Hello FUMC family!
Check out what's happening this week at our church!
What to Expect and Ways to Reflect
October 11, 2020
Pastor Willis
A New Sermon Series beginning this Sunday

Hello Friends,
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is asked, "What is the greatest commandment?" In today's language, if we were to ask the same question it might sound like, "Jesus, what should be our main priority? What should we do to live a life acceptable & pleasing to you?" Jesus' answer back then is the same for us today ..." love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself." This Sunday we will take a closer look at Mark 12:28-34 and consider how to live out this commandment in our daily life. Our prayer focus will be The Wesleyan Covenant Prayer. This prayer was adapted by John Wesley. Wesley says that the prayer was first used in a covenant renewal service held on Monday, August 11, 1755, in London. Since then, the Wesleyan Covenant Prayer has often been used in Methodist services around the world on the first Sunday of the year. In pointing to a deep surrender of ourselves to God, the prayer speaks to Jesus's command to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength. I invite you to pray the prayer over the coming days and allow the words to challenge and transform you.

Pastor Willis

The Wesley Covenant Prayer
I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things
to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.”
John Wesley 1703-1791
Click below to go to our website to experience worship with us virtually on Sunday.
To watch previously recorded videos of worship, click on our YouTube Channel below.
Latest News
Return to Indoor Worship Begins October 18

After seven months, we are now ready to return to indoor worship! Utilizing the guidance from our Conference, state and CDC and with safety as a priority, we are excited to welcome you back. Here’s what you can expect:
Masks are required. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you. Your mask must be kept on at all times. Mask should cover both mouth and nose.
Social distancing of 6 feet is mandatory at all times. Ushers will assist you with seating to maintain 6 feet of physical space between family units. 
Attendance will be taken in case there is a need for contact tracing. 
Conference guidelines limit the number of persons to 30% capacity or 100 persons, whichever is less in each worship space. To stay within these requirements, we will provide an online sign up. This will be available starting Monday mornings at 7am. For persons who do not have computers, an option to call in will be available and slots will be held for those who call in. If one service fills up, please check for available spots in other services.
Hands should be sanitized prior to entering and exiting. Hand sanitizing stations are available at each worship space.
There will be no congregational singing until such time it is deemed safe.
Offerings will be collected via offering box stations in each worship space. No offering plates will be passed.
There will be no handshaking, hugging, or passing of the peace.
Exiting the service will be guided by ushers so that persons are not congregating together.
There will be no nursery or Sunday school groups on Sunday mornings in the beginning. These will be added as it is deemed safe to do so.
Restroom space is limited. Restrooms are available in the foyer of the Education Building and in the Praise and Worship space. No other restrooms should be used. Please follow social distancing guidelines in restroom areas.
Persons who have knowingly been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test may not come to worship until 14 days have passed from the time of exposure and they remain free from any symptoms of COVID-19.
Persons who are experiencing the following symptoms may not come to worship: fever greater than 100.4, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, chills, new loss of taste or smell, new onset of headache or muscle aches, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting.

Your pastors and church staff are eager to welcome you back; however, we realize that many of you are safer at home. The virus is still active and although we are taking appropriate precautionary measures, there are risks to being in groups. We will continue Livestreaming the 11:00am worship service so you can remain connected to your church family and have an opportunity to worship in the safety of your home. Please do not feel “rushed” to return to in-person worship. Your health and safety are a top priority for us. 
Important Reminder

As we continue to forward toward a time when we are free of COVID or at least to a time when we have a vaccine to temper the effect of the virus, we know that you are anxious to reunite with your Church family in person. We encourage everyone to continue to adapt and adjust and to be safe by wearing a mask and maintaining appropriate social distance. With that in mind, we know that anyone is capable of contracting the virus, and, that anyone is capable of spreading the virus whether or not they have any symptoms. We continue to take appropriate precautionary measures as they are recommended, but there remain known and unknown risks. So, as we increase opportunities to get together in adult or youth or preschool groups, or anytime you enter the Church or Education Building, or you attend a youth activity, a Bible study, an activity such as Trunk or Treat or go on as ASP trip, please remember that there are risks associated with these gatherings, and, that each of you must make wise decisions knowing that when you voluntarily participate in a Church activity you accept such risks; and, that you agree to assume full responsibility for all possible consequences, and, that you waive and release the Church and staff from all liability for claims relating to COVID, whether known or unknown. With these disclosures in mind, everyone needs to use their best judgment.
Kid's Zoom Meeting with Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Peters
 Our children will virtually meet on 6–630 on October 14th and November 4th. Please email Mrs. Myers at [email protected] for the Zoom link.
Trunk or Treat is going to Candy Land
Have you ever thought about how much fun it would be to walk along the Candy Land path and make your way to King Kandy's Castle? Wouldn't all those treats be yummy? How would you make it through the Molasses Swamp or out of the Candy Cane Forest?
Well your chance is about to happen....we are taking our Annual Trunk or Treat to this sweet spot for a new twist on a Fall Favorite. We are going Candy Land!! Sunday, October 25th from 4pm - 5pm needs to be marked on everyone's calendars as we bring to life this classic children's game outside in our parking lot. Join Queen Frostine, Gramma Nutt, Princess Lolly and all your other Candy Land Characters as you travel the path and discover the sweetness of Jesus! All COVID-19 rules will be observed and we will limit the number of participants on the "game board" to line up with current state regulations. All players will be required to wear a mask and come ready for some fun. Registration for this event will open on October 4th and end on October 20th. Family units will travel together and friends are welcome but we need them registered in order to follow all contact tracing requirements.
 We are currently looking for volunteers to offer up their trunks decorated in a Candy Land theme (super easy) and provide some Candy Land treats (again super easy). We have spaces for 20 trunks...if you would like to become part of our game or would like additional information please contact Kim Myers @ 336 812-1579 or [email protected]. Let's rally together to make this a wonderful experience for our kids, they are missing church events as much if not more than the adults. 
We are going to have so much fun...tis so sweet to trust in Jesus!
Northwood Birthday Club
We all love to be celebrated on our birthdays; everyone loves to hear the old familiar birthday tune sung in our honor, open a few cards, blow out a few candles and unwrap a colorfully wrapped package.
For many of the children in attendance at Northwood school, birthdays are just another day without any recognition or celebration. Well, we can't have that! First Methodist prepare to rise to the need! We are going to be joining forces with Liz Samuels and Communities in Schools to provide these precious children with "Birthdays in a Bag". Each of these birthday themed gift bags will include items needed to have a birthday party at home. We will begin collecting items on Sunday, October 11th and they can be placed in the birthday party bin located in the foyer of the Education Building. This is a wonderful mission project that everyone can participate in, we will need items from cards to cake mixes and birthday bag assemblers!! Mrs. Myers would love to talk with you more about how you can be part of the birthday club so feel free to reach out to her @ [email protected]

Celebration items we are collecting include:

* funfetti cake mix and can of icing
* birthday plates and napkins (in original packaging)
*birthday bags (large) and cards
*birthday banner or simple decorations
*card games
*smaller sized board games (WalMart sells these)
*Lego Sets
*Dollar Tree has lots of bags of fun party favors
*small bags of candy (not chocolate or anything with peanuts; suggest Starburst, Skittles, Sourpatch Kids, Gummy Worms, etc.)
 Please make sure all items are new and appropriate for children Kindergarten - 5th grade.
*Liz Samuels will add a few school supplies, an appropriate book, and hopefully a McDonald’s or Chick-Fil-A gift card.
 Until the time children return to school these bags will be delivered to their houses by Liz.
Dear FUMC members,
Even during difficult and challenging times like these, you never fail to find a way to reach out to Northwood children with generosity and grace. The pencil boxes and school supplies collected during our virtual VBS were a wonderful gift to our children. I receive calls almost daily from frantic parents asking for help to meet the needs of their children. FUMC is always there with hands reaching out to help in its loving and anonymous way, and it means the world. I know God will bless you equally in return for the many missions you fulfill in His name.
With gratitude,
Liz Samuels
Adult ASP Mission Trip
It’s that time of year again to start planning for the fall ASP mission trip!! ASP is a home repair mission program to assist low-income people in Central Appalachia. This year our trip is to Unicoi County, TN. (near Johnson City) There is a $70 volunteer fee. If you are interested in going on the Adult ASP Mission trip on October 29-Nov 1, 2020, please contact Doug Lain by October 15th at 336-471-3915.
G.P.S. Bible Study
As we continue with responsible social distancing, we know that many of you are missing Bible study with your Sunday school classes and small groups. Pastor Debra is writing a weekly Bible study that will focus on the upcoming sermon. The study is called GPS - Grow. Pray. Study. Click the link below to be taken to the Bible Study for this week. New studies will be posted weekly.

Contact Us!


Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Friday: Closed
Pastor Willis | Senior Pastor

Pastor Debra | Associate Pastor

Wesley Hudson | Organist and Director of Adult and Handbell Choirs

Pat Church | Business Manager
Office: (336) -812-4362

Mark Williams | Director of Contemporary Worship

Jason Meyer | Videographer/Editor
Office: (336) 812-4363
Kim Myers | Director of Children's Ministries
Office: (336) 889-3103

DP Grigg | Director of Youth Ministries
Office: (336) 812-4365

Megann Huggins | Director of Media, Communications, and Marketing
Office: (336) 812-4363

Stephanie Peters | Director of Children's Choirs

Sunny Lee | Pianist

Cecil Garlington | Director of Maintenance

First United Methodist Church