Trinity Episcopal Church
139 Ocean Ave.
Cranston, RI 02905
(401) 941-4324
Visit Our Web Site
Located in Historic Pawtuxet Village of Cranston, Rhode Island

Announcements: Church online and in-church with attendance unlimited and communion with intinction,
masks are recommended.

Godly Play 9:45am

Palm Sunday Services at 8am and 10am
10am Service is Live Streamed on Facebook
Coffee Hour after in the Bay Room

Holy Week Schedule April 14-15

Maundy Thursday at 7:00 pm*
Good Friday at Noon* 
Stations of the Cross immediately following the service
Good Friday at 7:00 pm

*also live streamed on Facebook

Sad News
Sadly Don Raleigh, our wonderful Junior Warden, passed away last night. We will be sending out a formal announcement with more information later today. Please keep his family in your prayers.
Palm Sunday

Sunday is called the Sunday of the Passion or Palm Sunday. It begins our journey through Holy Week leading to the celebration of Easter. 

Some logistics for Palm Sunday. 

8:00 am 
Please pick up your palms when you enter the church and go to your pew.

10:00 am 
The service will begin with the Blessing of the Palms in the Bay room, followed by a procession into the church. For folks who are not comfortable gathering in the Bay room, please pick up your palms from the ushers, and you may wait in your pew for the procession to enter the church. Everyone else, please gather in the Bay room.

Reading of the Passion
We will have the traditional reading of the Passion. The congregation will take the role of the Assembly. Where it says Assembly, the congregation will respond.

Transition Process Update

Last Sunday we had our second parish meeting with Canon Dena. Thank you to everyone who participated. Table discussion elicited great information; really well thought out ideas and observations. We gave the Profile Team a great start on creating a true picture of Trinity Church. Cathi Beattie and her team: Scott Avedisian, Wayne Barnes, Donna Blue-Tobin and Jeff Weaver are already off and running. 

Thanks also to the brunch crew led by Nancy Dorsey and Nancy Plumb, all who brought food and cleaned up. 

If you have any questions about the process, and where we are in the process, chances are you are not the only one with the question. Please do ask. Ask me or any vestry member about what’s happening. 

Easter Memorial Flowers

Forms and payment for Easter memorial flowers are due on Sunday. The suggested donation is $25. Forms will be available. Please write Memorial Flowers on the memo line of your check made out to Trinity Church. 

After both services on Easter, you will be able to take flowers home with you.

Margaret Thomas, Sr. Warden
An Easter Happening at Church School!

Since most of our Church School children attend the Easter Service and then are hopping off to celebrate Easter Dinner, the Church School Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Palm Sunday, April 10th. Class will be held in the Church Hall where the children will learn how the EGG became a beautiful representation of EASTER while they decorate their Easter Bags. The Easter Bunny has nicely agreed to hide Easter Eggs while the class is going on. So, once they are ready, they will head upstairs into the Bay Room and other rooms nearby to have the Church School Easter Egg Hunt. All of the eggs will have numbers on them, and each child will pick their number....they may only gather the eggs with the number they chose PLUS one LARGE SHINEY EGG that will have something very special in it!  Yes, there is a chance that someone will be wearing Rabbit Ears and the Bunny Hop may be done.

Prayer for the Ministry of Trinity Church
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on Trinity Church; inspire confidence in us to do your will, and quiet our anxious minds, that we may put our trust in you. We ask you to guide the hearts of those who shall choose a priest for this parish, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Giving Tree/Tree of Hope

Thank you for the generous donations to the Giving Tree/Tree of Hope over the past few months. These donations have greatly benefited the House of Hope. As we go forward, we will let you know of other items needed. God bless you all.

Next for the Tree
For this Easter season, the Social Outreach Committee (SOC) is asking for messages of hope to place on the tree. (In any shape or format that fits on the tree). Please hang your message on the tree as you come to church. (Easter is almost upon us) 
Thank you for your continuing support for all the SOC donations and assistance. 

Isaiah 40:31
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar like wings on eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Sunday ⬅️Bulletin (click "bulletin") Service at 10am is live streamed on the Trinity Church facebook page: @trinitypawtuxet
(Not just for college)

(click on the application, download and print it, send or turn into the church office in an envelope labeled "scholarship application")
The Trinity Church Scholarship Fund has been growing, and in keeping with the intent of the founders, the Salisbury family, and Charles Gorton, the funds are available to YOU. Funds have traditionally been given out to assist with college expenses, but with fewer members in this age group now, the Scholarship Committee is ready to consider assistance for all kinds of educational experiences, including pre-school through high school, and adult programs too.

If you are considering a camp experience for your children- NOW is the time to consider plans for SUMMER CAMPS, of all types (e.g. ECC, art, music, science, dance, math, etc.). A scholarship could help you send the kids to camp to experience, learn and grow.
Other supplemental educational experiences, for ALL TRINITY members, adults included, can be considered by the Scholarship Committee. Are you considering additional training for your job? Or looking to be trained in a new career area? Adult education and enrichment programs will be considered!

Trinity members are a priority for receiving these funds, however, the committee may also consider reaching out beyond our doors to a wider community where our scholarship can make a difference. If you have any suggestions for this broader use, or if you are interested in details of the application process for yourself, please contact one of the committee members: Donna Tobin, Marcia Lima, Margaret Thomas and Nancy Dorsey. We will get an application out to you.
Weekly Events

Sunday Services 8am and
10am Live and on
Godly Play 9:45am

Sunday Coffee hour following the 8am and10am service in the Bay Room.

Living Stones monthly following the 10am service. Vance Morgan will send the invitation.

Monday Christian Meditation on Zoom
Contact Bill Baddeley ([email protected])

Tuesday Morning Men's Group 6:30am

Tuesday Knitting Group 10am-12pm

Those whom we are remembering in prayer:
Sharon, Becca, Cindy, Ron, Daniel, Billy, Christina, Georgeanne, Bruce, Eric, Gabi, Corey, Paul, Joan, Renee, Carter, Louise, Ed, Dot, Jean-Ann, M-J, Norma, Kristine, Ron, Eileen, Jay, Nancy, Henry, Don, Everett, Carol, Theo, Scott.

Prayers for the Vestry/ Search committees