
October 2024

Octubre 2024


October 2024 Workshops

Talleres de Octubre 2024

Navegador Comunitario Serie de Talleres

Martes, 1 de Octubre

12:00 pm

Navegador Comunitario Serie de Talleres, Parte :

Cómo presentar una solicitud para el

Centro Regional del Norte del Condado de Los Angeles

Únase a los navegadores comunitarios a las 12:00 pm el 5 de Septiembre, mientras analizamos los requisitos de elegibilidad y el proceso de solicitud para los servicios del Centro Regional del Norte del Condado de Los Ángeles.

Regístrese para este taller en Zoom aquí: https://csun.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvc--trz0qHNyXPOFrQGmO4RDBLvm5bUtB#/registration

Community Navigator Program Workshop Series

Wednesday, October 2

12:00 pm

Community Navigator Workshop Series, Part 1:

How to Apply to North L.A. County Regional Center

Join our Community Navigators at 12:00 pm on September 4th as we discuss eligibility requirements and the application process for North LA County Regional Center services.

Register for this training on Zoom here: https://csun.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpc-CgqT8oHNf8SdJoO5eAry0l9zguDCKX#/registration

Fundamentos Del IEP:

Preparando y Empoderando a los Padres para el IEP de sus Hijos

Martes, 8 de Octubre

12:00 pm a 1:00 pm

Esta entrenamiento mensual ayudará a los padres a aprender información básica sobre el IEP, hasta estrategias más avanzadas sobre los pasos que puede tomar cuando no está de acuerdo con su IEP. Los padres participantes recibirán una descarga digital GRATUITA para ayudarlo a crear su carpeta del IEP en casa.

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Fatima: maria.castaneda@csun.edu

Registrese AQUI

IEP Essentials:

Empowering & Preparing Parents for their child's IEP

Wednesday, October 9

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

This monthly training will help parents learn basic information about the IEP, to more advanced strategies on steps you can take when you don't agree with your IEP. Participating parents will receive a FREE digital download to help you create your IEP binder at home!

For more information please contact Diana at diana.chulak@csun.edu

Register HERE

CalTASH: Community for Learning & Collaboration

Thursday, October 17

4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Come join us for the Community of Learning and Collaboration to address ongoing challenges and discuss new ideas. All are welcome to join this group four our monthly Zoom meetings facilitated by Cal-TASH board member and CSUN Special Education Asst. Professor, Samantha Toews. We invite teachers, families, school staff, self-advocates, friends, and all community members! Our community constructs a shared space for collaborative strategy sharing and problem solving issues such as: 

  • Teaching or collaborative strategies that support inclusion
  • Positive experiences or barriers to inclusion
  • Advocacy strategies
  • Persistent issues that impact students, parents, teachers, and the school community

Please send any questions to Samantha.toews@csun.edu.

Register HERE



IPP Workshop: A Review of Regional Center Services, IPP Strategies, & Fair Hearing and Complaints

Wednesday, November 20

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

State Council on Developmental Disabilities will present this informative workshop on IPP's. They will be providing an overview of the regional center system, including available services, strategies when requesting needed services and supports, and options for resolving disagreements with the regional center, including a brief review of the appeal process and filing complaints. Presented by Sofia Cervantes.

Register HERE

Taller de IPP: Repaso de los Servicios del Centro Regional, Estrategias de IPP, Apelaciones y Quejarse

Jueves, 21 de Noviembre

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Únase a nosotros para un repaso general del sistema del centroregional, incluyendo servicios disponibles, estrategias parasolicitar apoyos y servicios necesarios, y opciones para resolverdesacuerdos con el centro regional, incluyendo un breve repasodel proceso de apelación y cómo presentar quejas. Presentado por Sofia Cervantes.

Registrese AQUI

October Support Groups /

Octubre Grupos de Apoyo

Black & African American Family Focus Support Group

Wednesday, October 2

6:30 pm

Join us as we come together to create a safe, supportive place to connect with other families of children, young and old, with special needs, to share resources, provide advocacy, and be part of an inclusive community.

This month we will have a guest speaker from the Department of Mental Health, presenting "Understanding Neurodevelopmental Disorders & the Role of Caregivers" at 6:45 PM. Don’t miss out!

For more information contact Theresa at theresa.quary@csun.edu

Armenian Parent Connection

Thursday, October 3

6:30pm via Zoom

Meet other parents and caregivers in the NLACRC area. Find out about Regional Center services and other family supports.

Please register here: Armenian Parent Connection

Parent Check-in & Chat

Thursday, October 10

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Join FFRC on Zoom for a helpful and supportive chat with other parents and share what is happening in our lives.

Contact Diana Chulak with any questions or click HERE to register.

El Poder Del Amor y La Paciencia - En Persona

Viernes, 11 de Octubre

9:30 am – 11:00 am

Grupo de Apoyo en persona para Padres con Hijos de Necesidades Especiales (español). Las reuniones son presenciales el segundo viernes de cada mes de 9:30 am a 11:00am.

Dirección: Community Resource Center LA Care 7868 Van Nuys Blvd, Panorama City, CA 91402

 Para más información llame al (818) 677-6854 o rebeca.diaz@csun.edu


AV Together We Shine Support Group

Friday, October 18


Join us to connect in-person with other families in a safe & supportive environment for families of children and young adults with disabilities. Together, we will share resources and experiences, creating an inclusive community for everyone.

LOCATION: FFRC AV OFFICE, 43850 10th Street West, Lancaster, 93534

This group will meet in English. Please visit our website to view our other support groups: https://www.csun.edu/family-focus-resource-center

To register or for further questions, email Wendy Hall at wendy.hall@csun.edu

Parents of Adult Consumers

Wednesday, October 16

6:30 pm

Monthly meeting for parents of adult consumers (18 and up) in the NLACRC area. We talk about issues related to our adult children and about ourselves as their caregivers and support people. 

Contact Victoria Berrey at

818-677-7063 or victoria.berrey@csun.edu 

for more info.

Filipino Support Group

Monday, October 21

6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Meet other Filipino families, share your experiences, and find out about upcoming events and resources.

Interested in joining?

Please contact Theresa Quary for more information.

Cultivar y Crecer: Grupo de Apoyo en Español

Viernes, 25 de Octubre

6:30 pm a 8:00 pm

Nuestras reuniones ahora tienen lugar en Zoom. 

Sea parte de esta gran familia y tomemos un cafecito juntos

  • Conozca a otros padres
  • Comparta sus experiencias y sus preocupaciones
  • Compartiremos recursos disponibles en la comunidad
  • Talleres educacionales y eventos especiales

Para más información llame al:

Fatima Castaneda (818)374-9107  / Sandra Baker (818)786-0001

El Poder Del Amor

y La Paciencia

Viernes, 27 de Octubre

10:00 am – 11:00 am

Grupo de Apoyo para padres con hijos de necesidades especiales (español)

Las reuniones son via Zoom el cuarto viernes de cada mes de 10:00am a 11:30am.

Para más información llame al (818) 677-6854 o rebeca.diaz@csun.edu

October is.../ Octubre es...

Did you know that October is National Bullying Prevention Month?

It’s aggressive, mean, and potentially life-threatening. Bullying comes in many forms, none of which are acceptable. According to a recent federal survey, nearly 20 percent of U.S. high school students reported being bullied on school property within the past year. (Fifteen percent reported cyberbullying.) October’s National Bullying Prevention Month reminds us that students, parents, teachers, and school administrators all play a role. Positive change comes as we begin to emphasize respect and inclusion on campuses across the country. Watch one of our previously recorded workshops on bullying prevention Bullying Prevention Workshop, or read what you can do to help HERE.

¿Sabías que octubre es el Mes Nacional de

Prevención del Bullying?

Es agresivo, mezquino y potencialmente mortal. La intimidación se presenta de muchas formas, ninguna de las cuales es aceptable. Según una encuesta federal reciente, casi el 20 por ciento de los estudiantes de secundaria de EE. UU. Informaron haber sido acosados ​​en la propiedad de la escuela durante el año pasado. (El quince por ciento reportó acoso cibernético). El Mes Nacional de Prevención del Acoso Escolar de octubre nos recuerda que los estudiantes, padres, maestros y administradores escolares juegan un papel importante. El cambio positivo se produce cuando comenzamos a enfatizar el respeto y la inclusión en los campus de todo el país. Aprenda lo que puede hacer para ayudar AQUÍ.

Did you know that October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month?

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that causes mild to serious physical and developmental problems.

People with Down syndrome are born with an extra chromosome & this extra chromosome leads to a range of issues that can affect a person both mentally and physically. Although it can’t be cured, doctors know more about it now than ever. If your child has it, getting the right care early on can make a big difference in helping them live a full and meaningful life. To learn more, please visit Down Syndrome Association Los Angeles HERE.

¿Sabías que octubre es el mes de concientización sobre el síndrome de Down?

El síndrome de Down es una afección genética que causa problemas físicos y de desarrollo de leves a graves. Las personas con síndrome de Down nacen con un cromosoma adicional. Este cromosoma adicional conduce a una variedad de problemas que lo afectan tanto mental como físicamente. Aunque no se puede curar, los médicos ahora saben más que nunca. Si su hijo lo tiene, recibir la atención adecuada desde el principio puede marcar una gran diferencia para ayudarlo a vivir una vida plena y significativa.Para obtener más información, visite la Asociación de Síndrome de Down de Los Ángeles AQUÍ.

Community Events/

Eventos Comunitarios

Participate in CSUN Educational Survey and Enter

to Win a $200 Amazon Gift Card!

Are you the parent of a K-12 student who has learning differences and needs academic support? We invite you to complete a brief survey on educational services designed to support children with learning differences. "Learning differences" in this context include various conditions that may affect learning abilities, such as challenges with specific subjects, attention, executive function skills, and more.

To participate, please click the survey link below or scan the QR Code:

Enter Survey Here

We appreciate your time and willingness to share your experiences, as your contribution can significantly impact the lives of children with learning differences and their families. As a token of our appreciation for completing the survey, you will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $200 Amazon gift card. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for your participation on behalf of California State University, Northridge, and the Family Focus Resource Center.

Family Focus Announcements!

Welcome our New Staff! / ¡Bienvenidos a nuestro nuevo personal!

Welcome Bonnie Kaley!

We are excited to welcome Bonnie as a Data Analyst! With 20 years of experience as an Interior Designer and more recent experience in medical billing, Bonnie brings both creativity and practical expertise to FFRC. We are thrilled to have her join us.

Bonnie can be reached at bonnie.kaley@csun.edu

Welcome Xochitl Trammell!

We are happy to welcome Xochitl as the Community Navigator for the Antelope Valley. Xochitl is a senior at CSUN majoring in Psychology with a minor in Human Lactation. She is also a certified lactation educator! Xochitl has two little girls that keep her very busy as they participate in soccer, volleyball and swimming. She also enjoys musicals, going to the beach, and participating in her community. Welcome Xochitl!

Xochitl can be reached at (818) 707-515

Welcome Toni Walker!

Toni joins Family Focus Resource Center as a Community Navigator for the Santa Clarita area. Toni is the mother of two and is currently a graduate student in the Master of Public Health program at CSUN. She is also a postpartum doula, so she loves taking care of moms and babies. When she has free time, she is outside with her kids.

Toni can be reached at (818) 707-5715

October Birthdays / Cumpleaños de Octubre

Happy Birthday Shawn!

October 6

Shawn says since his birthday falls on the weekend this year, he will most likely spend time with family and his three pets (one dog & two cats)!

Happy Birthday Eva!

October 21

Eva says that this year she plans to celebrate her birthday at home, surrounded by loved ones! Have a great birthday Eva!

Happy Birthday Kristie!

October 29

Kristie says she will celebrate her birthday carving pumpkins with her kids and husband, and getting scared with friends at the Queen Mary haunted houses.

September Events / Eventos de Septiembre

27th Annual Run, Walk, and Roll

September 15

Monica and Lordie from our Santa Clarita Valley Office attended on Sunday, September 15th, 2024, at Griffith Park. The event was the 27th Annual Run, Walk, and Roll, held at Shane’s Inspiration Playground, which was a wonderful day filled with energy and community support. Monica and Lordie say these pictures capture the spirit and success of the day so beautifully!

Early Start Playdate

September 28

Jennifer, Rebeca, Tessie & Dianajoined families for the Early Start Playdate & Support Group at the Mason Recreation Center in Chatsworth. With warm, clear skies, the day offered a perfect setting for parents, their Early Start kids, and siblings to come together!

NLACRC Unity in Diversity Festival

September 28

Theresa and Fatima attended the Unity in Diversity Festival at New Horizons in North Hills this weekend. So many families came by to receive resources to help their families and it was a wonderful day working with NLACRC's wonderful DEIB team!

In Case You Missed It

En Caso que te lo Hayas Perdido

We have many recorded workshops, webinars and instructional videos available to watch on demand on the Family Focus Resource Center YouTube channel. Click HERE to watch; make sure to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any new videos!

  • Your Right to Vote
  • How to Apply to Regional Center

Tenemos muchos talleres grabados, seminarios web y videos instructivos disponibles para ver a su convenencia en el canal de YouTube de Family Focus Resource Center. Haga clic AQUI para ver. ¡Asegúrese de suscribirse al canal para no perderse ningún video nuevo!

  • Su Derecho a Votar
  • Cómo Presentar Una Solicitud Para el Centro Regional del Norte del Condado de Los Angeles
Untitled Design

Family Focus Resource Center is available in-person or phone or Zoom to help you with your questions! We ask that you please call our offices to check office hours before stopping by. We look forward to continuing to assist you!

¡El Family Focus Resource Center está disponible en persona, por teléfono o por Zoom para ayudarlo con sus preguntas! Le pedimos que llame a nuestras oficinas para consultar los horarios de atención antes de visitarnos. ¡Esperamos seguir ayudándole!

CSUN: 818-677-6854  family.focus@csun.edu

Chatsworth: 818-374-9107  family.focus@csun.edu

Santa Clarita: 661-294-9715  family.focus.scv@csun.edu

Lancaster: 661-945-9598  family.focus.av@csun.edu

Connect with us / Conecta con nosotros

Learn More

Family Focus Resource Center 818-677-6854 | family.focus@csun.edu | www.csun.edu/family-focus-resource-center