Immanuel Lutheran Church

Greenwood, South Carolina

Newsletter January 3, 2025

Merry Christmas! Please join us this Sunday, January 5, as the Christmas season concludes, and we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord.

9 a.m. Worship

Click HERE to view the Worship bulletin.

Click HERE to view Worship via Facebook.

Click HERE to view Worship via Youtube. 

10:15 a.m. - 11 a.m. Adult Christian Education

Please register your attendance for Worship by clicking HERE or by scanning the QR code in the bulletin. *Those worshiping online please also register your attendance.

Communion for the homebound will be observed this Sunday. Please have materials to the Sacristy by Saturday, January 4.

Christmas Decorations in the Nave will be taken down Tuesday, January 7, at 11 a.m. Please consider helping.

The January Messenger will be sent out electronically on Tuesday, January 7.

Dining Divas are going to R Place on Thursday, January 9, at 5:30 p.m. Please note the time change. Sign up on the WELCA Board, or text JoAn Crowder at 864-942-9191.

Lutheran Men will meet NEXT, Saturday, January 11 at 8:30 a.m. in the Old Fellowship Hall.

WELCA will meet Monday, January 6, at 1 p.m.

The Connections Committee at Immanuel is publishing a newly revised Pictorial Directory and Holmes Photography will again be taking photos of all members on two upcoming Sundays immediately following the service. These photos will only be used in the directory. No selling will take place, unless a member voices interest personally to the photographers, so the photos will only take about 2 - 4 minutes of your time.

Please make plans to have your photo taken on one of these dates so that we can have a completely updated

Directory. The photography dates are: NEXT Sunday, January 12 and the following Sunday, January 19.

A photography exhibit by

The Rev. Dr. Cliff Cain

January 5-26, 2025

First Presbyterian Church,

Greenwood, South Carolina

“Thin spaces” are those moments of experience and special places where the distance between the sacred and the secular, the extraordinary and the ordinary, is overcome by the breaking-in of God.

Featuring 38 large photographs taken from around the world, “Thin Spaces” celebrates those sites and sights that connect us to the divine and the inspirational. There will be guidebooks to direct viewers through the exhibit at their own pace. These booklets contain descriptions of the photographs, scriptural references, spiritual connections, and theological reflections. The exhibit is free of charge.