November 2021
Cow Hollow Association Newsletter
In This Issue

Cow Hollow / Marina Trash Clean-Up Event -- Nov. 5
Redistricting San Francisco Webinar -- Nov. 8
Plant a Tree in Cow Hollow
Solar Rights Alliance

Refuse Refuse SF
Friday, November 5
Event: Cow Hollow and Marina Cleanup
3:00pm - 4:30pm

Help us clean up Cow Hollow and the Marina. Meet in front of the Moscone Recreation Center (1800 Chestnut St). All supplies provided. Sign up on this Google Form or email [email protected] with the event name (above).

We apologize for the late notice, but we thought it was better to still send for those that can make it.
Redistricting San Francisco
Monday, November 8
Webinar: Redistricting in San Francisco
7:00pm - 8:00pm

You may have heard of gerrymandering and the impacts it has on both state and federal elections - but could that also happen here in San Francisco? How can we as residents ensure a fair and equitable voting representation?

TogetherSF is hosting a webinar on Monday, November 8th from 7:00 - 8:00 pm for a virtual panel discussion about San Francisco’s redistricting process.

They’ll cover how the 2020 census increases the stakes and importance in the implementation of the data and redistricting, how past redistricting has impacted elections over the last 10 years, and how you can get involved in the redistricting process.

The City is currently in the middle of redrawing the Supervisorial district lines which will have major impacts on who could win future Supervisor elections. The district lines could change drastically - which is why now is the perfect time for you to get in the know!

Helping them foster this conversation are Vikrum Aiyer, Deputy Director at the National ACLU, Viva Mogi, San Francisco Elections Commissioner, and Byron Philhour, Ph.D., Political Data Scientist at RTBiQ.

This webinar is part of TogetherSF's ongoing civics series looking at how San Francisco’s government works and how you can get involved.

Friends of the Urban Forest
Friends of the Urban Forest is planning a street tree planting in Cow Hollow. It's uncommon for them to have projects in our area, but funding from a private donor has allowed them to take on the project.

The planting is planned for November (funding runs out at the end of the year), but they still need about 20 more participants. Participants are not required to be homeowners, they can also be renters, but they must agree to water the tree that is planted outside their home for up to 3 years. People who receive trees will be able to select the type of tree they receive from a list of approved options.

If you are interested in learning more about planting a tree on your block, please reach out to Kristen Jones at [email protected] or 415-317-9773.
Solar Rights Alliance
Solar Rights Alliance is a statewide nonprofit association of California solar users. They include homeowners, renters, businesses, nonprofits, schools, and others from all parts of California and walks of life. They also welcome solar supporters who don’t have solar yet.

They believe you have the right to make energy from the sun on your property without unreasonable interference by the utility. They also believe that your solar energy is a valuable community resource, and you should be credited as such when you share it with the grid.

Across California, lobbyists for the utility industry are working to make it harder and more expensive for Californians to choose solar energy. In recent years they tried to kill net metering, hit solar owners with new fees, and grab control of the next generation of solar technology.

Cow Hollow Association Board
David Bancroft, Anne Bertrand, Lori Brooke, Don Emmons,
Cynthia Gissler, Barbara Heffernan, Karen Laughlin, 
Claire Mills, Victoria Osman, Veronica Taisch, Geoff Wood