeks and will be in the parish online calendar at

Instructed Eucharist(and first youth and children's Sunday) Sunday, September 29, 8:30 & 10:30 AM

On Sunday, September 29th, we'll celebrate an Instructed Eucharist. We have done this regularly at St Augustine's as a chance to go through our worship service a bit more carefully, with our clergy commenting on the purpose and meanings of our prayers and traditions as we go. Our goal is to enter into the joy of a richer understanding of our weekly rhythms, and to open a space of curiosity where we can literally ask questions during church about why we do what we do. This is a great chance to bring a friend to church who might be curious about what worship is like in Episcopal Churches, either as a visitor or as someone who might be looking for a church home and want to know more about how we pray!

It is also the first "Last Sunday of the Month" in our program year (from September to May), so our youth and children will be present at the 10:30 worship service (which is part of why we timed the Instructed Eucharist for that day). Kids will be very welcome to come to the front for a good view and a good chance to learn! Otherwise, please be kind with the children of our church community as they learn how to be at worship with their families — we might have a bit of extra rustling and chatter as they learn how to pay attention in church over the year, but how we welcome them is a powerful sign that this is a place they belong, and where they can grow in their faith and love of God and neighbor as we help raise them into young adulthood.

Christian Outreach Program of Elkhorn(COPE)

Thank you to all the "green thumbers" out there who are sharing their excess garden bounty with COPE. Green beans, zucchini, cucumbers and corn so far have found their way into our clients homes.  The clients really do appreciate you sharing your fresh produce, as that is something we are not usually able to offer them. 

COPE is excited to announce that they will soon have a garden! They are looking for someone to manage the volunteers and work calendar.

Check it out HERE

In June Cope served 250 households which translated to 932 individuals. Also Thanks to all who donated to the school supply drive. I don't have numbers on that yet, but last year we served 200 children.

Special Collection for September is

Episcopal Relief and Development

In September, our Special Collection benefits Episcopal Relief and Development or ERD, the organization within the broader Episcopal Church working for lasting change around the globe. Each year ERD, along with supporters and partners, facilitates healthier and more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people suffering from poverty, disaster, and disease.


In August, we raised $490.00 for the Benedictine Way and Incarnation Monastery. A big Thank You to everyone!

Last Chance to Register,

Sacred Ground

Thursday's beginning September 12 at 6:30 PM

Join us for an 11-week exploration of race and racism in America. This curriculum is often offered over a 20-week time frame; however, our Fall group is being offered on a compact timetable for those with busy schedules. This film- and readings-based dialogue series will meet on Thursday evenings, beginning on September 12th, from 6:30-8:00 PM. Materials include both videos and readings to complete in between sessions; materials will be printed as needed for participants. Mother Lisa and Pam Wright will be co-facilitating. Please email Mother Lisa to register.

Vestry Notes –August

The Vestry (our parish board) met on August 25th for its regular meeting. The Vestry approved our financial reports, including the annual Audit Certificate. The audit includes recommendations to establish a video inventory of parish possessions to update with our insurance carrier, and the creation of a formal manual of our financial management policies and procedures. The Vestry also reviewed several newcomer-invitation projects, including personal testimonials we will begin creating for the website and social media. As official business, the Vestry approved a Finance Committee recommendation to consolidate our banking to AIB (the majority of our accounts are already there; we had previously separated our capital campaign donations to an account at SNB). The Vestry also elected additional members to our delegation to the diocesan annual council in October. Erin Vest was elected at our parish annual meeting in January; the Vestry has elected Barb Hall and Pam Wright to serve as delegates, and Sandra Squires and Dave Wright to serve as alternates this year.

Elaine Randall Book Club

Friday, September 6

  • 8:00 AM -Men's Bible Study

Sunday, September 8

  • 8:30 AM -Service of Holy Eucharist
  • 10:20 AM -Sunday School
  • 10:30 AM -Service of Holy Eucharist

Tuesday, September 10

  • 12:00 PM -Tuesday Bible Study

Wednesday, September 11

  • 6:00 PM -Church Family Dinner & Youth Group

September 12 -Sacred Ground

September 28 -Out of Darkness Walk

September 29 -Youth in Church, Instructed Eucharist at both services

October 2 -Blessing of the Animals

October 27 -Ingathering

October 30 -Boo Bash



St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church
285 S 208th Street
Elkhorn, NE 68022
Church Communication and Announcements
Those of you who need to share information with the parish, please be sure to send it to as well as  Jay and Kate will need to have this information by Wednesday at 10:00 am to be included in that week's communication for bulletin and newsletter. We appreciate your support.