Weekly Newsletter - February 1, 2019
School Board Approves Charter Moratorium
On Jan. 29th, the LAUSD School Board approved unanimously a historic UTLA contract that prioritizes what students need in their schools. This is a reaffirmation of the effectiveness of the 6-day strike and the overwhelming parent and public support for LA educators. Additionally, in a 5-1 vote, the School Board passed a resolution calling for a state study and an 8- to 10-month moratorium on new charters in the district until the study is complete.
Meet the District 5 School Board Candidates
Become a Swimming Pool Clerk - Exam Feb. 11th
Undesign the Redline Symposium - Feb. 7th
Undesign the Redline is an interactive exhibit exploring the history of race, class and U.S. housing policy, and how this legacy of inequity and exclusion continues to shape our communities.

Join us at this daylong symposium to learn the history, interact with the stories and become a part of the solution.
Workshop Feb 9th
HHPNC seeking Board Secretary
Deadline to apply: Feb. 3rd.
Neighborhood Council Elections are Coming!
Highland Park NC Election April 13, 2019:
Candidate Filing ended 1/28/19
For all the details, visit the City Clerk's Election site
Library Events - February 2019
Calendar Below:
One Degree
One Degree, is a technology-driven nonprofit organization that helps low-income families access the resources they need to achieve social and economic mobility, and ultimately, improve their lives. Visit the website
City of LA
ControlPanel LA is your source for information about the City of Los Angeles' expenditures, revenues, payroll, purchasing, special funds, and more.  It's your City - take control.