MAY 2022
MAYO 2022

May is the month we honor all the mothers, grandmothers, foster mothers, stepmothers, and aunts! 
"To the world you are a mother, but to your family you are the world."

¡Mayo es el mes en que honramos a todas las madres, abuelas, madres adoptivas, madrastras y tías!
"Para el mundo eres una madre, pero para tu familia eres su mundo."
MAY IS.... / MAYO ES....
Cystic fibrosis is a progressive, genetic disease that causes long-lasting lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. People with CF may have symptoms such as salty-tasting skin, persistent coughing with phlegm,
frequent lung and sinus infections including pneumonia or bronchitis, wheezing or shortness of breath, poor growth or weight gain, bulky stools or difficulty with bowel movements, clubbing or enlargement of the fingertips & toes, rectal prolapse. More than 30,000 children and adults in the United States have CF (70,000 worldwide) and CF affects people of every racial and ethnic group.
There is no cure for CF, but but treatment can ease symptoms, reduce complications and improve quality of life.
To learn more about CF & find out how you can help raise awareness, please visit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Southern California chapter at their website:

La fibrosis quística es una enfermedad genética progresiva que causa infecciones pulmonares duraderas y limita la capacidad de respirar con el tiempo. Las personas con FQ pueden tener síntomas como piel con sabor salado, tos persistente con flema,
infecciones frecuentes de los senos paranasales y los pulmones, como neumonía o bronquitis, sibilancias o dificultad para respirar, crecimiento deficiente o aumento de peso, heces voluminosas o dificultad para defecar, palpitaciones o agrandamiento de las puntas de los dedos de las manos y los pies, prolapso rectal. Más de 30 000 niños y adultos en los Estados Unidos tienen FQ (70 000 en todo el mundo) y la FQ afecta a personas de todos los grupos raciales y étnicos.
No existe una cura para la FQ, pero el tratamiento puede aliviar los síntomas, reducir las complicaciones y mejorar la calidad de vida.
Para obtener más información sobre la fibrosis quística y descubrir cómo puede ayudar a crear conciencia, visite la Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, capítulo del sur de California en su sitio web:
Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a non-inherited, life-long, life-threatening genetic disorder that can causes serious symptoms, including severe muscle weakness, delayed developmental milestones, emotional & behavioral problems, and hyperphagia: a constant physiological drive to eat and an inability to feel satiated after eating.
People with PWS can be at special risk for COVID because of their tendency to have underlying respiratory conditions, high pain threshold, and temperature dysregulation that does not reliably show fever or elevated temp when they have illness.  
Prader-Willi Syndrome has no cure, but early diagnosis and treatment may help prevent or reduce the number of challenges that individuals with PWS may experience.
To learn more about Prader-Willi Syndrome and how you can help raise awareness, visit The Prader-Willi California Foundation website:

El síndrome de Prader-Willi (PWS) es un trastorno genético no hereditario, de por vida y potencialmente mortal que puede causar síntomas graves, que incluyen debilidad muscular severa, hitos del desarrollo retrasados, problemas emocionales y de comportamiento e hiperfagia: un impulso fisiológico constante para comer y una incapacidad para sentirse satisfecho después de comer.
Las personas con PWS pueden tener un riesgo especial de contraer COVID debido a su tendencia a tener afecciones respiratorias subyacentes, un umbral de dolor alto y una desregulación de la temperatura que no muestra fiebre o temperatura elevada de manera confiable cuando tienen la enfermedad.
El síndrome de Prader-Willi no tiene cura, pero el diagnóstico y el tratamiento tempranos pueden ayudar a prevenir o reducir la cantidad de desafíos que pueden experimentar las personas con PWS.
Para obtener más información sobre el síndrome de Prader-Willi y cómo puede ayudar a crear conciencia, visite el sitio web de la Fundación Prader-Willi de California:
Taller Basico de IEP (Español)
Martes, 3 de Mayo,
11 am - 12:30 pm

¿Que es un IEP?
¿Quien puede obtener uno?
¿Como obtener uno?
Asiste a nuestro taller y se enviamos un correo un Mini Cuaderno-IEP gratis (para padres que viven en nuestra área de servicio).  gratis (para padres que viven en nuestra área de servicio). 

Regístrese AQUI.
IEP Basics Workshop (English)
Wednesday. May 11th,
11 am - 12:30 pm

  • What is an IEP?
  • Who can get one?
  • How to get one?

Attend our workshop and we will mail you a free Mini IEP Notebook (for parents who live in our service area).

Click HERE to register
"Strategies for Increasing Participation & Social Engagement During Everyday Home Routines for Toddlers with ASD"
Thursday, May 5th, 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

UCLA CAN REACH Training Program presents Professor Wendy Stone from the University of Washington for a lecture on the challenges of home routines for toddlers. She will discuss different levels of participation and provide strategies for parents to increase engagement.

For more information and to register for this virtual lecture, please visit
Webinar presented by Vanaman German LLP
Thursday, May 5th, 6:00 pm

Join attorneys from Vanaman German as they discuss special education issues that families are currently facing in the spring of 2022.

Please register HERE. For more information please visit
El Programa del Acoso y la Violencia Escolar
Jueves, 12 de Mayo, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Únete a Family Focus Resource Center y Centro Comunitario de Salud Mental del Valle de San Fernando para esta presentación importante donde discutiremos tendencias actuales, información estadística, leyes contra el acoso, efectos del acoso y resúmenes de casos que ocurrieron antes y durante la pandemia.

Registrese AQUI
Taller IEP AVANZADO (Español)

Martes, 17 de Mayo,
11 am - 12:30 pm

  • ¿Que es una evaluacion?
  • ¿Que pasa si no estoy de acuerdo con una evaluacion?
  • ¿Que son las metas y los servicios relacionados?
  • ¿Como resuelvo los desacuerdos con el distrito escolar?
Asiste a nuestro taller y le enviamos un correo un Mini Cuaderno-IEP gratis (para padres que viven en nuestra área de servicio). 

Regístrese AQUI.
ADVANCED IEP Workshop (English)

Wednesday, May 18th,
11 am - 12:30 pm

  • What is an assessment?
  • What if I disagree with an assessment?
  • What are goals and related services?
  • How can I resolve differences with the school district?

Attend our workshop and we will mail you a free Mini IEP Notebook (for parents who live in our service area)!

Click HERE to register
Thursday, May 19th,10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Join the Family Focus Resource Center and San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center for this important presentation where we will discuss current trends, statistical information, anti-bullying laws, effects of bullying, and case summaries that have occurred before and during the pandemic.

Register HERE
GIGI FIT: A Physical & Social Movement for Acceptance
Saturday, May 21st, 7:00 am to 11:00 am

Join Gigi's Playhouse Simi Valley for GIGI FIT, a fun Acceptance Challenge on Saturday, May 21st. You can choose to participate in a 5K Fun Run, a 1 mile walk, or the Kids Dash for Down Syndrome. This event will be held at Rancho Santa Susana Community Park, located at 5005 East Los Angeles Avenue in Simi Valley.

For more information please visit the Gigi's Playhouse Simi Valley website at:
Register for the Challenge or donate HERE
Lunes, 23 de Mayo, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Este taller proveerá más información y les ayudará a prepararse mejor para las evaluaciones y reevaluaciones anuales en casa. Presentado por Maria Iriarte, Senior Attorney & Mary Rios, Senior Advocate de Disability Rights California (DRC).

Regístrese AQUI
In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Part 2:
How to Calculate IHSS Hours
Tuesday, May 24th, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

This month Disability Rights of California will present the second of a three-part series about In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS). These workshops will be presented by Senior attorney Maria Iriarte, and Senior advocate Mary Rios. Don't forget to join us for the remaining workshops concluding in June.
These workshops will be presented in English.

Please register HERE
Re-Engaging: Public Safety Strategies to Support Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 

Wednesday, May 25th, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Join CalTASH in celebrating their 40th Anniversary by attending their Spring Virtual Series! This second webinar will be moderated by Sheraden Nicholau from State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD), and will feature panel members Mizpah Brown-Rich from Joshua's Gift, Yolanda Cruz and Peter Mendoza from SCDD.
Attend for a minimum donation of $40 or more, and the June 20th FUNiversary event will be included!

Should you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Register HERE

¡Únase a CalTASH para celebrar su 40.º aniversario asistiendo a su serie virtual de primavera! Este segundo seminario web será moderado por Sheraden Nicholau del Consejo Estatal de Discapacidades del Desarrollo (SCDD) y contará con los miembros del panel Mizpah Brown-Rich de Joshua's Gift, Yolanda Cruz y Peter Mendoza de SCDD.
¡Asista por una donación mínima de $40 o más, y se incluirá el evento FUNiversary del 20 de Junio!

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con [email protected]
Registrese AQUI
Viernes, 27 de Mayo, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Únete a nosotros para una presentación especial donde aprenderás más acerca de que otras opciones existen antes de considerar la Tutela limitada. Presentado por Presentado por Maria Iriarte, Senior Attorney & Mary Rios, Senior Advocate de Disability Rights California (DRC).

Regístrese AQUI
Saturday, May 28th, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Come to this Feast of Memorial Day Pop-Up event happening on Memorial Day weekend! There will be lots of free food, free giveaways, music, and even Covid vaccines! Make sure to stop by the Family Focus table and say hello!

WHERE: FISH of the West Valley Food Pantry at
Congregational Church of Chatsworth
20440 Lassen Street, Chatsworth CA
with Developing Mindful Lives & The Dot Parent

Wednesday, June 15th,3:30 pm

Register early here: HERE
con Developing Mindful Lives & The Dot Parent

Miercoles,17 de Jun., 3:30 pm

Regístrese temprano: AQUI
Support Groups / Grupos de Apoyo

Black & African American Family Focus Support Group

Join us as we come together to create a safe, supportive place to connect with other families of children, young and old, with special needs, to share resources, provide advocacy and to be part of an inclusive community.

This month we will meet on Wednesday, May 4th at 6:30 pm

**Make sure to also join us in JUNE when we will have community partners visiting to speak about their programs!

Contact Theresa Quary for registration information.
Parent Check In
and Chat

Join us the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month at our new time of 12:30 pm for Parent Check-In and Chat. This is a fun & casual chat where we can listen, share, and discuss what is happening in our lives!

This month we will meet on May 6th & the 20th

Contact Diana Chulak with any questions or click here to register.
Mamas Latinas
Grupo de Apoyo

Grupo de Apoyo para padres de niños con necesidades especiales del Valle de Antelope y Santa Clarita (en español).

Este mes nos reuniremos el 9 de Mayo
a las 11am via Zoom

Para obteren la informacion de Zoom mande un correo electronico a Mayra Lara
(661) 270-6546
Parent to Parent
Antelope Valley Support Group

Join other parents of kids with special needs. Meet new people, share your journey, get parent-to-parent support & resources!

This month we will meet on May 12th at 11:00 am

Email Christy Little for information.
Santa Clarita Parent Chat

Connect with other parents of kids with special needs in the Santa Clarita area.

This month we will meet on May12th at 7:00 pm

Contact Victoria Berrey for information. To register, visit HERE
El Poder del Amor
y la Paciencia

Grupo de apoyo EN PERSONA para Padres de Niños con Necesidades Especiales.

Viernes 13 de Mayo
9:30 am - 11:00 am

Localizado en Community Resource Center, 10807 San Fernando Road, Pacoima, CA 91331

Para registrarse llame a (818) 677-6854 o envie un correo electronico a Rebeca Diaz
Filipino Support Group

Meet other Filipino families, share your experiences, and find out about upcoming events and resources.

This group will meet on Monday, May 16th.

Contact Theresa Quary for registration information.
Cultivar y Crecer:
Grupo de Apoyo en Español
Nuestras reuniones ahora tienen lugar en Zoom 
  • Sea parte de esta gran familia y tomemos un cafecito juntos
  • Conozca a otros padres
  • Comparta sus experiencias y sus preocupaciones
  • Compartiremos recursos disponibles en la comunidad
  • Talleres educacionales y eventos especiales

Este mes nos reuniremos Viernes, 20 de Mayo
a las 6:30 pm

Fatima Castaneda (818)374-9107  Sandra Baker (818)786-000
Parents of Adult Consumers

This group is for parents and caregivers of adult consumers (age 18+). Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022
at 6:30pm.

Contact Victoria Berrey for information. 

Dads and male caregivers getting together via Zoom to share their journey of parenting a child with a disability.

Join in to gain support, insight and resources!

This this group will meet on Thursday, May 26th at
6:30 pm.

Register Contact Ralph Mervin with any questions.
The Family Focus Resource Center is here to help families! 
Family Focus Resource Center is so excited to be back in the community meeting our families in person! Victoria and Mayra (pictured above left) were recently at Canyon Country Park for the Playdate & Activity Fair, joined by therapy dogs Eve and The Dude! Theresa Quary (above right) had a great time visiting with families at the We Rock the Spectrum's 5th Annual Rockin' Resource Fair & Rockwalk at Woodley Park. We love seeing our families so if you see our table at an event, please stop by for a visit!
In Case You Missed It
En Caso que te lo Hayas Perdido

We have many webinars and instructional videos available to watch on our YouTube page. Click here to see them all.

Tenemos muchos seminarios web y videos instructivos disponibles para ver en nuestra página de YouTube. Haga clic aquí para verlos todos.

We are back in our offices. Schedules will vary and appointments will be required. Contact us below if you would like to schedule an in-person or virtual meeting. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Volveremos a nuestras oficinas. Los horarios variarán y se requerirán citas. Comuníquese con nosotros a continuación si desea programar una reunión en persona o virtual. ¡Esperamos darle la bienvenida nuevamente!

CSUN:      818-677-6854  [email protected]
Chatsworth: 818-374-9107  [email protected]
Santa Clarita: 661-294-9715  [email protected]
Lancaster: 661-945-9598  [email protected]

Family Focus Resource Center 818-677-6854 | [email protected] |