"Our mission is to be a presence in Albuquerque where Jesus’ unconditional love is central to life."

December Worship and Advent Studies

December 24th; Christmas Eve Worship Services:

  • 5:00 p.m., Chapel
  • 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary  
  • 11:00 p.m., Sanctuary
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Advent Services

  • December 3rd: Advent I/Hanging of The Greens
  • December 10th: Advent II
  • December 17th: Advent III/Lessons & Carols
  • December 21st: Longest Night Service, 5:30-6:30 pm Chapel
  • December 24th: Advent IV/One Service in the morning, 10:00am

December 31st: Wesley Covenant Service, One Service, 10:00 am with an 8:30 am Breakfast Potluck

A New Senior Pastor has been named! Rev. Dr. Andy Stoker is an ordained Elder from the North Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, holds a secular PhD in Family Science, and is a certified mindfulness meditation teacher in the Western Buddhist tradition. Andy served the Thanks-Giving Foundation after serving First United Methodist Church of Dallas as Senior Minister for nine years. He is part of the teaching faculty at Life in the Trinity Ministry.


Growing up in El Paso, Texas, one would think the mountains called him back, but it is Central’s mission and vision as an active Reconciling congregation coupled with impassioned embodied advocacy that called Andy to Albuquerque. He is excited to work alongside us and the city to deepen our compassion for everybody, just as they are, in our Beloved Community. Andy’s first Sunday with us will be December 17 for our annual Lessons and Carols.

3rd Space Advent Studies –

Beginning the week of December 3rd – Week of December 17th

  • Monday: 5:30-6:30 pm Holiday Grief Group @ CUMC
  • Tuesday: 8:30-9:30 am Burritos & Bible @ Frontier
  • Wednesday: 11:00 am-12:00 pm @ Starbucks on Lomas & Washington
  • Wednesday: 4:00-5:30 pm Youth Advent Time @ Dunking Donuts 4201 Wyoming Blvd, NE
  • Thursday: 6:30-8:00pm Brewery Study @ High & Dry Brewery
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Tuesday Coffee Fellowship begins December 12th, 10:00am-12:00pm. Come and enjoy coffee and fellowship in the Welcome area. No agenda, no study - just fellowship! Feel free to bring snacks to share and we will provide all the coffee you need!

The CUMC Wellness Ministry

CUMC is beginning a Wellness Ministry in 2024! We will be opening a Wellness Room on Sundays in the first quarter of 2024 that will include: Community resources on wellness; Monthly class offerings; and professionals in the field to take your blood pressure and offer mental health 101. Please contact Pastor Kelly for more information. 

As we begin to venture into what Wellness is all about, we would like to share monthly tips to try. For December, we are focusing on staying Well over the holiday season:

  • Manage stress: Give yourself a break if you feel stressed out, overwhelmed, and out of control. Some of the best ways to manage stress are to find support, connect socially, and get plenty of sleep.
  • Eat healthy and Stay Active: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Limit your portion sizes and foods high in fat, salt, and sugar. Be active for at least 21/2 hours a week. Go on a walk, use the stairs instead of the escalator, and take a break from screens.
  • Find a new Bible Study, small group, or daily devotional to ground yourself and deepen your faith journal in this special season of hope.
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The Central United Women in Faith will meet on Saturday, December 16 at 9:00 am at CUMC for our annual Christmas Brunch Potluck. The meeting will include a service project for Saranam, a hands-on craft project, games, and honors. Please bring a brunch item to share. If you have any questions, please contact Peggy Arensdorf at (505) 301-1978 or parensdorf@comcast.net.

Creation Care Tips:


  • Choose earth-friendly gifts that keep giving. Sustainable presents spark good conversation!
  • Buy children’s gifts with sustainability in mind. Will the toy sustain the child’s interest? Will it be something that can eventually be passed along to another child?
  • Christmas shop without plastic bags. We’ve been learning to take our own reusable bags to the grocery store. The same principle works in retail stores. Carry in your own bags, politely decline the store’s plastic ones, and tell the clerks you are cutting down on single-use plastic. It’s your gift to the planet!

Children & Youth Ministries

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Children’s All-Ages Sunday School! Join us in the children’s area - located on the main floor just off the Life Center and Courtyard - for a time of play and faith development.

Youth Sunday School – Grades 6th-12th, Student Lounge, 3rd Floor.

Do you enjoy time in ministry with children or youth? Are you available 1-Sunday a month for 1-hour? If you would like to know more, contact Pastor Kelly!

Contact Pastor Kelly for more information: Kellyb@centraltolife.org

2023 Leadership Meetings:

December 19th

*All meetings begin at 5:30 pm and end at 7:00 pm.

Meeting minutes will be available in 7-work days following the meeting.

Minutes are available at the front desk

Prayer Request

If you would like to request a visit from one of our Clergy, Stephen Minister, or a Communion Steward, please contact the front office @ 505.243.7834

Please be aware, At times, we are unable to share specific prayers due to sensitive information and privacy requests.

Central United Methodist Church Alternative Giving Guide – 2023

With the giving season upon us, CUMC is providing our 4th Annual Alternative Gift Giving Guide as a way for our staff and congregation members to give to community organizations during this time of year. 

How it works:

This guide provides a list of nonprofits that the clergy and lay staff of CUMC have hand selected as organizations that mean a great deal to us. We have also included a list and information about non-profits that CUMC otherwise supports. 

We are encouraging all of our members to give directly to the non-profits noted in honor or memory of family and friends. Please note: CUMC will not be processing donations to these organizations - we are only providing the information and encouragement to give. We do ask that you note on your donation to the nonprofits that you give to, that you are a member of the CUMC faith Community. 

Clergy and Staff of CUMC Nonprofit Picks 

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Rev. Dr. Kelly Jackson Brooks, Executive Pastor

Chrysalis Counseling For Clergy (www.ChrysalisCounselingForClergy.org)  

Support and mental health services specifically designed to help members of the clergy are few and far between. According to the most recent statistics from the Clergy Health Initiative with Duke University from 2021, some key markers regarding the current state of clergy include: 27% of Clergy experience depression, 17% of Clergy experience anxiety, 51% of Clergy experience obesity, and two thirds of pastors are in a state of burnout. Chrysalis strives to serve this very specific population: “The mission of the Chrysalis Counseling For Clergy is to provide holistic programs which equip leaders in ministry to obtain and sustain optimal mental, spiritual, and physical health.”

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Dr. Karen Marrolli, Director of Music Ministry

El Faro (“The Lighthouse”) Youth Chorus 


El Faro Youth Chorus, an outreach program of Coro Lux, is a trauma informed chorus for youth ages 7-18. Their unique approach music education is explained as follows: “For El Faro, ‘trauma informed’ means we believe in supporting one another through life’s challenges in the way we learn, teach, communicate, and sing. Our singers come from different backgrounds, and we understand that the story of how we came to El Faro contains both happy and sad, easy and challenging, simple and complicated times. We come to rehearsal as we are, and rehearsal must first be a place of safety and support in order to be a place of learning, growth, and excellence.”

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Michele Humes, Office Administrator 

Roadrunner Food Bank 


“Our mission is to feed every hungry person today; Seed partnerships that build self-sufficiency for tomorrow; Lead to achieve our vision of permanently ending hunger in New Mexico.” 

This year, CUMC is sponsoring a canned-food drive. Please bring your non-perishable food items to the church and place them in the boxes under the Christmas Tree in the Welcome area. We will be collecting until December 24th.

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Jesus Valdez, Media Coordinator  

Rio Grande Community Farm 


Rio Grande Community Farm’s purpose is to "Provide underserved communities with equitable access to urban farmland and education in sustainable agriculture that prioritizes food justice, biodiversity, and climate resilience.” This non profit teaches our local community how to grow their own food while also providing year round education for self sustainability. They provide local gardeners the tools and resources to develop their skillset.

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Dr. Dan Cummings, Accompanist  

Covenant House https://www.covenanthouse.org/                                 

Covenant House provides housing and supportive services to youth facing homelessness. We help young people transform their lives and put them on a path to independence. LGBTQ youth face greater risks of homelessness than their peers and higher levels of hardship than other youth living homeless. Covenant House offers all youth a safe place to live and heal.

Supported programs of CUMC

Albuqueque FaithWorks 


ABQFaithWorks is a faith-based, lean non-profit working with the homeless and asylum seekers 

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Family Promise of Albuquerque 


“To help families who are experiencing homelessness in the Albuquerque community to achieve sustainable independence.”

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Lowell Elementary/Albuquerque Public Schools/Operation School Bell 


“No student should miss a day of school due to inappropriate or inadequate clothing or school supplies.”

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Pathways Academy

http://pathwaysacademynm.org Pathways Academy is a private non-profit school for children grades K-12 who customizes each child's education, working with students who have learning struggles.

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“Transforming the Lives of Families Experiencing Homelessness.” 

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YMCA of Central NM 

https://ymcacnm.org For Youth Development. For Healthy Living. For Social Responsibility.

How to Give:
  • Mobile – Text #505.384.7589
  • Online – centraltolife.org
  • Mail a Check – 201 University Blvd, NE Albuquerque NM 87106
  • Bank Draft – Contact your bank directly 
  • Recurring E-Giving Through Employee or United Way
8:30 am Chapel Service
  • Please join us for this intimate setting, traditional in-person worship service.
  • Communion is offered every Sunday

11:00 am Hybrid Traditional Worship Service:
  • Please join us for our in-person and streamed worship service
  • Communion is offered every Sunday
Attendance Form
To help track Sunday Attendance, we like to have everyone sign-in with using our Attendance Form.
Attendance Form

December 10th, 2023

8:30 am Chapel Order of Service

Gathering and Announcements   

Prelude    Lumen      Abbie Betinis        Grace Notes

Translation: Receive this light and pass it on. I give that you may give.

Call To Worship      

Welcome to worship. 

Welcome to worship. 

I am glad you’re here. 

I am glad you’re here. 

Surely God is in this space. 

Surely God is in this space. 

I see God in your face. 

I see God in your face. 

Let us worship together. 

Let us worship together. 

Hymn of Preparation     People, Look East    202 UMH  

Preparing the Advent Wreath 

How shall we make this place a reminder of our need of repentance and that faithfulness and integrity that comes from God our maker and redeemer? 

Let us prepare the Advent Wreath: 

Lighting of the Advent Wreath                                                   

How does a weary world practice peace? 

By listening before we speak and saying sorry when we need to. 

By advocating for justice and caring for our neighbor. By practicing Sabbath and forgiving seventy times seven.

By choosing grace over hate and opening the door for each other. 

There are a million ways to practice peace. So today we light the candle of peace as a reminder and a charge.

With God’s help, may we bring peace into a weary world. Amen. 

Scripture Reading   Isaiah 40:1-11

Anthem   Creator of the Stars of Night     Conditor Alme Siderum      Grace Notes 

Gospel Reading   Luke 1:24-45

Scripture Hymn   Blessed Be the God of Israel     209 UMH


Response to the Word                                                          

We believe that joy is a sacred gift,

existing on a plane deeper than happiness, stemming from the truth that we belong to God. We believe that joy is not meant for isolation. Joy is meant to be shared, weaving us together in laughter and in hope. And when joy feels impossibly out of reach, we believe that part of being sacred community is leaning on one another. So together we say: I will share my joy when yours runs out. You will share your joy when mine runs out. And in doing so, we will both see God. Amen. 

Invitation to Offering

Loving God, the source of our joy, as we turn our hearts toward your Word, we ask that you would soften us. Soften the callouses on our hearts. Weave yourself in between the cracks in our spirits. And plant hope where there is room. 

And as you do this, like flowers toward the sun, we will turn ourselves toward you,

eager to hear a Word so good that we cannot help but ask ourselves, “How can this be?”

With openness and gratitude we give and with openness and gratitude we pray, Amen. 

Offertory   Dr. Dan Cummings, piano


Doxology  Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow     94 UMH

Prayer of the People and Lord’s Prayer       

God of today and God of tomorrow,

We come to you this morning 

to thank you for the way that joy binds us together.

Thank you for contagious laughter,

for inside jokes,

for stories around dinner tables that can make us laugh until we cry. Thank you for comedy shows,

for the familiar sound of a loved one’s chuckle,

and for the universality of smile lines. 

What a gift you have given us. 

Our text today reminds us that joy is better when shared, so today we thank you in particular for the Elizabeths and the Marys in our lives.

Thank you for the people who spark joy in us.

Thank you for the people who pull us out of our shells, 

who teach us how to dance and show us how to laugh. Thank you for those who declare, “Blessed are you.” 

In a moment of gratitude, we silently lift their names to you now. 

Holy God, although we know that joy is better when shared, there are days when that is easier said than done. Like Elizabeth, who stayed in isolation for months after receiving her good news, we too have a tendency to choose fear over joy. Without the help of someone at our door, we can often keep our joy to ourselves. 

So gracious God,

when those days come,

when the waters of fear rise, 

when isolation steals our joy,

comfort us.

Comfort us like a shepherd with their flock.

Gather us into your arms and carry us to safer ground

that we might experience joy in the ways you have in store for us. 

And until that promised day,

like Mary and Elizabeth,

we will do our best to keep finding one another.

Like Mary and Elizabeth,

we will do our best to open the door to one another, to you, and to the joy that connection brings. 

Together we unite our voices in hope, praying the words your son taught us to pray, saying together: Our Father (Creator)...


Family of faith, one of the ways we find joy in a weary world is through connection. The prayer of confession is a place of connection with God. 

In the prayer of confession we get to come before God with our full, messy, honest selves. And in the midst of that mess, God tells us that we are loved, claimed, and forgiven. 

There is no greater joy than that. 

So join me in the prayer of confession, not because you have to, but because you can. Let us connect with our merciful God.    

God of laughter,

God of open front doors

and family reunions,

we confess that we often doubt good news. 

We move through this world

waiting for the other shoe to drop,

waiting for life to fall apart,

waiting for our humanity to get the best of us. 

Instead of leaning into joy, we lean into scarcity.

We lean into fear.

We lean into isolation. 

Forgive us for forgetting that joy is amplified when shared. 

Heal the wounds we have from past hurts, and teach us how to throw open our doors like Elizabeth. Show us how to find joy in connection.



Faith family,

I imagine that when we come before God with the truth of our lives,

God meets us like Elizabeth meets Mary in our scripture today. The door is thrown open. There is laughter. There is joy. There is embracing—and it is holy.

So trust this; believe this:

You are claimed. You are loved. You are forgiven. And you are sent to serve. Find joy in that.



The Peace

Regathering Hymn   He Came Down      TFWS (vs 2) 2085

The Great Thanksgiving                                     

May you know that the God of comfort is with you.

And may you see the God of hope with you.

Open wide our anxious hearts!

We open them to God’s peace.

Let us give thanks and share our joy.

In this space and time, we offer God our love and praise.

The dawn of hope rests on the horizon, and beams of love reach our doubting hearts. We celebrate the newness of this season- Waiting to see how the Christ will appear in our world. Even in our despair, a glimmer of hope reaches into our twilight

Beckoning us to breathe and wait…

Our story tells us that the Christ child whose birth we anticipate, will one day sit at tables with strangers and friends, building relationships filled with love and grace.

We see this as he fed the multitude, turned water into wine, and ate with dear ones the night before his death.

He took the bread, blessed it, and broke it.

Take and Eat in remembrance of me.

He took the cup, and in his blessing, reminded them that when they sipped from the fruit of the vine to drink in remembrance of him.

Jesus. The Christ. Emmanuel – God with us.

Light of the World. The Word of Life.

No matter how we know him, or what name we call him, He is our hope, our peace, our joy, and our love. May the Spirit bless us and these elements as we commune to remember him.

For the nourishment of spirit, mind, and body, for hope that we begin to see, and for comfort from the Prince of Peace, we share our gratitude, Gracious God. Encourage us in these shortened days. Through the long nights of this season, May your hope carry us until dawn arrives again.

Through your Son Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit in your holy Church,

all honor and glory is yours, almighty God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer After Receiving 

Musical Prayer After Receiving I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light     206 UMH

Charge and Benediction                                                        

Family of faith, as you leave this place, you go into a weary world.

So speak tenderly. Do the good that is yours to do. Choose connection.

Hold onto hope. And remember that Christ took on flesh for you. You are God’s beloved. So go rejoicing. The world needs it. Amen. 

Musical Benediction    Dr. Karen Marrolli, mezzo-soprano

Postlude  Dr. Dan Cummings, piano

December 10th, 2023

11:00 am Hybrid Traditional Order of Service

Gathering and Announcements   

Prelude    Lumen      Abbie Betinis        Grace Notes

Translation: Receive this light and pass it on. I give that you may give.

Call To Worship      

Welcome to worship. 

Welcome to worship. 

I am glad you’re here. 

I am glad you’re here. 

Surely God is in this space. 

Surely God is in this space. 

I see God in your face. 

I see God in your face. 

Let us worship together. 

Let us worship together. 

Hymn of Preparation     People, Look East    202 UMH  

Preparing the Advent Wreath 

How shall we make this place a reminder of our need of repentance and that faithfulness and integrity that comes from God our maker and redeemer? 

Let us prepare the Advent Wreath: 

Lighting of the Advent Wreath                                                   

How does a weary world practice peace? 

By listening before we speak and saying sorry when we need to. 

By advocating for justice and caring for our neighbor. By practicing Sabbath and forgiving seventy times seven.

By choosing grace over hate and opening the door for each other. 

There are a million ways to practice peace. So today we light the candle of peace as a reminder and a charge.

With God’s help, may we bring peace into a weary world. Amen. 

Scripture Reading   Isaiah 40:1-11

Anthem Like Stars        Karen Marrolli       Chancel Choir

Gospel Reading   Luke 1:24-45

Scripture Hymn   Blessed Be the God of Israel     209 UMH


Response to the Word                                                          

We believe that joy is a sacred gift,

existing on a plane deeper than happiness, stemming from the truth that we belong to God. We believe that joy is not meant for isolation. Joy is meant to be shared, weaving us together in laughter and in hope. And when joy feels impossibly out of reach, we believe that part of being sacred community is leaning on one another. So together we say: I will share my joy when yours runs out. You will share your joy when mine runs out. And in doing so, we will both see God. Amen. 

Invitation to Offering

Loving God, the source of our joy, as we turn our hearts toward your Word, we ask that you would soften us. Soften the callouses on our hearts. Weave yourself in between the cracks in our spirits. And plant hope where there is room. 

And as you do this, like flowers toward the sun, we will turn ourselves toward you,

eager to hear a Word so good that we cannot help but ask ourselves, “How can this be?”

With openness and gratitude we give and with openness and gratitude we pray, Amen. 

Offertory   Creator of the Stars of Night     Conditor Alme Siderum      Grace Notes


Doxology  Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow     94 UMH

Prayer of the People and Lord’s Prayer       

God of today and God of tomorrow,

We come to you this morning 

to thank you for the way that joy binds us together.

Thank you for contagious laughter,

for inside jokes,

for stories around dinner tables that can make us laugh until we cry. Thank you for comedy shows,

for the familiar sound of a loved one’s chuckle,

and for the universality of smile lines. 

What a gift you have given us. 

Our text today reminds us that joy is better when shared, so today we thank you in particular for the Elizabeths and the Marys in our lives.

Thank you for the people who spark joy in us.

Thank you for the people who pull us out of our shells, 

who teach us how to dance and show us how to laugh. Thank you for those who declare, “Blessed are you.” 

In a moment of gratitude, we silently lift their names to you now. 

Holy God, although we know that joy is better when shared, there are days when that is easier said than done. Like Elizabeth, who stayed in isolation for months after receiving her good news, we too have a tendency to choose fear over joy. Without the help of someone at our door, we can often keep our joy to ourselves. 

So gracious God,

when those days come,

when the waters of fear rise, 

when isolation steals our joy,

comfort us.

Comfort us like a shepherd with their flock.

Gather us into your arms and carry us to safer ground

that we might experience joy in the ways you have in store for us. 

And until that promised day,

like Mary and Elizabeth,

we will do our best to keep finding one another.

Like Mary and Elizabeth,

we will do our best to open the door to one another, to you, and to the joy that connection brings. 

Together we unite our voices in hope, praying the words your son taught us to pray, saying together: Our Father (Creator)...


Family of faith, one of the ways we find joy in a weary world is through connection. The prayer of confession is a place of connection with God. 

In the prayer of confession we get to come before God with our full, messy, honest selves. And in the midst of that mess, God tells us that we are loved, claimed, and forgiven. 

There is no greater joy than that. 

So join me in the prayer of confession, not because you have to, but because you can. Let us connect with our merciful God.    

God of laughter,

God of open front doors

and family reunions,

we confess that we often doubt good news. 

We move through this world

waiting for the other shoe to drop,

waiting for life to fall apart,

waiting for our humanity to get the best of us. 

Instead of leaning into joy, we lean into scarcity.

We lean into fear.

We lean into isolation. 

Forgive us for forgetting that joy is amplified when shared. 

Heal the wounds we have from past hurts, and teach us how to throw open our doors like Elizabeth. Show us how to find joy in connection.



Faith family,

I imagine that when we come before God with the truth of our lives,

God meets us like Elizabeth meets Mary in our scripture today. The door is thrown open. There is laughter. There is joy. There is embracing—and it is holy.

So trust this; believe this:

You are claimed. You are loved. You are forgiven. And you are sent to serve. Find joy in that.



The Peace

Regathering Hymn   He Came Down      TFWS (vs 2) 2085

The Great Thanksgiving                                     

May you know that the God of comfort is with you.

And may you see the God of hope with you.

Open wide our anxious hearts!

We open them to God’s peace.

Let us give thanks and share our joy.

In this space and time, we offer God our love and praise.

The dawn of hope rests on the horizon, and beams of love reach our doubting hearts. We celebrate the newness of this season- Waiting to see how the Christ will appear in our world. Even in our despair, a glimmer of hope reaches into our twilight

Beckoning us to breathe and wait…

Our story tells us that the Christ child whose birth we anticipate, will one day sit at tables with strangers and friends, building relationships filled with love and grace.

We see this as he fed the multitude, turned water into wine, and ate with dear ones the night before his death.

He took the bread, blessed it, and broke it.

Take and Eat in remembrance of me.

He took the cup, and in his blessing, reminded them that when they sipped from the fruit of the vine to drink in remembrance of him.

Jesus. The Christ. Emmanuel – God with us.

Light of the World. The Word of Life.

No matter how we know him, or what name we call him, He is our hope, our peace, our joy, and our love. May the Spirit bless us and these elements as we commune to remember him.

For the nourishment of spirit, mind, and body, for hope that we begin to see, and for comfort from the Prince of Peace, we share our gratitude, Gracious God. Encourage us in these shortened days. Through the long nights of this season, May your hope carry us until dawn arrives again.

Through your Son Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit in your holy Church,

all honor and glory is yours, almighty God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer After Receiving 

Musical Prayer After Receiving I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light     206 UMH

Charge and Benediction                                                        

Family of faith, as you leave this place, you go into a weary world.

So speak tenderly. Do the good that is yours to do. Choose connection.

Hold onto hope. And remember that Christ took on flesh for you. You are God’s beloved. So go rejoicing. The world needs it. Amen. 

Musical Benediction     Light Dawns on a Weary World  Bringle/Rowan    Chancel Choir

Postlude  Dr. Dan Cummings, piano

ABQ FaithWorks
If you have any questions or comments regarding the missions, ministries, or worship services of Central United Methodist Church, please contact the church office #505.243.7834.

Watch our live stream on YouTube, Facebook, and Amplify.

If you would like to know more about
UMC-NM Conference happenings visit https://www.nmconfum.com

201 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 • (505) 243-7834 • www.centraltolife.org
Facebook  Youtube