A Message from Rev. Paula+

Rev. Paula is away for a few days this week 
enjoying the peacefulness of the beach.

She misses you and will be back this weekend!
Drumming Camp UPDATE!
We are planning to host Drumming Camp on Monday and Wednesday, August 17 and 19 from 12 PM - 6 PM.  Two fun afternoons with drumming and dancing with Ya'Yah, art projects, games, pizza lunch and dinner.

If you would like to help out, please contact Rev. Paula.

From Bishop Hughes
NEW!!  Bishop Hughes' July 22nd Vlog  ("Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord" can be seen here.

The Voice Online may be found here.

Bishop Hughes' pastoral letter on the  guidelines for in-person worship in the Diocese of Newark can be found  here.

To read Bishop Hughes' Covid-19 guidelines, as well as other news from around the diocese, look here.

Share Your Prayers
Bishop Hughes invites all of us to do something that might be a first for us - to write down our prayers during this pandemic and share them with the diocese, as a way to help each other.  The prayers will be shared on the diocesan website in The VOICE and on social media.  Prayers can be sent to Canon Wright at awright@dioceseofnewark.org for posting. Please include the name and town of your church. 

Diocesan Memorial Wall
A holy place in virtual space for mourning and memory. 

This is a place to gather, grieve, reflect and honor the lives of those who have died during the time of the Pandemic, whether or not it was due to the virus. Because we have been isolated, and unable to be with each other to provide comfort, care and support during this time, we offer this site as an ongoing memorial, gathering the names of the dead so that they are not forgotten. 

Here, we who mourn can cast our tears into God's almighty and loving hands, whose own tears join ours, bringing us consolation, peace and hope.  To visit the wall and/or submit a name, click  here .
About Racial Justice

In this time of national upheaval, outrage, and fear, The Episcopal Church's Department of Reconciliation, Justice and Creation Care and the Office of Government Relations have assembled resources to assist individuals, congregations and communities seeking to LEARN, PRAY and ACT. 

Please use and share these resources, and send your own resources and stories to 

You can find the link to current resources here.
Read Presiding Bishop Curry's Word to the Church here.

"Seeing My Skin" Book Discussion with the Author
You are invited to an important and timely book discussion.  A personal journey of a priest's understanding of his Whiteness widens into an invitation to wrestle with larger cultural issues of race and belonging.

St. John's Episcopal Church Ramsey NJ is fortunate to be able to host a 90-minute Zoom discussion with the author, Peter Jarret-Schell and his wife, Rondesia Jarret-Schell on  Saturday, July 25 at 2:00 PMThe book can be purchased from  Church Publishing  and is available at Amazon (paperback and Kindle).  St. John's Ramsey has a few copies.  Please contact The Rev. Bill Cruse,
Priest-in-Charge if you have any questions. 

Register here for the book discussion.

FEAR NOT, Kaleidoscope Summer Online Institute

This event is for church leaders, community organizers and individuals who are seeking ways to engage an increasingly polarized and fearful world through reasonable and constructive dialogue about race relations, social justice and other important issues of our time. We are bringing together spiritual leaders to provide insight and guidance and community leaders who want to see things differently to provide gracious time and place for truth-seeking dialogue that can achieve non-violent mutual understanding.

The Summer Online Institute will take place via Zoom, on August 3 -13 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time . As always, we are offering Gracenomics pricing to allow participants to pay what they can for this event and in support of our ministry. Details about the workshops, guests and registration information is available at  www.kscopeinstitute.org/


If you happen to be driving or walking by the church, you'll see a simple way to show support for racial justice.  Stop and tie a red ribbon on the fence, joining with others in the community who have already done so.  (Ribbons are provided.)

While this will not result in a tangible change, it might just encourage someone else's change of heart, which is the first step to the kind of change that can literally change the world.

St. Stephen's Zoom Events

Coffee Hour !  
Sundays at 11AM 

Watch the service at 10 AM, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and join the fun.  We'll be around from 11 to noon.

Send an email to Rev. Paula at rector@ststephensmillburn.org by 10:45 AM that morning to request the login information.  Don't be surprised to find yourself in a waiting room.  Barbara Riedel or Rev. Paula will let you in.

Youth & Teen Resources and Events


The Episcopal Pop Up Youth Ministry is for all youth grades 6-12.  Fun events are hosted via Zoom on Sundays at 4 PM. These events include themes like Scavenger Hunt, Escape Room and Trivia Night!  

Follow POP UP Youth Ministry on Facebook and Instagram @popupym
Questions? Email popupym@dioceseofnewark.org


Our friends at Cross Roads Camp & Retreat Center are providing activities for kids and teens including art projects, virtual camp-fires and more!
For all the details, follow the Cross Roads Facebook page here and follow them on Instagram @crossroads.camp.  

Please feel free to share with family and friends who may be interested! For more details and to register, click here.

 Middle School Day Camp (completed grades 6-8), July 27 - July 31
Campers will hear a different Bible story every day, focusing on how God was present in people's lives throughout the Bible. They will then look at modern stories of people overcoming adversity and living out God's call to love. Campers will also focus on self reflection and sharing their own stories through different mediums of art, all while building community, having fun, and growing in faith!

Faithful Outreach


Thank you to all who have dropped off donations already!  Please keep the contributions coming  - and remember to check the expiration dates before sending your items.

1. Apostles' House Food Barrel - A weather-proof collection bin is located at St. Stephen's outside under the roof of the Narthex parking lot entry door.  Canned goods and non-perishable food items can be dropped off at any time and will be delivered to Apostles' House.

2. North Porch Women & Infants' Centers - A second collection bin for North Porch is located at the same door. Right now they are in urgent need of the following:
  • Enfamil 12.5 oz powdered baby formula and soy formula, and Enfamil infant (yellow label) 21.1 oz
  • Diapers especially Large sizes - 4, 5, 6, and Pull-ups of all sizes
  • Baby wipes
  • Jars of baby food - all ages- fruit, veggie and 1st foods
3. Online Ordering/Donations - If you are unable to drop off items at the church, and would like to contribute, you can make purchases and/or donations online directly to these organizations. PLEASE NOTE: North Porch prefers you use their AmazonSmile link for direct product donations.

North Porch Women and Infant Centers
Donation link & information: http://www.northporch.org/make-a-donation/#needs

The Apostles' House  Food Pantry link: 

4. Christine's Kitchen , Holy Trinity Church, West Orange
St. Stephen's will be hosting Christine's Kitchen again on August 15th.  More details to come.

Connection and Common Worship
All of the information you need to remain actively connected to St. Stephen's can be found on the website under the "Living Our Faith in a Time of Pandemic" tab on the top left.  In addition, the ways to join in worship and other activities is also available on the Events Calendar on the website, under News & Events.  Our worship services will be posted to Facebook every Sunday morning at 8 AM and will be available on our new YouTube channel. The services can be watched at any time.

Our Sunday worship service is also broadcast on HTTV (Comcast TV 36 and Verizon TV 33) at 6 AM and 1 PM.  Please be sure to spread the word to your friends and family who do not use the internet.

Audio recordings of the homilies are found here .  The bulletins can be found here.

FYI - St. Stephen's is on Facebook EVERY DAY!  Join us, and tell your friends and family!  Posts include daily morning and evening prayer, Sunday worship, Children's Chapel on Saturday, and Children's Storytime with Rev. Paula.

Videos of all the posts can easily be accessed from the Facebook video library right here.

Resources from the Diocese and Beyond
There are many, many resources available to parishes and individuals to help sustain our faith practices during this unprecedented time.  This is by no means a complete list, though it does cover many areas of need.

NEW!!! Faith@Home, a ministry of Forward Movement Publications and Forma, a ministry of the Episcopal Church Foundation, offers weekly lectionary-based readings and reflections for all age groups.  You'll find those resources here.

The Diocese of Newark has a page dedicated to pastoral messages, informational updates and directives, and resources for use by parishes and people of faith.  You'll find it here.

The Episcopal Church, nationally and internationally, has information on its website, including pastoral messages from Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry.  You'll find it here.  

The National Cathedral livestreams worship and hosts podcasts, all of which can be accessed here.

The Church Publishing Group has made available a free downloadable copy of
The Book of Common Prayer.  This is a wonderful way to encourage both a personal prayer discipline and as a support to online worship in which the liturgy is from the BCP.

Now might be the right time to sign up for a daily, weekly, or monthly devotion.  A couple of our favorites are:
  • The Society of St. John the Evangelist.  The brothers offer wisdom in many ways so please do explore their website.
  • The Center for Action and Contemplation, home of Richard Rohr.  As with SSJE, this is a rich offering of resources so it is best to explore the website.
St. Stephen's Prayer List

Please keep the following St. Stephen's family members and friends in your prayers...

Jeff Loggins
Jimmy Hasenkamp
Ian Janeczko
The McManus Family
The Blanchard Family
Donna Riggi
Bernard & Nathan
The Fitzgerald Family
Roy Williams
Jack Moreno
Stephanie Gubin
Sue Macbeth
Christine Conti
Pedro Villagran
Kenneth Armstrong
Sara Ruth Dorn
Felder Dorn


This Week:  July 26

Next Week:  August 2

Links to the Wider Church

The Episcopal Diocese of Newark

The Episcopal Church

The Presiding Bishop

Giving with Tithe.ly
Giving with Tithe.ly is easy, with options for one-time or recurring donations.  We encourage you to consider it at all times, but especially when you are away for any reason, like all of us now with the restrictions due to coronavirus.

There are two ways to do it:  thru  tithe.ly.com  or the  tithe.ly  app on your smart phone.  You'll want to search for St. Stephen's Church Millburn.  Be sure to have the correct punctuation. You'll know you're there when you see: St. Stephen's Church Millburn and the address. Once you're at the church's page, follow the prompts.  
Office Hours and Contact Information

Office hours: Until we are through this public health emergency, there are NO office hours.  Please call Rev. Paula to arrange for pastoral care or if you have any reason to come to the office. She'll work with you to figure out a safe way to manage this.

Phone: 973.376.0668  
Fax: 973.376.4002
Website: ststephensmillburn.org
Main email: church@ststephensmillburn.org
Follow us on:  FacebookInstagram and  Pinterest

Doreen Schindler, Parish Administrator can be reached at ext. 32 or

The Rev. Paula J. Toland, Rector can be reached at ext. 21 or 
She is an occasional blogger at fromthestillness.