Wednesday, December 18, 2024 | | |
To view the complete Shir Shalom calendar, click here.
Thursday, December 19
Friday, December 20
- 5:30 pm — Pre-Hanukkah Shabbat Potluck
7:00 pm — Live Shabbat Services in the sanctuary and on Zoom with Rabbi Ilene Haigh, Link to Zoom
Saturday, December 21
Wednesday, December 25
Thursday, December 26
Saturday, December 28
Monday, December 30
12:00 noon — Israel Working Group, Dr. Medzini, Link to Zoom
Wednesday, January 1
8:30 am — Virtual Minyan, Link to Zoom
5:30 pm — Community-wide Hanukkah Celebration at Shir Shalom and on Zoom, Link to Zoom
Friday, January 3
- 7:00 pm — Live Shabbat Services
Saturday, January 4
9:00 am — Tot Shabbat
- 10:30 am — Bet Mitzvah Learning
- 10:30 am — Shabbat Minyan at Shir Shalom
Monday, January 6
- 1:30 pm — Women's group, Heart to Heart
Wednesday, January 8
- 8:30 am — Virtual Minyan
- 1:30 pm — Men's group, Honorable Menschen
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From the President's Desk | |
Until we are able to fill the position of Synagogue Administrator, we will remain on a biweekly publication cycle of the Newsletter. It will be published every other Wednesday at noon. To be sure that no one misses an event, we will be sending out timely reminders.
Thank you for your patience as we work hard to fill this important position. If you know of anyone who might be interested in the job, please let us know.
I want to wish everyone a happy Hanukkah.
Mike Brown,
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Live Shabbat Service with
Rabbi Haigh
Friday, December 20
7:00 pm Shir Shalom
and via Zoom
Pre-Hanukkah Shabbat Potluck, Friday, December 20, 5:30 pm
Please bring a main course or dessert plated and ready to serve for ten to share.
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The Israel Working Group Speaker Series
Providing insights on the situation in Israel and the US
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Join us:
Monday, December 30 at 12:00 Noon
- Dr. Meron Medzini live Zoom from Israel
Monday, January 13 at 12:00 Noon
- Dr. Meron Medzini live Zoom from Israel
Zoom Link
or by phone: Dial: 415-762-9988
Meeting ID: 725 948 2096
password: 856328
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Because this year we need more light than ever...
Please Join Us for the Eighth Night of Hanukkah Party at Shir Shalom and on Zoom, Wednesday, January 1, 5:30 pm
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Bringing Light, Bringing Hope — We will be supporting our neighbors in need through The Haven Wish List Program. Please bring personal care items for the Haven and Latkes for our contest. All are Welcome! | |
We Are Hiring!
Synagogue Administrator
Shir Shalom is seeking a full-time salaried synagogue administrator. This position will provide the necessary support to ensure efficient management of all our day-to day operations as well as support to our Rabbi. The full job description for this position may be viewed here:
Synagogue Administrator
If you know of anyone interested in applying, please have that person send a resume to Mike Brown at
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Thank you very much for your generosity. Your donation makes it possible for us to continue to bring Judaism to the Upper Valley. | | | |
Consider a Retirement Plan Gift that leaves a lasting impact on our community. | | |
As we have no dues or fees, gifts like yours are essential. You may give by credit card, PayPal, or check mailed to:
PO Box 526
Woodstock, VT 05091
Thank you again.
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Zoom Information
Sanctuary Room - this will be used for larger group events
such as the 1st and 3rd Friday Night Shabbat Services, B'nei Mitzvahs,
and other live events
Meeting ID: 219 902 8045
Passcode: Dg8WLC
Meeting - this will be used for Rabbi's teaching, including Torah Study, Hebrew I and II, Adult Education, Wednesday and Saturday Minyans, Social Groups, etc.
Meeting ID: 725 948 2096
Password: 856328
Check the calendar at for Zoom numbers to use for each event or meeting.
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