Closed Thursday Nov. 25th & Friday Nov. 26th
The new Ghostbusters movies is out. Care to (re)watch one of the others?
Virtual Bestselling Author Program:
David Baldacci discusses "Mercy"
FBI Agent Atlee Pine’s harrowing search for her long-lost sister Mercy reaches a boiling point in this breakneck thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author David Baldacci. This program is presented in partnership with the Tewksbury, MA Public Library. Participants in this program will be entered to win a signed copy of the book.
A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants once we receive it.
We are now offering promo codes for Strawbery Banke's upcoming Candelight Stroll available for only three weekends in December. Make your reservation and then contact us for your code at 603-886-6030 or
UPDATE: Dec. 5th, 12th and 19th are STILL AVALABLE!
December's Evening Book Discussion:
Thursday December 2nd, 7pm
Goodreads Description: From Erin French, owner and chef of the critically acclaimed The Lost Kitchen, a TIME world dining destination, a life-affirming memoir about survival, renewal, and finding a community to lift her up.
Monthly Book Raffle: Enter to Win!
Last Girl Ghosted
by Lisa Unger, signed copy
through November 30th
This month, enter to win a signed copy of bestselling author Lisa Unger's new novel "Last Girl Ghosted." Secrets, obsession and vengeance converge in this riveting thriller about an online dating match turned deadly cat-and-mouse game. You can enter every time you visit the library.
How to enter:
Visit the library and submit a raffle ticket.
Email Adult Services Librarian Amy Friedman by clicking the button at left and request she enter your name. Please include your name and phone number. NOTE: You may only enter once by email.
Mittens, Gloves, and Hats Donation Drive
Bring new mittens, gloves, hats and scarves to the Reference Desk now through December.
Handmade and store bought items welcome. Donations will be given to local charitable organizations.
While you are here, admire the Mitten Tree, decorated with items made by our Friday Stitchers Group.
This week our Preschool Adventurers read Potato Pants by Laurie Keller, then made their own potato pals. Three to five year olds and their grown-ups are invited to register to join us on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 for songs, stories, and a craft.
Events This Week: November 20 through November 26
Visit our website to see all upcoming events
Page Turners:
The Last Kids on Earth by Max Brallier
Monday, November 22 @ 4:00pm
Register your child for our kids' book club! This program meets twice a month. At both meetings, we will do different activities relating to the world of the book (games, crafts, snacks, etc.) as well as discuss it. Grades 1-5. Copies are available to pick up in the Children's Room.
Next month: Star Scouts by Mike Lawrence
Adventurers Storytime: Thankfulness
Tuesday, November 23 @ 10am
Listen to stories, sing songs about fall and make a leaf wreath. Registration required. Caretaker participates with their child or children. Please indicate the number in your party.
Masks required for all patrons ages 3+ while in programs.
Sing-along at Fairview Senior Living
Tuesday, November 23 @ 2pm
Come join library staff for a sing along with the residents at The Inn at Fairview, 203 Lowell Road Hudson. Come in the main entrance, on the side of the building closest to Market Basket, before 2pm and take the elevator downstairs to the program room. Song books with lyrics are provided.
No registration required.
Tween Video Game Club
Tuesday, November 23 @ 3:30pm
Tweens entering grades 4-8 are invited to come eat snacks and play video games afterschool at the library!
Pokémon Club
Tuesday, November 23 @ 6pm
Pokémon Club returns! Drop in to play the game, trade cards, hang out, and draw fan art.
Due to COVID we are only allowed to have 20 kids at a time attend this program.
Please note: This program is only for children ages 6+. Due to the recent increase in COVID cases in Hudson, the library is requiring masks for all patrons ages 3+ while in the building.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
9am - 5pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 9am - 9pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: CLOSED