Get organized: You will feel much better once you get that paperwork sorted, holiday decorations put away, and update your calendar with any upcoming appointments you don't want to miss!
Incorporate some movement into your day: Take a walk, use the stairs, race to the corner with your kids, just do ANYTHING that gets you out of your chair and gets your blood flowing.
Be kind: Keep in mind that almost everyone is going through a tough time with the events of the last 2 years. Being kind will help them and help you!
Eat mindfully: Starting diets at the beginning of the year may be too high of an expectation; thinking about what and how you eat may be more realistic. Want a second helping? Have it be fruits and vegetables!
Take care of yourself: Make time after the holidays and throughout the year for some self-care. This helps with your anxiety, stress, mental health, and can improve your physical health.
Laugh more: Laughing is not only fun, but can reduce stress, boosts your immune system by reducing endorphins, and improves your mood.
Think positive: Eliminate that negative self-talk! Being a positive person comes with medical benefits like reducing stress, lowering your risk of depression and makes you more resilient.
Thinking positively will help you achieve all of the above and more in 2022! Happy New Year to you!
Organícese: se sentirá mucho mejor una vez que haya ordenado el papeleo, guardado las decoraciones navideñas y actualice su calendario con las próximas citas que no querrá perderse.
Incorpore algo de movimiento a su día: salga a caminar, use las escaleras, corra a la esquina con sus hijos, simplemente haga CUALQUIER COSA que lo saque de la silla y haga que su sangre fluya.
Sea amable: tenga en cuenta que casi todo el mundo está pasando por un momento difícil con los eventos de los últimos 2 años. ¡Ser amable los ayudará y le ayudará a usted!
Coma con atención: comenzar las dietas a principios de año puede ser una expectativa demasiado alta; pensar en qué y cómo come puede ser más realista. ¿Quieres comer mas? ¡Que sean frutas y verduras!
Cuídese: tómese un tiempo después de las vacaciones y durante todo el año para cuidarse a sí mismo. Esto ayuda con su ansiedad, estrés, salud mental y puede mejorar su salud física.
Ríase más: reír no solo es divertido, sino que también puede reducir el estrés, estimula su sistema inmunológico al reducir las endorfinas y mejora su estado de ánimo.
Piense positivamente: ¡Elimine ese diálogo interno negativo! Ser una persona positiva conlleva beneficios médicos como reducir el estrés, disminuir el riesgo de depresión y te hace más resistente.
¡Pensar de manera positiva lo ayudará a lograr todo lo anterior y más en 2022! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
This is a great opportunity for professional development through California Lutheran University and Ability Central. Register for a new training program for staff who support nonspeaking students using text-based multimodal communication in educational settings.
The deadline for all applications is December 31st. Please register HERE
Taller Basico de IEP (Español)
Martes, 11 de Enero,
11 am - 12:30 pm
¿Que es un IEP?
¿Quien puede obtener uno?
¿Como obtener uno?
Regístrese antes del 3 de Enero y le enviaremos por correo un–Mini Cuaderno -IEP gratis (para padres que viven en nuestra área de servicio).
IEP Basics Workshop (English)
Wednesday. January 12th,
11 am - 12:30 pm
- What is an IEP?
- Who can get one?
- How to get one?
Register by January 3rd and we will mail you a free Mini IEP Notebook (for parents who live in our service area).
Taller IEP AVANZADO (Español)
Martes, 18 de Enero,
11 am - 12:30 pm
- ¿Que es una evaluacion?
- ¿Que pasa si no estoy de acuerdo con una evaluacion?
- ¿Que son las metas y los servicios relacionados?
- ¿Como resuelvo los desacuerdos con el distrito escolar?
ADVANCED IEP Workshop (English)
Wednesday, January 19th,
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
- What is an assessment?
- What if I disagree with an assessment?
- What are goals and related services?
- How can I resolve differences with the school district?
Friday, January 21st, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Start the new year with this helpful workshop presented by Disability Rights of California. Senior attorney Maria Iriarte, and Senior advocate Mary Rios will begin this important series as they guide us through alternatives to conservatorship. Join us for six more workshops concluding in June.
These workshops will be presented in English.
Martes, 25 de Enero, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Únase a TASK para este valioso seminario web donde demostrarán aplicaciones que pueden ayudar a nuestro familiar discapacitado con habilidades sociales y para la vida. ¡Nos mostrarán aplicaciones que se enfocan en el cuidado personal, las tareas del hogar, decir la hora, marcar el 911, habilidades sociales y más! Aplicable a varias edades.
Regístrese AQUI para el enlace de Zoom
Viernes, 28 de Enero, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Únete a Family Focus y Disability Rights California para esta presentación donde discutiremos las exenciones de Medi-Cal. Tambien discutiremos la pregunta: ¿Qué es la exención por discapacidad del desarrollo (DD) de Medi-Cal? Presentado por Maria Fernanda Iriarte, Abagada Senior, y Mary Rios, Defensora.
Esta presentación sera en español por Zoom.
Tuesday, February 2nd, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Join TASK for this valuable webinar where they will demonstrate apps that can help our disabled family member with social and life skills. They will show us apps that focus on personal grooming, household chores, telling time, dialing 911, social skills and more! Applicable to various ages.
Register HERE for the Zoom link.
Support Groups / Grupos de Apoyo
Parent Check In
and Chat
Join us the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month at our new time of 12:30 pm for Parent Check-In and Chat. This is a fun & casual chat where we can listen, share, and discuss what is happening in our lives!
This month we will meet on January 7th
and the 23rd.
Mamas Latinas
Grupo de Apoyo
Grupo de Apoyo para padres de niños con necesidades especiales del Valle de Antelope y Santa Clarita (en español).
Este mes nos reuniremos el 10 de Enero
a las 6pm via Zoom
Para obteren la informacion de Zoom mande un correo electronico a Mayra Lara
(661) 270-6546
Parent to Parent
Antelope Valley Support Group
Join other parents of kids with special needs. Meet new people, share your journey, get parent-to-parent support & resources!
This month we will meet on January 13th at 10:00 am
Santa Clarita Parent Chat
Connect with other parents of kids with special needs in the Santa Clarita area.
This month we will meet on January 13th at 7:00 pm
El Poder del Amor y la Paciencia
Grupo de Apoyo para Padres de Niños con Necesidades Especiales por via Zoom
Viernes 14 y 28 de Enero
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Reuniones son cada segundo y cuarto viernes del mes.
Para conectarse a la reunion llame a (818) 677-6854 o mande correo electronico a Rebeca Diaz
Filipino Support Group
Meet other Filipino families, share your experiences, and find out about upcoming events and resources.
This month we will meet
on January 24th at 6:30pm.
Parents of Adult Consumers
This group is for parents and caregivers of adult consumers (age 18+). Everyone is welcome!
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
at 6:30pm.
Dads and male caregivers getting together via Zoom to share their journey of parenting a child with a disability.
Join in to gain support, insight and resources!
This month we will be meeting on
January 27th at 6:30 pm
Cultivar y Crecer:
Grupo de Apoyo en Español
Nuestras reuniones ahora tienen lugar en Zoom
- Sea parte de esta gran familia y tomemos un cafecito juntos
- Conozca a otros padres
- Comparta sus experiencias y sus preocupaciones
- Compartiremos recursos disponibles en la comunidad
- Talleres educacionales y eventos especiales
Este mes nos reuniremos el 28 de Enero
a las 6:30 pm
Black & African American Family Focus Support Group
Join us as we come together to create a safe, supportive place to connect with other families of children, young and old, with special needs, to share resources, provide advocacy and to be part of an inclusive community.
Please note there will be NO meeting January 2022 and will return February 3, 2022
The Family Focus Resource Center is here to help families!
Pictured left: Fatima Castaneda, Theresa Quary, Rebeca Diaz, and Diana Chulak from Family Focus Resource Center SFV office, at a festive holiday event with 24 Hour Home Care. Special thanks to Kimberly Bermudez, Community Partnerships Manager at 24 Home Care, and We Rock the Spectrum Northridge for your assistance in planning a wonderful event for families.
Pictured right: Kris Gutierrez from Family Focus Resource Center Antelope Valley office, was on hand to help with the Antelope Valley Community Toy Collaboration at Eastside Union Community Center on December 16th. Many toy donations and outreach bags were distributed to the AV community. Thank you Kris!
Everyone at Family Focus Resource Center is ready to get started with 2022! We are happy to have connected with everyone virtually in 2021, but we are hopeful to see you in person out in the community soon. In the meantime, please continue to contact us and ask about resources, community events, or just to talk! Contact one of our four offices. We hope to hear from you soon!
In Case You Missed It
En Caso que te lo Hayas Perdido
We have many webinars and instructional videos available to watch on our YouTube page. Click here to see them all.
Tenemos muchos seminarios web y videos instructivos disponibles para ver en nuestra página de YouTube. Haga clic aquí para verlos todos.
We are back in our offices. Schedules will vary and appointments will be required. Contact us below if you would like to schedule an in-person or virtual meeting. We look forward to welcoming you back!
Volveremos a nuestras oficinas. Los horarios variarán y se requerirán citas. Comuníquese con nosotros a continuación si desea programar una reunión en persona o virtual. ¡Esperamos darle la bienvenida nuevamente!
CSUN: 818-677-6854 family.focus@csun.edu
Chatsworth: 818-374-9107 family.focus@csun.edu
Santa Clarita: 661-294-9715 family.focus.scv@csun.edu
Lancaster: 661-945-9598 family.focus.av@csun.edu