Pollination                                                                                                 February 2016    

In This Issue
Check these out...

Five lessons plans based on the movie Farmland. Students can explore the evolution of modern farming, challenges in farming and more.  Click here to find out how to show the movie "Farmland".

Links to find fun computer-based games that teach about the dairy farm.

GMO Answers was created to answer your questions about GMOs and make information about GMOs in food and agriculture easier to access and understand.
Find NHAITC at these events:

NH-NEA Spring Conference
April 9, 2016
Concord High School

Eastern Region Ag in the Classroom Conference
April 19-21, 2016
Portland, Maine

National Ag in the Classroom Conference
June 21-24, 2016
Phoenix, Arizona
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Debbi Cox

State Coordinator


(603) 224-1934

295 Sheep Davis Road

Concord, NH  03301


Deb Robie, 

Grafton County Coordinator


"Did you know that every third bite of food we eat is due to pollinators? Honey bees, butterflies, birds and other pollinators help grow our food, keep our flowers blooming and make our lands healthy. However, for many reasons, including lack of habitat, pollinators are struggling." (1)         

Help students learn about the process so they can become stewards of this never ending cycle. " Ultimately, all life on Earth depends on plants to provide food, shelter, and oxygen for other living things. Consequently, plant reproduction is crucial to all other life on this planet. The first step in plant reproduction is the intricate process called  pollination , which occurs when  pollen  grains, the male germ cell of a plant, reach the  stigma , the female reproductive part of the same species of plant. Depending on the plant species, a flower can produce male, female, or both structures. Pollination can also occur within the same flower.  

Most flowering plants (90 percent) depend on animals to make the vital pollen-grain delivery. The remaining flowering plants rely on wind and sometimes splashing raindrops to ferry pollen, but this is a less precise method. Pollinating animals do the job for a reward: food, usually in the form of nectar."(2)

Classroom Connection

My Butterfly Book                                                          preK-2nd grade
Introduce students to pollination while reinforcing reading skills              supplemental worksheet

Flower Power                                                                             grades 3-5
Students will observe physical characteristics of flowers and explore principles of pollination.

Honey Bees: A Pollination Simulation                                             grades 3-5
Students will identify the parts of a honey bee, the stages of its life cycle and its role in pollination.

Pollinator Live                                                                     preK-12th grade
PollinatorLIVE brings the excitement of pollinators to you through webcasts, webinars and online education resources.

The Honey Files                                                                           grades 4-6   A comprehensive video and educational guide available from the National Honey Board.  Covers topics such as bee biology, the hive and pollination.

Plants and Animals, Partners in Pollination                                      grades 4-8
The three lessons in this online unit explore the theme of the National Zoo's  Pollinarium  exhibition: how plant and animal partners interact to accomplish pollination.

The Buzz                                                                                    grades K-2
Play one of the newest games from My American Farm and learn cool facts about pollinators, like honeybees can fly 15 miles per hour and that butterflies taste with their feet.  Check out the online game, the activity sheet and the lesson plan.   

Project EduBat                                                                             all grades
Bats are amazing animals that are vital to the health of our environment and economy - eating tons of insects nightly, pollinating flowers, and spreading seeds that grow new plants and even trees.  Find lessons, activities and posters. Contact Jessie Dubuque of the White Mountain National Forest, Saco Ranger, Saco Ranger District for information on borrowing a trunk of resources (jdubuque@fs.fed.us).  
Longwood Gardens Virtual Field Trip

Longwood Gardens just added Operation Pollination to their free program options for March.  "Discover the connection of living systems and investigate why and how flowering plants have developed with their pollinator partners. Gain an appreciation of this delicate relationship by identifying adaptations of plants and pollinators. Consider enhancing your curriculum with this live, interactive virtual field trip with Longwood experts. Their trained Educators deliver lessons directly into your classroom, engaging your students in discussion and problem-solving as they explore topics through video, images, and hands-on activities."  Click here for more information and registration.  
Grant Opportunity

The Lowes Toolbox for Education Grants spring cycle begins December 18th and continues through February 12, 2016. Funding may be available for technology upgrades, tools for STEM programs and school gardens. Click  here for application information.  
NH Agriculture in the Classroom            295 Sheep Davis Rd        Concord, New Hampshire 03301
email:  nhaitc@nhfarmbureau.org          (603) 224-1934        http://www.agclassroom.org/nh