NOVEMBER 2019    
This newsletter highlights items of interest
for fall 2019
2018-19 Annual Report
MF Inspection Program
Stakeholder Communications
        Reminder to Report Landslides

Recent News 
managed forests contribute to local economies and the province's forest sector
2018-19 Annual Report

The Managed Forest Council has now submitted its 2018-19 Annual Report to the Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. The report summarizes Council's activities for the year, including how well it achieved its objective and performed its duties under the Private Managed Forest Land Act.
Highlights of 2018-19 include: drafted regulatory amendments including further protection for drinking water; completed 3 investigations and 3 compliance determinations, and entered into 3 consent agreements; conducted regular inspections on 46 managed forest properties; and initiated an update of the Council Communication Plan.
For more information & to read the Annual Report, see our Annual Report blog post here 
high owner compliance rate found with Council annual inspections
Managed Forest Inspection Program

The Managed Forest Council conducts inspections on all managed forests at least once every five years. Over the past five years, 283 inspections have been carried out, including 62 inspections in 2019. The annual inspection program confirms managed forest owners are fulfilling the requirements of the private managed forest land legislation as demonstrated by an overall high compliance rate of 99%.
Potential non-compliances identified by inspectors generally lead to further field review. Where warranted, formal investigations are initiated, which potentially result in compliance determinations that include penalties and remediation orders.
For more information and to read the 2019 Inspection Report, see our Inspection Program blog post here 
Ongoing Stakeholder Communications

The Managed Forest Council continues to pursue opportunities to engage with local governments and other stakeholders. Council's goal is to increase awareness of its mandate, regulatory authority, and monitoring and enforcement capacity, and to interact with stakeholders about issues of local interest.
Engagements this year have included: the AVICC Convention in Powell River in April; the UBCM Convention in Vancouver in September; and ongoing discussion with the province regarding the provincial managed forest program review.
Council welcomes opportunities to discuss the Managed Forest Program with stakeholders.


Requirement to Report Landslides & Debris Flows 
Managed Forest Owners are required to notify the Managed Forest Council within 24 hours of becoming aware that a landslide or debris flow has occurred on their land and has deposited debris or sediment into a class A, B, C, D, or E stream.
  • Class A to D streams are fish streams OR are located upstream of the point where water is diverted by a licensed waterworks intake
  • Class E streams are 1.5 metres or wider and a direct tributary to a class A to D stream
Council's Environmental Incident Self-Report Form for reporting landslides or debris flows is available here.
Telephone: 250.386.5737