Immanuel Lutheran Church

Greenwood, South Carolina

Newsletter January 31, 2025

Click HERE to view the February Messenger.

Click HERE to view the February Server Calendar.

Please join us this Sunday,

February 2, for the 4th Sunday in the Epiphany Season.

9 a.m. Worship

Click HERE to view the Worship bulletin.

Click HERE to view Worship via Facebook.

Click HERE to view Worship via YouTube.

*Altar flowers this Sunday are given by John and Zoelean Kinard in celebration of Jeanne Shealy and Sara Russell’s birthdays. 

10:15 a.m. - 11 a.m. Refreshments /Adult Christian Education

*Please join us for Adult Christian Education this Sunday as we discuss God's justice.

Please register your attendance for Worship by clicking HERE or by scanning the QR code in the bulletin. *Those worshiping online please also register your attendance.

WELCA meeting this Monday, February 3, at 1 p.m. in the McCombs Meeting Room.

LMIM - meeting NEXT Saturday, February 8, 8:30 a.m. in the Old Fellowship Hall.

Congregational Meeting February 9, in the sanctuary following

the 9 a.m. service.

There are two items on the agenda:

1. The shingled"new" portion of the building needs to be re-roofed. Council has unanimously recommended that we accept a bid of $39,350 to Gonce Roofing of Greenwood to complete the project. The funding will be taken out of the surplus of 2023 along with surplus funds of the insurance funds from hurricane Helene. Council feels this will cover funding the majority of the project.

2. The other item will be to approve the 2024 Annual Report.

The Board of Fellowship will have a planning meeting on Sunday, February 16, at 10:15 a.m. in the McCombs Room.

If anyone is interested in joining the

Fellowship Board, please click

HERE to Nancy Crooks.

Please HERE to view the latest newsletter from the South Carolina Synod.