May 2019
Improving the Trajectories for Youth with Disabilities and Families
The six PROMISE projects were presented in Washington D.C. at the National Press Club on April 24, 2019. This live webcast featured project leaders sharing what they learned about the services and systemic changes that worked to support PROMISE youth and their families achieve their educational and career goals.

Ellie Hartman, Director of Wisconsin Promise, presented on:
  • Connecting youth to paid work while in high school
  • Inter-agency targeted outreach
  • Targeted case management
  • Importance of finding good job match and building a career after initial job experiences
You can view Ellie's presentation at 1:55:15
What are People Talking About! Community Conversations
Crivitz, WI
At the Sportsmen’s Grill in Crivitz, on Thursday, May 2, nearly 40 people turned out for breakfast and a community conversation to talk about how to engage more employers and raise awareness of the availability for employment of youth with disabilities and their desire to work.

Rebecca Duschane from WEDC facilitated the event; employers from 6 area businesses attended along with family members, a County Board supervisor and a School Board member, teachers, and service providers.Three employers and their youth employees shared their positive experiences and one employer later shared how important DVR support was to ensuring initial success for the youth on the job.

There were very productive conversations, and several employers asked about subsequent events they can attend.
A panel of Promise folks sitting in a restaurant.
Rebecca Duschane from WEDC speaking to attendees.
Photo of attendees at the restaurant.
Green Bay, WI
For her Community Leadership Project, Brenda Forbes, organized a community conversation at Heartland Pizza in Green Bay on Thursday, May 2. She brought community members together to talk about the benefits to businesses that hire youth and adults with disabilities.

During the panel presentation participants heard the success stories of Anita, who has worked her way up to a 40 hour week and increased her responsibilities at the ADRC; Xavi (see below video) who has become an indispensable member of staff at Jones Signs; and from Brenda who employs 2 youth with disabilities. She shared the story of one young man who now has his own apartment and overcomes the barrier of a 2 hour (each way) commute on the bus to get to work.

Senator Robert Cowles joined the group, and during the harvest (share back), the group brainstormed about starting a volunteer drivers group who could work regular days and times to transport people with disabilities at night and on weekends when the city buses are not running. The committee plans to meet again soon.

If you’re interested in the work of the committee contact John Jahnke  [email protected] or 608-512-7393.
Wisconsin promise panel sitting at a table
participants reading handouts
Xavi is a Wisconsin Promise youth featured in our Youth with Promise video's. In this video, Xavi shares her dreams, challenges, and the steps she’s taking with Wisconsin Promise to plan for her future. She continues to achieve her personal, educational, and career goals. 
Attend One of Our Events
May 16, 2019
Bay Area Community Conversation
A community conversation in Washburn, WI, solving the employee shortage by looking at the untapped resource of youth with disabilities. Create regional awareness by including the cities of Washburn, Ashland, and Bayfield. Not only have a conversation, but take away action items that will be followed up on in order to make real change in the community.
Community conversation improving employment for youth and adults with disabilities Free Event
May 24, 2019
Opening Doors For The Future
The Rivera family is focused on helping Spanish speaking families understand how services work for youth with disabilities through the IEP preparing youth for after high school and agencies that help through the transition stages.
- IEP Preparing for the future
- Social Security (Testimonial)
- Resources available
opening doors for the future, May 24th, 4-6pm
June 12, 2019
Possibilities For Parents Forum
For parents who have youth with disabilities.
- DVR (Daniesha, Counselor)
- Apprenticeship (Darla Burton)
- WI PROMISE Youth ( Jamal & Miracle)
Possibilities for parents forum
Transition Guide:
Get Where You Want to Go
Navigating the path to finish high school and become an adult is exciting. There are many possibilities, and changes too. The Wisconsin Transition Resource Guide provides tips and resources to help plan for adulthood and life after high school. Get ready to consider choices, explore options, and take action to prepare for your future.

Download this free guide today:
Contact Us

Steering Committee Profile Members and Emails
Project Director
Meredith Dressel

Project Manager
Ellie Hartman

Cayte Anderson
Alicia Reinhard
Sam Ninnemann
Wendy Henderson
Jenny Neugart