Hello everyone,
Now is the time to stay vigilant. The COVID-19 infection numbers are increasing daily. We need to do our part as individuals to keep our community healthy and safe. Please follow the guidelines. Remember to social distance and to use a mask when leaving your homes.
We continue to work remotely and our office is fully operational. Questions? Need assistance? Please reach out through the main office number, 617-722-2320, or my email, joan.meschino@mahouse.gov. Stay healthy and safe!
Very truly yours, Joan Meschino
Updated Public Health Guidelines
Last Friday at 12:01 AM, the Baker-Polito Administration enacted a series of targeted measures to disrupt the increasing trend of new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations:
These measures are meant to disrupt rising trends now, so the Commonwealth can keep the economy and schools open for residents and to prevent the need to roll back to Phase I or Phase II of the reopening plan.
Northeast Governors Issue Statement on Suspension of Interstate Youth Hockey
In response to recent coronavirus outbreaks associated with the conduct of interstate youth hockey activities, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Connecticut will suspend interstate competitions for public and private schools and youth hockey effective this Saturday, November 14, 2020 through at minimum December 31, 2020. The prohibition will not impact interstate collegiate, professional, or U.S. national team hockey activities, which will remain subject to existing health and safety protocols and/or restrictions.
House Passes FY 21 Budget (H.5150)
On Thursday evening, I joined my colleagues in the House to pass the FY 21 budget ( H.5151). The House budget contained three of my legislative priorities:
- Level funding from FY 20 for ecological restoration (line item 2300-0101);
- Level funding from FY 20 for library technology (line item 7000-9506);
- An amendment allowing the committee for public counsel services to provide greater compensation for attorneys in underserved counties (amendment #359).
The FY21 budget will be taken up by the Senate this coming week.
On Monday, the MBTA released a service cut plan which would eliminate the Hingham/Hull ferry, eliminate the 714 Hull, and drastically cut service to the Greenbush commuter rail line. To preserve these services, it is essential that you make your voice heard during the month of November, before the FMCB makes a final decision on December 7th.
To get involved:
Thank you to our Veterans who have bravely served our country. We are grateful for your service.
Photo by Conor Doherty.
Weekly Office Hours - Virtual
We continue to hold office hours via Zoom! Please call the office at 617-722-2320 or email to reserve a time slot:
- Monday, November 16, 4-5 PM
- Monday, November 30, 4-5 PM
- Monday, December 7, 4-5 PM
- Monday, December 14, 4-5 PM
To learn more about our constituent services, please visit our website.
Important Links and Resources
HandholdMA.org website for parents of school-aged children in Massachusetts concerned about their child's mental health.
Massachusetts residents can seek COVID-19 testing through the Stop the Spread Initiative which provides free testing in high-priority locations.
DESE's report on the number of positive COVID-19 cases in schools.
SafeLink 24/7 Crisis Hotline for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: 877-785-2020.
Visit your town websites to learn the most recent information, local services, and guidance from our municipal officials.
State Resources
Federal Resources
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